April 28, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Establishment of Quorum
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Introduction of Guests
7. Public Comments
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Minutes of the March 17, 2014, Board of Education Regular and Closed Session Meetings
8.b. Minutes of April 14, 2014, Committee of the Whole Meeting
8.c. School Activity Accounts
8.d. Transportation Account
8.e. Bills
8.f. April 2014 Treasurer's Report
9. Presentation(s) from the Floor
9.a. Mathematics Curriculum Update - Dr. Freeman
10. Monthly Financial Report - Mr. Tanner
Updated cash flow projections for the three operating funds, education, operations and maintenance, and transportation, through March 31, 2014, will be presented. A performance report on district investments, real estate tax collections, and impact fee collections for March will be reviewed. |
11. Superintendent/Board Reports
11.a. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Gildea
11.b. Finance/Facility Committee - Sandy Bickley, Chair
11.c. Policy and Communications Committee, Teri Herchenbach, Chair
11.d. Handbook Committee - Michele Kreis, Board Representative
11.e. Insurance Committee - Sandy Bickley, Board Representative
11.f. Beautification Committee, Jason Bonds, Chair
11.g. PTO Report, Michele Kreis, Board Representative
11.h. Fremont Education Foundation - Kim Hansen, Board Representative
12. Unfinished Business
12.a. Recommendation to Approve the Amended-Final 2013-2014 School Year Calendar - Dr. Gildea
The final school year calendar, which sets the last day of school for June 10, 2014, will be presented. The district used four of its emergency closing days this school year. This caused the last day of school to be changed from Wednesday, June 4 to Tuesday, June 10. It is expected that the board will vote on approval at this meeting. |
13. New Business
13.a. Designate the Superintendent and Director of Business to Begin the Audit Process for the Current Fiscal Year - Mr. Tanner
Administration will seek board approval to begin the annual audit process for this school year. Conducted by an independent auditing firm, the audit is typically presented to the board in September or October. |
13.b. Recommendation to Adopt Proposed Impact Fee Structure for 2014-2015 - Mr. Tanner
The impact fee structure proposed for 2014-15 will be presented for board review. The change in impact fee structure reflects the 2.6 percent change in the ENR Building Cost Index from last year to 2014. It is expected that the board will vote on adoption at tonight’s meeting. |
13.c. Recommendation to Approve Treasurer's Bond Proposal - Mr. Tanner
Illinois state law requires school districts to bond their treasurer. A treasurer's bond proposal will be presented and recommended for approval at tonight's meeting. It is expected that the board will vote on approval at this meeting. |
13.d. Recommendation to Replace the Elementary School Roof - Mr. Tanner
The elementary school roof is approaching the end of its useful life. Mr. Tanner will review the proposed project and present the administration's recommendation to replace the roof. It is expected that the board will vote on approval of the proposal at this meeting. |
13.e. Recommendation to Pilot a 1:1 Classroom in the Cloud Program for Eighth Grade Students - Mr. Tanner
The concept of the connection between a device/curriculum for eighth grade students was explained and discussed at the April Facilities/Finance Committee Meeting. Mr. Tanner will present the administration's recommendation to approve piloting the Classroom in a Cloud program for eighth grade students for the 2014-15 school year. It is expected that the board will vote on approval at this meeting. |
13.f. Recommendation to Approve Apple Computer Lease Program - Mr. Tanner
The administration will seek board approval to commit funding for 3-year leases to Apple Computers. These leases include the part of the capital outlay plan to annually refresh the student mobile devices, the special education student mobile devices, and the Classroom in a Cloud student mobile devices. It is expected that the board will vote at this meeting on appropriating the funds. |
13.g. Presentation and Review of New and Revised Board Policies, PRESS, February 2014, Issue 84 – First Reading – Dr. Gildea
Board of Education, #2:30-School District Elections, #2:110 – Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers; Operational Services, #4:30-Revenue and Investments; General Personnel, #5:10- Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment, #5:30- Hiring Process and Criteria, #5:35-Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, #5:125-Personal Technology and Social Media Usage and Conduct, #5:180-Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity; Professional Personnel, #5:190-Teacher Qualifications; Students, #7:70- Attendance and Truancy, #7:140-Search and Seizure, #7:180-Preventing Bullying Intimidation, and Harassment, and #7:190-Discipline. Policies have been reviewed by the board's Policy and Communications Committee and will be presented for a second reading and recommended adoption at next month's meeting. |
13.h. Authorize the Superintendent to Hire Additional Classroom Teachers for 2014-15 School Year Per Board of Education Class Size Ratio - Dr. Gildea
Administration will seek board approval for the superintendent to hire additional classroom teachers for the next school year should enrollment reach the point of exceeding maximum class size limits as defined in the class size guidelines established by the board. Final employment approval will come before the board at the next scheduled meeting. |
14. Personnel - Dr. Gildea
The administration will recommend personnel items for board approval. |
15. Information Items
15.a. Presentation of Parent/Student Handbook - Mrs. Park, Mr. McDonnell, Mr. Kersten
The draft of the Parent Student Handbook completed for the 2014-2015 school year will be presented by the assistant principals for board review. The handbook will be presented at next month's meeting and recommended for board approval. The Handbook Committee has reviewed the draft. |
15.b. Correspondence
IASB Delegate Letter Sheriff Letter-Safety Team Mundelein Mayor Math Cup Letter Email High School Question S. Taheen FOIA - L Jarratt |
15.c. Calendar Items - President Bickley
16. Public Comments
17. Announcements
18. Adjournment