September 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
______________ (time) _____ Brandon Andersen _____ Kim Bolz-Andolshek _____ Mike Erholtz _____ Curt Johnson _____ Derrek Johnson _____ Susan Mathison-Young _____ Valarie Wallin _____ Chris Lindholm |
2. Approval of Agenda
Moved by ___________________, seconded by___________________ to approve the agenda as presented / amended. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
3. District Recognitions
4. Reports and Information Items
4.a. Student Council Report
4.b. Superintendent Report
5. Consent Agenda
(Although board action is required, all items listed are considered to be routine and will be acted on by one motion, with no separate discussion. In the event a board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.)
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve consent agenda items, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
5.a. Past Meeting Minutes
-- August 17, 2015, Work Session
-- August 17, 2015, Regular Meeting -- August 27, 2015, Negotiations Team -- September 14, 2015, Work Session -- September 15, 2015, Negotiations Team |
5.b. Personnel Changes
5.c. Bills Paid
-- Accounts Paid in the amount of $306,814.23
-- Construction Bond Disbursements in the amount of $2,415.80
6. Action Items
6.a. 2015-16 Worlds Best Workforce Plan
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the 2015-16 Worlds Best Workforce Plan, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. |
6.b. Certify 2015 Payable 2016 Preliminary Levy
(We are required to approve a preliminary levy at our September board meeting. This is a "preliminary" levy and the levy totals will change between now and December when we are required to approve the "final" levy. It is the recommendation to approve the "maximum" levy at this time. This language simply means that as the levy changes with updates from the State, we will be able to adjust to those changes. This "maximum" language is exactly the language we have used in past years to approve a preliminary levy.)
Option 1: Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to certify the maximum preliminary levy for 2015 payable in 2016 as calculated by the Department of Education. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. Option 2: Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to certify the maximum preliminary levy for 2015 payable in 2016 as calculated by the Department of Education for all levies except Local Optional Revenue which will be certified at __________ per pupil. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
6.c. 10-Year Facility Plan
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the 10-Year Facility Plan, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
6.d. Resolution to Close Grades to Open Enrollment - 4th grade
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the following resolution: RESOLUTION TO CLOSE GRADES TO OPEN ENROLLMENT WHEREAS, M.S. 124D.03 allows a district to limit the enrollment of nonresident pupils in its schools to a number not less than the lesser of: 1) one percent of the total enrollment at each grade level in the district; or 2) the number of district residents at that grade level enrolled in a nonresident district according to this section, and, WHEREAS, there are 133 students currently enrolled in the fourth grade, and WHEREAS, 28 fourth grade non-resident pupils are enrolled in ISD #186, and WHEREAS, 12 fourth grade resident pupils are enrolled in other districts, and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the School Board of Independent School District #186, that fourth grade be closed to open enrollment for the 2015-16 school year. Roll Call: ___ Brandon Andersen ___ Kim Bolz-Andolshek ___ Mike Erholtz ___Curt Johnson ___ Derrek Johnson ___ Susan Mathison-Young ___ Valarie Wallin
6.e. Resolution Supporting MSHSL Grant Application
(This grant would provide funding to assist with participation fees for those families whose income may be limited.)
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF SCHOOL BOARD SUPPORTING DISTRICT APPLICATION TO MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE FOUNDATION WHEREAS, the Minnesota State High School League Foundation was formed to provide support for Minnesota’s high school youth to participate in athletics and fine arts; WHEREAS, the District 186 School Board recognizes the value of students’ participation in extracurricular activities; and WHEREAS, the MSHSL Foundation is offering grants and funding to assist school districts in recognizing, promoting and funding extracurricular participation by high school students in athletic and fine arts programs. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pequot Lakes School Board supports the District’s application to the Minnesota State High School League Foundation for a grant to offset student activity fees. Roll Call: ___ Brandon Andersen ___ Kim Bolz-Andolshek ___ Mike Erholtz ___Curt Johnson ___ Derrek Johnson ___ Susan Mathison-Young ___ Valarie Wallin
6.f. Concurrent Enrollment Resolution
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to approve submitting to MSBA the following resolution statement addressing concurrent enrollment for consideration in the 2016 legislative platform. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. RESOLUTION STATEMENT BE IT RESOLVED THAT MSBA URGES THE LEGISLATURE TO: Continue the support of students in Concurrent Enrollment Courses in the Schools, by supporting current policy and practice used by Minnesota Universities and Colleges to credential high school teachers to teach courses and codify a state-wide workable policy to assure Minnesota students’ success with dual-credit courses while attending high school. BACKGROUND The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) has developed a new policy that requires high school teachers to have a Masters Degree in the content area or a Masters Degree (other area) and 18 graduate credits in the subject area. The State of Minnesota has a 30 year tradition of offering high school students the opportunity to earn college credits through multiple sources. Concurrent Enrollment Courses have done the following: -- FY 2013 - 23,583 students participated up 24% from FY 2009 -- FY 2013 - 3,859 low income students participated up 41% from FY 2009 -- FY 2013 - 2,368 minority students participated up 51% from FY 2009 The Minnesota Legislature has seen the value in Concurrent Enrollment Courses and has increased funding for students to access programming to $8.6 million. The Minnesota Legislature has created the World’s Best Work Force with an emphasis in closing the achievement gap and also closes the opportunity gap for both minority and poverty students. RATIONALE School districts in cooperation with post-secondary institutions have invested significant time and resources in supporting Concurrent Enrollment Courses that bring opportunities to students to receive college credit within high school. The Pequot Lakes School District currently has 138 students enrolled in the College in the Schools program. In the 2014-15 school year, 115 students earned 30 credits or more, saving students and parents over $660,000 in college tuition. Action by HLC will close opportunities for students to receive high quality college courses including students with minority and poverty backgrounds and thereby be in contradiction to the purposes of the Minnesota Legislature set forth in: -- Achievement and Integration -- World’s Best Workforce
6.g. Donations
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to accept donations, as presented. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote.
7. Announcements and Meeting Dates
8. Adjournment
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________ to adjourn. Motion carried / failed by a ____________ vote. The meeting was adjourned at __________ p.m. |