Monday, September 19, 2022 Immediately following Public Budget Hearing - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
II. Citizen's Comments (Limited to Agenda Items)
III. Superintendent's Report
IV. Board Reports
V. Board Comments
VI. Recommended Actions
VI.A. Approval of the FY23 Budget
VI.B. Approval to uphold the 10-day suspension and provide alternate placement in lieu of expulsion for student #2022-1
VI.C. Approval of an unpaid leave of absence through October 17, 2022 for employee #2022-2
VI.D. Approval to hire Cheyene Gordenski as a long-term substitute for Brookwood SD 167 FY23 at a daily long-term substitute rate of $165/day
VI.E. Approval to hire Rodney Montgomery as a long-term substitute for Brookwood SD 167 FY23 at a daily long-term substitute rate of $165/day
VI.F. Approval to hire Colin Schreiber as a Computer Technician with Brookwood SD 167 for FY23 at a rate of $19.50 per hour according to the USA Salary Schedule
VI.G. Approval to hire Delorean Cameron as Accounts Payable Clerk at District Office at a salary of $50,000
VI.H. Approval to provide a stipend to all USA/GEA staff for full completion of mandated trainings via GCN by October 17, 2022
VI.I. Approval to allocate Title Funds for the 2022-2023 school year as appropriated by ISBE for intervention programs, instructional programs, district curriculum programs, professional development, SEL services/supports, technology integration and family engagement (in alignment with school improvement plans and ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act)
VI.J. Approval of a contract with Zeller and Associates, LLC for FY23 for the successful filing of E-Rate Reimbursement for Brookwood School District 167 with the understanding that the payment for these services is 5% of the actual funding received and a one-time $750 fee to be paid upon approval of contract
VI.K. Approval to contract with Utermark & Sons Lawn Care for Longwood Elementary School for the remainder of the year at a cost of $870 per month through November and $960 per month; from April 2023 to November 2023
VI.L. Approval to install a Card Reader from Video and Sound Service, Inc. at Longwood Elementary, Door 6, at a cost of $4,716.69 to provide safe access to new Pre-K Playground
VI.M. Approval to purchase additional camera coverage for safety and security at our schools through Sentinel Technologies, Inc. at a cost of $24,230.00 funded by ESSER Grants
VI.N. Authorization for Application for FY23 School Maintenance Project Grant
VI.O. Approval to replace the windows at District Office by J&F Chiattello Construction, Inc. at a cost of $32,625.00 ($11,000 from Roofing Project Allowance)
VI.P. Approval to purchase an additional Commercial Zero Turn Lawn Mover and Plow Package from Ricco's Repair Service using Bid Assist for a Discounted Total Cost of $9,810.00
VI.Q. Approval to purchase Display Cases from Frank Cooney at a cost of $40,950.00 for Brookwood Junior High School main hallway
VI.R. Approval of the September Accounts Payable Pre-List in the amount of $2,346,949.27; Imprest Account in the amount of $120.00; and Total Payroll in the amount of $620,583.98 for a Grand Total of $2,967,653.25
VI.S. Approval of the August 15, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
VII. Citizen's Comments (Limited to 5 minutes)
VIII. Adjournment