September 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Regular Session 5:30 P.M.
2. Call-to Order-Pledge-Mission & Vision-Invocation
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. Approval of the Minutes for August 15, 2023
5. Public Comments
6. Board Book Study
7. Superintendent Update
7.1. Student Attendance Report
7.2. Perfect Score
7.3. Schedule Board Visits for Fall Semester
7.4. Schedule Work Session for Discussion of Athletic Improvement Needs
8. 16th Section (Goal 4)
9. Approval of Change Order #1 - Districtwide Restroom Renovation
10. Approval of Change Order #2 - THS Restroom Renovations
11. Approval of Construction Change Directive #1 - THS HVAC Renovation
12. Approval of Certificate of Substantial Completion - THS Restroom Renovation
13. Approval to Pay Contractor Invoice #014 - THS Restroom Renovation
14. Approval to Pay Contractor Invoice #015 - THS Restroom Renovation
15. Approval to Pay Contractors Invoice #008 - Districtwide Restroom Renovations
16. Approval of Contractors Pay Invoice #003 - THS HVAC Renovations
17. Approval of Architects Invoice #202172D-04 - THS HVAC Renovations
18. Approval of Architects Invoice #202172B-13 - THS Restroom Renovation
19. Approval of Architects Invoice #202172C-10 - Districtwide Restroom Renovation
20. Approval of Workers Compensation Insurance
21. Approval of Corrected 16th Section Interest Transfer
22. Approval of Budget Amendment
23. Approval of Maintenance Truck Purchase
24. Approval to Submit Technology RFP
25. Personnel (Goal 3)
25.1. Approval of Certified Personnel Recommendation by Personnel Committee FY 23-24
25.1.1. Certified Recommendation - 1
25.1.2. Certified Recommendation - 2
25.2. Approval of Dexter Recommendation for Archery Sponsor FY 23-24
25.3. Approval of Recommendation for Certified SPED Retired (Inclusion Teacher)
25.4. Approval of Recommendation for Distance Learning Teachers FY 23-24
25.5. Approval of Revised Supplements FY 23-24
25.6. Approval of Recommendations for Athletic and Activity Supplements for Coaches FY 23-24
25.6.1. Salem
25.6.2. THS
25.7. Approval of Recommendation for Substitute Bus Drivers FY 23-24
25.8. Approval of Food Service Recommendation FY 23-24
25.9. Approval of Substitutes for September 2023
26. Consent Agenda
26.1. Approval of Bids for WCCTC and Transportation
26.2. Approval of Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit MOA between WCSD and SMCC
26.3. Approval of MOU by MS State Department of Health
26.4. Approval of IDEA and Pre-School Budget FY 23-24
26.5. Approval of Collaborative Agreement with USM
26.6. Approval of District Test Security Plan FY 23-24
26.7. Approval of Professional Learning Plan Standard 15
26.8. Approval of Mult-tiered System (MTTS) Procedural Manual
26.9. Approval of Uniform Service
26.10. Approval of Job Descriptions
26.10.1. McKinney-Vento District Level Homeless Liaison
26.10.2. McKinney-Vento School Site Level Homeless Liaison
26.11. Approval of Fixed Assets Deletions 9/19/2023
26.12. Approval of Bus Turnarounds
26.12.1. Bus Turnaround - 1
26.12.2. Bus Turnaround - 2
26.13. Approval of Fund Raiser
26.13.1. Salem
26.13.2. TPS
26.13.3. WCCTC
26.14. Approval of Donation
26.14.1. Salem
26.14.2. Salem and THS ( Girls Softball)
26.15. Approval of Building Request
26.15.1. Salem
26.15.2. THS
26.15.3. WCCTC
26.16. Approval of Student Travel
26.16.1. Dexter
26.16.2. Salem
26.16.3. TPS
26.16.4. THS
27. FYI
27.1. Staff Travel
28. Adopt Financial (Goal 4)
28.1. Financial Statements for July 31, 2023
28.2. Board Docket September 19, 2023 (Claim # 49097-49251)
28.3. Pre-approved Docket September 8, 2023 (Claim # 619953-620052)
29. Consideration of an Executive Session
29.1. Certified Resignations
29.1.1. Certified Resignation - 1
29.1.2. Certified Resignation - 2
30. Adjourn