Tuesday, October 17, 2023 5:30 P.M. - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Regular Session 5:30 P.M.
2. Call-to Order-Pledge-Vision & Mission-Invocation
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. Approval of the Minutes for September 19, 2023
5. Public Comments
6. Superintendent Update
6.1. Recognizing all Principals
6.2. Student Attendance
6.3. Teacher Attendance
7. Athletic Facilities Presentation
8. Consideration of TES Building Request
9. 16th Section (Goal 4)
10. Approval of Payroll Cutoff Dates for November and December 2023
11. Approval to Change Board Date from November 21, 2023 to November 16, 2023
12. Approval to Change Board Date from December 19, 2023 to December 12, 2023 or December 14, 2023
13. Approval of Contractor Pay Application #009 - Districtwide Restrooms
14. Approval of Contractors Pay Application #004 - THS HVAC Renovations
15. Approval of Architects Invoice #202172C-11 Districtwide Restroom Renovation
16. Approval of Architects Invoice # 202172D-05 THS HVAC Renovation
17. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. William Joel Lofton
18. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. Brumfield (same event with change of location)
19. Acceptance of Walmart Grant
20. Transportation
20.1. Bus Purchases
20.2. Truck Purchases Discussion
20.3. Approval of Transfer of Fund Balance
21. Personnel (Goal 3)
21.1. Approval of Recommendation for THS Secretary FY 23-24
21.2. Approval of Recommendation for Part-Time Certified Special Education Teacher FY 23-24
21.3. Approval of Recommendation for Child Nutrition Substitutes for FY 23-24
21.4. Approval of Recommendation for Transportation Substitute Bus Drivers FY 23-24
21.5. Approval of WCCTC Retirement
21.6. Approval of Substitutes for October 2023
22. Consent Agenda
22.1. Approval of MOU between WCSD and Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources
22.2. Approval of Close Out and Conversion Services
22.3. Approval of Safety Plans FY 23-24
22.3.1. Dexter
22.3.2. Salem
22.3.3. TPS
22.3.4. TES
22.3.5. THS
22.3.6. WCCTC
22.4. Approval of Fixed Assets Deletions 10/17/2023 (Goal 4)
22.5. Approval of Fund Raiser (Goal 2)
22.5.1. Dexter
22.5.2. TPS
22.5.3. THS
22.6. Approval of Bus Turnaround
22.6.1. Bus Turnaround - 1
22.6.2. Bus Turnaround - 2
22.6.3. Bus Turnaround - 3
22.6.4. Bus Turnaround - 4
22.6.5. Bus Turnaround - 5
22.6.6. Bus Turnaround - 6
22.6.7. Bus Turnaround - 7
22.7. Approval of Student Travel
22.7.1. Dexter/Salem/TPS
22.7.2. Salem/THS
22.7.3. Salem
| Student Travel - 1
| Student Travel - 2
22.7.4. TES
22.7.5. THS
| Student Travel -1
| Student Travel - 2
| Student Travel - 3
| Student Travel - 4
22.8. Approval of Building Request for Dexter
23. FYI
23.1. Staff Travel for October 2023
24. Adopt Financial (Goal 4)
24.1. Approval of Revised July 2023 Financial Statements
24.2. Financial Statement for August 31, 2023
24.3. Board Docket October 17, 2023 (Claim # 49252 - 49400)
24.4. Pre-approved Docket (Claim # 620054 - 620225)
25. Consideration of an Executive Session
25.1. Approval of Student Transfer - Child Care (Goal 2)
26. Adjourn