October 24, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening the meeting
1.A) Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of visitors/communication to the Board (Goals 2, 4)
2.A) Recognition of Homer Mustang Baseball Team (Goal 1)
2.B) Committee Reports (Goal 4)
3. Homer Council Report
4. Homer Support Staff Council Report
5. Consent Agenda
5.A) Approval of the September 21, 2017 Special meeting minutes, the September 26, 2017 Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Hearing meeting minutes and the September 26, 2017 Regular meeting minutes (Goal 4)
5.B) Treasurer's report as of September 2017 (Goal 5)
5.C) Invoices payable October 2017 (Goal 5)
5.D) Personnel recommendations (Goals 2, 3)
5.D)1) Separation of Employment
5.D)1)a) One non-certified recommendation
5.D)2) Resignations
5.D)2)a) Two non-certified resignations
5.D)2)b) One extra-curricular resignation
5.D)3) Request for Leave of Absence (Beginning and end dates open to modification)
5.D)3)a) Two certified requests
5.D)3)b) One non-certified request
5.D)4) Employment recommendations
5.D)4)a) One certified recommendation
5.D)4)b) Six non-certified recommendations
5.D)4)c) Five non-certified extra-curricular recommendations
5.E) Review and approval of the revised job title and job description for the After School Assistance Program teacher (ASAP) (Goal 3)
6. Informational reports
6.A) Update on Facility Audit (Goal 5)
7. Old Business
7.A) Discussion of the sale of land owned by the District (Goal 5)
8. New Business
8.A) Discussion and approval of the final Audit FY 2017 (Goal 5)
8.B) Motion to accept the retirement of the following individuals subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the District's one-time IMRF retirement incentive program and to approve separation agreements with said employees (Goal 5)
8.C) Levy presentation (Goal 5)
8.D) Resolution to adopt the tentative levy 2017 (Goal 5)
9. Discuss future Board meeting agenda items
10. Motion to adjourn