February 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Education of School District 89 Maywood- Melrose Park- Broadview will come to order at _________ p.m. on February 9, 2023.
2. Roll Call
Upon roll call, the following members responded as present: Bonilla-Lopez___ Dahly___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognitions
5. Statement Regarding Public Comment
If you intend to speak, please fill out completely a "Questions and Comments Form" and present it to the Superintendent's Executive Administrative Assistant at this time. The Board will hear comments related to the agenda. The Board will hear comments not related to the agenda, however, these comments may be forwarded to the Superintendent or to the School Principal for an individual response. Please remain seated until you are called. Comments will be limited to three minutes. |
6. Acceptance of Comments or Questions from Audience
7. President's Report
7.A. District Leadership Instructional Team
7.B. Education Committee
7.C. Finance Committee
7.D. Policy Committee
7.E. Parent Advisory Committee
7.F. IASB Resolutions
8. Superintendent's Report
8.A. Administrative Updates
8.B. Bilingual Program Update
8.C. Assessment and Grants
8.D. Curriculum
8.E. Student Services Update
8.F. Human Resources
8.G. FOIA Updates
8.G.1) Received and completed FOIA request from Nathan Mihelich, from the Illinois Retired Teachers Association, requesting specific information regarding any certified staff who are retiring this year.
8.G.2) Received and completed FOIA request from Dorothy Fairman,requesting specific information on Statewide proficiency scores.
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Retire to Closed Session
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, that the Board retire into Closed Session at ______________ p.m. for the purpose of: |
11.A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
11.B. Discussion of minutes of meeting lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21).
When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez___ Dahly___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared ______________. |
12. Board to Reconvene to Regular Session
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by ______________, to reconvene the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education at __________ p.m. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez ___ Dahly ___ Giron___ Macias____ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams ___ The motion was declared _____________. |
13. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
13.A. Approval of Meeting Minutes
13.A.1) January 12, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Open Session
13.A.2) January 12, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Closed Session
13.B. Approval of Personnel Items
13.B.1) Appointment of Certified Personnel
13.B.2) Certified Resignations
13.B.3) Certified Request for Leaves
13.B.4) Certified Transfers
13.B.5) Certified Retirees
13.B.6) Termination of Employees
13.B.7) Educational Support Personnel Transactions
13.B.8) Volunteers/Student Teachers
13.B.9) Salary Adjustments/Title Change
13.B.10) Removal of Tenure Teachers
13.B.11) Non-Renewal of Probationary Teachers
13.B.12) Stipend Based Appointments
13.C. Approval of February 9, 2023 Bills/Payroll
13.D. Approval of the Advance Check List
13.E. Approval of Policies: 2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest, 2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban, 2:150 Committees, 2:210 Organizational Board of Education Meeting, 2:250 Access to Public Records, 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure, 3:10 Goals and Objectives, 4:10 Fiscal and Business Management, 4:55 Use of Credit and Procurement Cards, 4:140 Waiver of Student Fees, 4:165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors, 5:120 Employee Ethics, Code of Professional Conduct and Conflict of Interest, 5:170 Copyright, 5:190 Teacher Qualifications, 5:20 Workplace Harassment, 5:220 Substitute Teachers, 5:250 Leave of Absence, 5:260 Student Teachers, 5:280 Duties and Qualification, 5:320 Evaluation, 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays and Leaves, 6:15 School Accountability, 6:20 School Calendar and Day, 6:250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers, 6:255 Assemblies and Ceremonies, 6:50 School Wellness, 6:60 Curriculum Content, 6:65 Student Social and Emotional Development, 6:260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs, 6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program, 6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program, 7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools, 7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students, 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, 7:190 Student Discipline, 7:250 Student Support Services, 7:285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program, 7:290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention, 7:340 Student Records
13.F. Approval of BlueCross BlueShield Medical, Dental and Life Insurance Premiums
13.G. Motion: I move that the Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda.
A motion was made by ____________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Consent Agenda. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez____ Dahly___ Giron___ Macias____ Parker ___ Rivers____ Williams____ The motion was declared____________________. |
14. Motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Village of Broadview.
A motion was made by _________________, seconded by ______________, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Village of Broadview. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez___ Dahly___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared _________________. |
15. Motion to approve to terminate the employment of Support Staff Employee #9473, for cause, effective immediately.
A motion was made by _________________, seconded by ______________, to approve to terminate the employment of Support Staff Employee #9473, for cause, effective immediately. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez___ Dahly___ Giron___ Macias___ Parker___ Rivers___ Williams___ The motion was declared _________________. |
16. Motion for Adjournment
Motion: I move that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education be adjourned. A motion was made by _________________, seconded by __________________, that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education be adjourned at ___________p.m. When the question was called, the following vote resulted: Bonilla-Lopez ___ Dahly___ Giron___ Macias____ Parker ___ Rivers ___ Williams___ The motion was declared________________. |