September 25, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening the meeting
1.A) Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of visitors/communication to the Board (Goals 2, 4)
3. Homer Council Report
4. Homer Support Staff Council Report
5. Consent Agenda
5.A) Approval of the August 21, 2018 Regular Board meeting minutes and the August 21, 2018 Closed Session Board meeting minutes (Goal 4)
5.B) Treasurer's report August 2018 (Goal 5)
5.C) Invoices payable September 2018 (Goal 5)
5.D) Personnel recommendations (Goals 2, 3)
5.D)1) Resignations
5.D)1)a) Five non-certified resignations
5.D)1)b) One Extra-curricular resignation
5.D)2) Requests for Leave of Absence (Beginning and end dates open to modification)
5.D)2)a) Four Certified Leave of Absence requests
5.D)3) Position Recommendation
5.D)3)a) One Certified Position
5.D)4) Employment recommendations
5.D)4)a) Three certified recommendations
5.D)4)b) Six non-certified recommendations
5.D)4)c) Fourteen extra-curricular recommendations
5.D)4)d) 2018-2019 Differentiation Facilitators, School Leadership Team, and District Leadership Team
5.D)4)e) Head mentors and year one and year two mentors for the 2018-2019 school year
6. Informational reports
6.A) Directors' Reports
6.B) Principal Report
6.C) Superintendent's Report
6.D) Fall Enrollment and Local Growth Overview (Goal 2)
6.E) Alternative Learning Environment Overview
6.F) Health Insurance Update
7. Old Business
7.A) Adopt the FY 2019 Budget (Goal 5)
8. New Business
8.A) Motion to approve the notice of retirement for Deborah Kuhny, 6th grade math teacher at Hadley Middle School, subject to compliance with the applicable requirements of TRS and the District's collective bargaining agreement - effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Goal 3)
8.B) Review and approval of the EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report - School Year 2018 (Goals 3, 5)
8.C) Policy Updates and adoption: First and Second Reading of policies: 4:80, 6:60, and 7:50 (Goals 2 and 3)
8.D) Summer Scholar Position (Goals 5 and 2)
8.E) Motion to approve transfer funds from working cash fund to tort and IMRF funds (Goal 5)
8.F) Summer Contstruction Project
8.G) Proposed Hadley Middle School Security Renovation - Summer 2019
9. Discuss future Board meeting agenda items
10. Motion to go into Closed Session for discussion of the appointment, employment,
compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity and discussion of collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. |
11. Action from Closed Session
12. Motion to adjourn