December 12, 2017 at 7:05 PM - Combined Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Roll Call
II. Public Comments and Petitions (Agenda items)
III. Presentation:
IV. Business Agenda
IV.A. Administrative: Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda Action
IV.B. Administrative: Tax Levy
IV.B.1. Adopt the Truth in Taxation Resolution Action
IV.B.2. Adopt the 2017 tax Levy in the Amount of $14,670,402 Action
IV.B.3. Adopt the Resolution to Levy Taxes for Working Cash Purposes Action
IV.B.4. Adopt the Resolution to Levy Taxes for Fire Prevention and Safety Purposes Action
IV.B.5. Adopt the Resolution to Levy Taxes for Special Education Purposes Action
IV.B.6. Adopt the Resolution to Levy Taxes for SEDOL IMRF Purposes Action
IV.C. Personnel: Resolution for Personnel Items Action
IV.C.1. Resignation:
Ms. Lauharn; Occupational Therapist; Effective: 12/31/2017 |
IV.C.2. New Hire:
Ms. Alfaro; DL, Dual Language Substitute Teacher; Effective 1/08/18 |
IV.D. Review 2018/2019 Calendar Draft
V. Superintendent & Leadership Reports
V.A. Facility Plan Update
VI. Board Discussion / Committee Updates
VII. Freedom of Information Requests (1)
VII.A. Ms. Zellers, Impact Networking
VIII. Notices and Communications
IX. Public Comments and Petitions (Non-Agenda Items)
X. Others
XI. Executive Session
1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). |
XII. Adjournment