January 11, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Organizational School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Consider Nomination and Election of Officers (all votes are public)
IV.A. Chair - Last year - MacMillan
IV.B. Vice Chair - Last year - Grovender
IV.C. Clerk - Last year - Naegele
IV.D. Treasurer - Last year - LaValla
V. Consider Setting of Board Salary
V.A. Officers: Chair: $800 annually; Vice Chair: $500 annually; Clerk: $500 annually; and Treasurer: $300 annually
V.B. Currently $60 per meeting and $125 for an all day meeting (four hours or more) |
VI. Consider Designation of Official Newspaper
VII. Consider Appointment of Law Firm - Kennedy & Graven, Chartered and other legal support as needed
VIII. Consider Designation of Official Depositories - Wells Fargo Bank, Associated Bank, MN Trust Bank, and Neighborhood National Bank
IX. Consider Delegation of Authority to Make Electronic Funds Transfers on Behalf of the School District. Designate Todd Tetzlaff, Jenna Battaglia, Jennifer Thompson, Christine Lundgren, and Angela Nelson
X. Consider Board Meeting Dates
XI. Consider Appointment of Board Committee Representatives
XII. Consider Authorization, if needed, to use current check signer plate until new plate is processed
XIII. Consider Resolution Providing Limited Authorization for the Superintendent and Director of Business Services to Sign Contracts
XIV. Adoption of School Board Policy Book
XV. Adjournment to the Regular Meeting