June 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening the meeting
2. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors/Communication to the Board (Goals 2,4)
4. Consent Agenda
- Any questions or comments regarding the consent agenda from administrators? - Any questions or comments regarding the consent agenda from the Board? |
4.A) Approval of the 5/23/23 E-Learning/Snow Plan Public Hearing, the Regular Board meeting minutes and the 5/23/23 Regular Meeting Closed Session Minutes (Goal 4)
4.B) Treasurer's Report May 2023 (Goal 5)
4.C) Invoices Payable June 2023 (Goal 5)
4.D) Personnel Recommendations (Goals 2, 3)
4.D)1) Resignation
4.D)1)a) Certified
4.D)1)b) Non-Certified
4.D)1)c) Extra-Curricular
4.D)2) Separation of Employment
4.D)2)a) Non-Certified
4.D)3) Request(s) for Leave of Absence (Beginning and end dates open to modification)
4.D)3)a) Certified
4.D)3)b) Non-Certified
4.D)4) Employment Recommendation(s)
4.D)4)a) Certified
4.D)4)b) Non-Certified
4.D)4)c) Extra-Curricular
5. Informational reports
5.A) Homer Council Report
5.B) Homer Support Staff Council Report
5.C) Directors' Reports
5.D) Superintendent's Report
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.A) Update on District Strategic Plan - Goal 1
7.B) Principal Spring MAP score Update
7.C) Recommendation to approve second read and adoption of updated Board policies, 2:110, 4:60, 5:30, 5:90, 5:125, 5:150, 5:260, 6:135, 6:230, 8:20, 3:40, 4:40, 5:285, 6:210, 8:70
7.D) Recommendation to approve Lord of the Flies book
7.E) Recommendation to approve 1.0 FTE Speech and Language Pathologist
7.F) Policy 4:60 Purchasing Approvals
7.G) Recommendation to approve the retirement of the following individual(s) subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the District's one-time IMRF retirement incentive program and to approve separation agreements with said employee(s)
-James Simko |
7.H) Recommendation to appoint Kathleen Bialek as the Principal of Young School
7.I) Recommendation to approve the 2023-2024 employee handbook
7.J) Recommendation to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and Homer CCSD 33C
7.K) Recommendation that the Board award the contract for 2023 Pavement Maintenance at Multiple Sites to Pavement Systems, Inc. in the amount of $480,796.55
7.L) Recommendation to award the bid for boiler install for Schilling School and Young School
7.M) Discussion of Board Committees
8. Discuss Future Board Meeting Agenda Items
9. Motion to go into Closed Session for Discussion of 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity, 2) discussion of collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.
10. Action after Closed Session
10.A) Recommendation to approve compensation increases for administrators for the 2023-2024 school year as identified in the personnel report.
10.B) Recommendation to approve the resolution to allow a tenure teacher to move to a part time position for one school year.
11. Motion to adjourn