February 21, 2013 at 10:30 AM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Minutes
I.A. Regular January 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the regular January 17, 2013 meeting.
I.B. January 17, 2013 Closed Session Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the January 17, 2013 Closed Session.
II. Public Comments
III. Correspondence
IV. Recognition
IV.A. Student Recognition
IV.A.1. Joseph Reitsma-Downers Grove South
V. President's Report
VI. Information Report
VI.A. TCD Information Report
VI.A.1. Certified Nursing Assistant
VI.A.2. Medical & Health Careers
VII. Financial Information
The Board acknowledges the receipt of the Statement of Cash & Investments and Revenue & Expenditure Reports for January 2013.
VII.A. Statement of Cash & Investments
VII.B. Revenue & Expenditure Reports
VII.B.1. Revenue
VII.B.2. Expenditure
VIII. Action Items - Consent Agenda
Motion to approve February 21, 2013 Consent Agenda Items A-D.
VIII.A. Financial Reports
VIII.A.1. Treasurer's Report
VIII.A.2. Payment of Invoices
VIII.A.2.a. Imprest
VIII.A.2.b. Ratification
VIII.A.2.c. Approval
VIII.A.2.d. Payment of Bills
VIII.B. Request for Non-member status for the 2013-2014 school year from Wilco Area Career Center
VIII.C. Skills USA Overnight Field Trip Request
VIII.D. FY'14 Short-term Rental Rates
IX. Closed Session
Request a closed session for the purpose considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal, of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.
X. Action Items - Director's Recommendations
X.A. Job Description
X.A.1. Receptionist/Business Office Administrative Assistant
Motion to approve the job description for Receptionist/Business Office Administrative Assistant.
X.A.2. System Office Administrative Assistant
Motion to approve the job description for System Office Administrative Assistant.
X.A.3. Auto Shop Parts Clerk
Motion to approve the job description for Auto Shop Parts Clerk.
X.B. FY14 Proposed ESP Starting Salary Ranges
Motion to approve the FY14 Proposed ESP Starting Salary Ranges.
X.C. Draft #3 of the 2013-2014 TCD Student Attendance Calendar
Motion to approve Draft #3 of the 2013-2014 TCD Student Attendance Calendar.
X.D. Personnel
X.D.1. Resignation
Motion to accept the resignation of full-time, Construction Trades Instructor, Elwaine W. Hardtke Jr., effective, March 15, 2013.
XI. Committee Reports
XI.A. Finance Committee, N. Wahl, Chair
XI.B. Personnel Committee, L. Panega, Chair
XI.C. Policy Committee, P. Sullivan, Chair
XII. Reports
XII.A. Information
XII.A.1. Strategic Plan Update
XII.B. Leadership Team Reports
XII.B.1. Assistant Principal for Student Services
XII.B.2. Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction
XII.B.3. Assistant Principal for Operations
XII.B.4. Principal
XII.B.5. Director
XIII. New Business
XIV. Adjournment