September 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening the meeting
1.A) Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of visitors/communication to the Board (Goals 2, 4)
2.A) Recognition of Barnes and Noble for the Book Fair benefiting Homer 33C (Goal 4)
2.B) Committee Reports (Goal 4)
3. Homer Council Report
4. Homer Support Staff Council Report
5. Consent Agenda
5.A) Approval of the August 14, 2017 Regular Board meeting minutes (Goal 4)
5.B) Treasurer's report July 2017 (Goal 5)
5.C) Invoices payable August 2017 (Goal 5)
5.D) Treasurer's report as of August 2017 (Goal 5)
5.E) Invoices payable September 2017 (Goal 5)
5.F) Personnel recommendations (Goals 2, 3)
5.F)1) Termination
5.F)1)a) One non-certified recommendation
5.F)2) Resignations
5.F)2)a) Six non-certified resignations
5.F)2)b) One Extra-curricular resignation
5.F)3) Position Recommendation
5.F)3)a) One non-certified recommendation
5.F)4) Employment recommendations
5.F)4)a) Two certified recommendations
5.F)4)b) 2017-2019 Differentiation Facilitators
5.F)4)c) Head mentors and year one and year two mentors for the 2017-2018 school year
5.F)4)d) District Leadership Teams and School Leadership Teams effective for the 2017-2018
5.F)4)e) Seven non-certified recommendations
5.F)4)f) Nineteen extra-curricular recommendations
5.G) Review and approval of the revised job title and job description for the Assistive Technology - Behavior Specialist/Physical Impaired Itinerant teacher (Goal 3)
5.H) Authorize filing the Application for the Annual School District Library Grant (Goals 1,2)
6. Informational reports
6.A) Dr. Thomas Kersten, author of Taking the Mystery Out of Illinois School Finance, presentation on principles of school finance and understanding your tax bill
6.B) Standardized Hiring Practices presentation (Goal 3)
7. Old Business
7.A) Adopt the FY 2018 Budget (Goal 5)
8. New Business
8.A) Motion to accept the retirement of the following individuals subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the District's one-time IMRF retirement incentive program and to approve separation agreements with said employees (Goal 5)
8.B) Review and approval of the EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report - School Year 2017 (Goals 3, 5)
8.C) Motion to award the bid for the New Bus Drop-Off Sidewalk Project for Luther J. Schilling School to Hacienda Landscaping in the amount of $41,934.00 (Goal 5)
8.D) Board policy updates and adoption: First and second reading of policies: 2:260, 5:10, 5:20, 6:80, 6:180, 6:210, 7:180 and 8:70 (Goals 2, 3)
8.E) Discussion of land property owned by the district (Goal 5)
9. Discuss future Board meeting agenda items
10. Motion to adjourn