March 6, 2025 at 4:40 PM - Policy Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Policies to be Discussed for April's Board Consent Agenda
I.A. Policy 507 - Corporal Punishment (last reviewed 7/10/2014 - MSBA revised 5.2024)
I.B. Policy 508 -Extended School Year for Certain Students with Individualized Education Programs (last reviewed 5/11/17 - MSBA revised 6.2022 with minor changes)
I.C. Policy 510 - School Activities (no MSBA changes - last reviewed 1/9/2020)
II. Policies Following Regular Review Process for First Reading at April's Board Meeting
II.A. Policy 511 NB - Fund-Raising and Solicitation (last reviewed 7.10.2014 - MSBA last revision was in 2003, NBAPS adopted the policy in 2004 with NB revisions)
II.B. Policy 512 NB - School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities (last reviewed 7.10.14 - MSBA rev. 2.14.25 - NB revision in 2014)
II.C. Policy 613 - Graduation Requirements (last reviewed 2.14.2019)
III. Topic for Discussion
III.A. Graduation Ceremony