October 25, 2010 at 7:00 PM - REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Establishment of Quorum
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Introduction of Guests
7. Public Comments
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Minutes of the September 27, 2010, Policy and Communications Committee Meeting
8.b. Minutes of the Public Hearing on the Proposed 2010-2011 Budget
8.c. Minutes of the September 27, 2010, Board of Education Meeting
8.d. Minutes of Finance_Facilities Committee, October 18, 2010
8.e. School Activity Accounts
8.f. Bills
8.g. July 2010 Treasurer's Report
9. Welcome New Staff - Dr. Gildea
Dr. Gildea will introduce individuals new to the district this year. A short reception will be held. |
10. Monthly Financial Report - Mr. Tanner
Updated cash flow projections for the three operating funds, education, operations and maintenance, and transportation, through September 30, 2010, will be presented. A performance report on district investments, real estate tax collections, and impact fee collections for September will be reviewed. |
11. Superintendent/Board Reports
11.a. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Gildea
11.b. Finance/Facility Committee - David Natzke, Sandy Bickley, Co-Chairs
11.c. Policy and Communications Committee, Teri Herchenbach, Chair
11.d. Beautification Committee, Jason Bonds, Chair
11.e. PTO Report, Sandy Bickley, Board Representative
11.f. Fremont Education Foundation - Jason Bonds, Board Representative
12. New Business
12.a. Presentation of Revised and/or New Board Policies for a First Reading - Dr. Gildea
The following policies are being presented tonight for a first reading: Board of Education - Policy 2:20, Policy 2:100, and Policy 2:110; Operational Services - Policy 4:50; General Personnel - Policy 5:100 and Policy 5:190; Professional Personnel - Policy 5:290; Educational Support Personnel - Policy 7:20; Students - Policy 7:180, Policy 7:190, Policy 7:200, Policy 7:285, and Policy 8:30; Community Relations; and Instruction - Policy 6:100. The Policy and Communications Committee members reviewed these policies at their meeting held earlier this evening. Policies will be presented at next month’s meeting for a second reading and recommended adoption. |
12.b. Approval of the District's School Improvement Plan - Dr.Gildea
The district's 2010-2011 School Improvement Plan will be presented and reviewed. It is expected that the board will vote on approval at this meeting. |
13. Action from Closed Session
13.a. Personnel - Dr. Gildea
It is anticipated that the board will take action regarding resignations, dismissal, retirement, hiring, and/or leaves of absence of personnel. |
13.b. Approval to Release to the Public and/or Continue to Seal Closed Session Minutes - Dr. Gildea
Biannually, the board reviews closed session minutes for release to the public. It is expected that at tonight's meeting, the board will vote to release and/or continue to seal some of these documents. |
14. Personnel - Dr. Gildea
The administration will recommend the following personnel items for board approval: |
14.a. Accept the
retirement of Mimi Ostrow, intermediate school speech therapy teacher, at the
end of the 2013-2014 school year.
14.b. Hire Jennifer Meyer as a special education paraprofessional for the 2010-2011 school year, effective November 1, 2010;
14.c. Hire Brenda Baldassano as a fifth grade teacher for the 2010-2011 school year, effective October 4, 2010;
14.d. Hire Alan Mongin CPA as District 79 Treasurer for the 2010-2011 school year, effective October 12, 2010.
14.e. Hire Donna Pietrusiewicz as an elementary school one-day-per-week lunchroom supervisor and increase the duties of Siri Spilman from one-day-per-week to two-days-per-week.
14.f. Hire the following individuals as teacher/sponsors for the corresponding elementary school clubs: Amy Lacio and Verna Fersch - Book Club; Jessica Monte and Katie James - Dance/Exercise Club; Dianna Larson and Amy Lacio - Science Club; and Dianna Larson and Verna Fersch - Spanish Club.
14.g. Hire the following individuals for the 2010-2011 school year as teacher/sponsors for the corresponding intermediate school clubs or activities: Jacquiline Park as cosponsor, Fifth Grade Homework Club; Jacquiline Park as a fifth grade lunch supervisor; Lauren Reddish as a PM bus supervisor; Lauren Reddish and Kelly Swanson as Fourth Grade Homework Club cosponsors; Kelly Swanson as Spanish Club sponsor.
14.h. Hire Gina Ney, Stacy Begg, Marsha Dugan, Scott Park, Kathy Reilly, Don Doll, Becky Gorniack, Heather Kondorusis, Laura Wickman, Sarah Yakapovich as sixth grade trip chaperones for the 2010-2011 school year.
15. Information Items
15.a. Review of School Committees for 2010-2011 - Mrs. Coglianese
15.b. Review of ISAT Scores for 2009 - Mrs. Coglianese
15.c. Report on Principal's Coffees - Ms. Bennett, Mrs. Dahn
16. Public Comments
17. Announcements
18. Adjournment