June 16, 2011 at 10:30 AM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Minutes
I.A. Regular May 19, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the regular May 19, 2011 meeting.
I.B. Closed Session May 19, 2011 Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the May 19, 2011 Closed Session.
II. Public Comments
III. Correspondence
IV. President's Report
V. Information Report
V.A. 2011-12 TCD Student Attendance Calendar
VI. Financial Information
The Board acknowledges the receipt of the Statement of Cash & Investments and Revenue & Expenditure Reports for May 2011.
VI.A. Statement of Cash & Investments
VI.B. Revenue & Expenditure Reports
VI.B.1. Revenue
VI.B.2. Expenditure
VII. Action Items - Consent Agenda
Motion to approve June 16, 2011 Consent Agenda Items A- I
VII.A. Financial Reports
VII.A.1. Treasurer's Report
VII.A.2. Payment of Invoices
VII.A.2.a. Imprest
VII.A.2.b. Ratification
VII.A.2.c. Approval
VII.A.2.d. Payment of Bills
VII.B. Rehiring of Educational Support Personnel
VII.C. Rehiring of Tenured Certified Staff Members
VII.D. Payment of Bills - June 30, 2011
VII.E. Payment of SELF Insurance, Utilities, Textbooks, and Building Renovation Bills- July 2011
VII.F. Bid #11-104 Parking Lots Seal Coating
VII.G. Prevailing Wages Resolution
VII.H. Personnel
VII.H.1. Appointments
VII.H.2. Resignations
VII.H.3. Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel
VII.I. Donations
VIII. Action Items - Director's Recommendations
VIII.A. District #204 Expansion Pilot Program
Motion to allow the Director to proceed with the District 204 Expansion.
VIII.B. Crayton Academy
Motion to allow the Director to finalize contract between DAOES and Crayton Academy.
VIII.C. Truck Driving School
Motion to allow the Director to finalize the contract between DAOES and the Truck Driving School.
VIII.D. Job Description-Marketing Assistant
Motion to approve the job description for Marketing Assistant, as presented.
VIII.E. Personnel
VIII.E.1. Reinstatement of Accounting Clerk/Switchboard/Receptionist Position
Motion to reinstate the previously eliminated position of Accounting Clerk/Switchboard/Receptionist Position.
VIII.E.2. Educational Support Personnel- Non-Instructional
VIII.E.2.a. Registrar
Motion to appoint Julie Massa to the position of full- time school year, Registrar/Clerk, effective July 25, 2011.
VIII.E.2.b. Marketing Assistant
Motion to appoint a full-time school year Marketing Assistant, effective August 15, 2011
IX. Committee Reports
IX.A. Finance Committee, N. Wahl, Chair
IX.A.1. Notice of Public Hearing
Motion to place the tentative DAOES FY'12 Budget on display at the Technology Center of DuPage and schedule a public hearing on the budget for August 18, 2011, at 10:30 a.m., in Rooms E & F of the Technology Center of DuPage.
IX.B. Personnel Committee, T. Wierenga, Chair
IX.B.1. Director's Goals
IX.B.2. Board of Directors Self-Evaluation
IX.C. Policy Committee, M. Biniewicz, Chair
IX.C.1. Policies on Second Reading
Motion to adopt policies: 2:20; 2:105; 2:130; 2:140; 4:80; 5:30; 5:130; 5:185; 6:250; 6:255; 8:10; 8:95; and 8:110 on second reading.
X. Reports
X.A. Discussion
X.B. Information
X.C. Dean of Students
X.D. Assistant Principal
X.E. Principal
X.F. Director
XI. New Business
XI.A. Recognition
XI.B. Installation of Board Officers and Recognition of Outgoing Board President
XI.C. Reorganization Consent Agenda
Motion to approve Reorganization Consent Agenda Items 1-16.
XII. Closed Session
Request a closed session for the purpose considering information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal, of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.
XIII. Adjournment