June 10, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
To discuss in closed session and to take action in open session:
II.A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees/coaches.
II.B. Semi-Annual review of all closed minutes.
It is my recommendation that the Board approve the agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Education of Wilmington Community School District No. 209-U, for Monday, June 10, 2024.
It is Mr. Feeney's recommendation that you approve Proclamations that will be presented to Jeannine Bejlovec, 2024 Illinois High School Cheerleading Coaches Organization hall of fame, WMS Track and Field I.E.S.A. Class 3A State Medalists and coaches, and the WHS Varsity Baseball Team and coaches for placing 3rd in state at the I.H.S.A. state 2A Baseball Finals.
VII.A. Approval of Minutes
It is my recommendation that you approve the following minutes as presented:
VII.A.1. Regular Minutes of May 13, 2024
VII.A.2. Closed Minutes of May 13, 2024
VII.A.3. Semi-annual review of all closed minutes
VII.B. Administrators' Reports
It is my recommendation that you approve the Building Principals', Technology Coordinator's, Finance Report, Curriculum Director's, and Superintendent's Reports, as presented.
VII.B.1. Building Principals' Reports
There are no written reports or oral reports this month from the Building Principals.
Mrs. Beth Norman Mrs. Casey Orellano Mr. Adam Spicer Mr. Scott Maupin |
VII.B.2. Technology Coordinator's Report
Mr. Mark Langusch
VII.B.3. Curriculum Director's Report
Mr. Matt Swick
VII.B.4. Superintendent's Report
1. Illinois Freedom of Information Act Report: None at this time.
2. As of June 10, 2023 we had received 9.49% of our 2022 levy. As of June 10, 2024 we had received 5.32 % of our 2023 levy. 3. Fund Balances as of May 31, 2024: See attachment. |
VII.C. Treasurer's Report
It is my recommendation that you approve the Treasurer's Report for the month of May 2024, as presented.
VII.D. Bills and Payroll
It is my recommendation that you approve the Bills and Payroll Deductions for the month of June, and authorize the payment of any bills to close out the fiscal year, and for the July bills to be ratified in August.
We will also have checks at the end of the month for the transfer of Working Cash interest for June. |
VII.E. Imprest Fund
It is my recommendation that you approve the Imprest Fund checks as presented, for the month of June 2024.
VII.F. Monthly Financial Report
It is my recommendation that you approve the Monthly Financial Report as presented, for May 2024.
VII.G. Student Activity Fund Reports
It is my recommendation that you approve the Student Activity Fund Reports as presented for May 2024.
VII.H. Additions to the 2023-2024 Support Staff Substitute List
It is my recommendation that you approve the following Additions to the 2023-2024 Support Staff Substitute Lists: There are none at this time.
VII.I. Fundraisers
It is my recommendation that you approve the following Fundraisers:
VII.J. Facility Use
It is my recommendation that you approve the following Facility Use Requests:
VII.K. Donations
It is my recommendation that you accept the following donations:
None at this time. |
VII.L. Sale or Disposal of Property No Longer Needed for School Purposes
It is my recommendation that you approve the Disposal of Property No Longer Needed for School Purposes: Please see attached
VII.M. Adopt Resolution 5-24 Public Hearing of Tentative Budget
It is my recommendation that you adopt Resolution 5-24, as presented.
VII.N. Adopt Resolution No.6-24 Designate Interest Received as Interest for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
It is my recommendation that you approve a resolution designating interest accruing during the current fiscal year and all interest from prior years to be treated as interest going forward into the next fiscal year.
Background: Pursuant to regulatory changes in the Illinois Administrative Code (23 IL. Administrative Code 100.50), effective July 1, 2008 the Illinois State Board of Education requires that: "Unless otherwise provided by statute or specified by board resolution adopted prior to June 30 of a fiscal year, interest earnings shall be added to and become part of principal as of June 30 of the fiscal year." Therefore, in order to preserve the District’s option to transfer accrued interest from one fund to another, the Board will have to act at least once a year by doing one or both of the following: (1) pass a resolution transferring interest; or (2) pass a resolution designating interest accruing during the current fiscal year and all interest from prior years to still be interest going forward. This resolution is an annual resolution, similar to the annual Prevailing Wage Act resolution. Therefore, this resolution is listed on the consent agenda and will be brought forward in the future on the consent agenda at the same time as the Prevailing Wage resolution. |
VII.O. Adopt Resolution No. 7-24 Permanent Transfer of Working Cash Fund Interest to Education Fund
It is my recommendation that you approve the permanent transfers of Working Cash Interest collected in FY2022 to the Education Fund.
Budget: $20,000 Education Fund from Working Cash As of May 31st, we have collected $57,869.73 in working cash interest. |
VII.P. Approve the 2024-2025 Student Accident Insurance through ESIC/Gerber Life Insurance Company
It is my recommendation that you approve the Student Accident Insurance coverage through ESIC/Gerber Life Insurance Company for 2024-2025.
VII.Q. Approve Superintendent's Membership to IASA, ASCDA and IASBO for the 2024-2025 School Term
It is my recommendation that you approve my membership to IASA, ASCDA and IASBO for the 2024-2025 School Term.
VII.R. Approve Threat Assessment Teams and Plans for the 2024-2025 school year
It is my recommendation that you approve the Threat Assessment Teams and Plans for the 2024-2025 school year.
VII.S. Approve 2024-2025 Treasurer's Bond #22424 in the amount of $4,504,301.63.
It is my recommendation that you approve the 2024-2025 Treasurer's Bond #22424 in the amount of $4,504,301.68.
There is a Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented:
VIII.A. Approve Consent Agenda Items
It is my recommendation that you approve the Consent Agenda Items.
VIII.B. Personnel
VIII.B.1. Resignations or Terminations
VIII.B.1.a. One SIS Principal
It is Mr. Feeney’s recommendation that you approve the resignation from the Stevens Intermediate School Principal, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
VIII.B.1.b. One 3rd Grade Teacher
It is Mr. Feeney’s recommendation that you approve the resignation from School Principal at L.J. Stevens Intermediate School, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
VIII.B.1.c. One SIS Custodian
It is Mr. Feeney’s recommendation that you approve the resignation from a SIS Custodian, which became effective on May 30, 2024.
VIII.B.1.d. Employee #2024-001
Mr. Feeney recommends that you approve the termination of employment for employee number 2024-001 for the reasons discussed in the closed session.
VIII.B.2. Retirements
VIII.B.3. Leaves of Absence
VIII.B.4. Reassignments
VIII.B.5. Recommendations for Employment
VIII.B.5.a. Approve Employment of District Office Consultant
Mr. Feeney recommends that you approve the employment of a District Office Consultant on an hourly basis, during the 2024-2025 school year for up to 360 hours or the equivalent of 45 full days. His services will only be requested by the Superintendent, and/or the Assistant Superintendent. The hourly pay rate will remain the same from 2023-2024.
VIII.B.5.b. Ten WMS Baseball and Softball Coaches for the 2024-2025 School Year
Mr. Feeney supports Mr. Spicer's recommendation to employ Wilmington Middle School Baseball and Softball coaches for the 2024-2025 school year. Stipends are set by the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, and employment is contingent on completion of all paperwork, and meeting all local, state and federal guidelines
VIII.B.5.c. One 8-Hour, 12-Month, Night-Shift Custodian
Mr. Feeney supports Mr. Habing's recommendation to employ an 8-hour, 12-month, night-shift Custodian for the 2024-2025 school year. Employment is pending compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines.
VIII.B.5.d. Two Permanent Substitute Teachers and One English Language Learner Substitute Interventionalist
It is Kevin Feeney's recommendation that you approve his recommendation to employ two permanent substitute teachers and one English Language Learning Substitute Interventionalist at a rate of $150.00 per day. Employment is pending compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines.
VIII.C. Approve Document 6-1-24 Non-Certified Administrator Salaries
Mr. Feeney recommends that you approve the salaries for the Non-Certified Administrator Salaries with a 3.5% increase (the same as the union support staff).
VIII.D. Approve Salaries for Non-Certified Administrators and Other Non-Union Employees
Mr. Feeney recommends that you approve the salaries for the following Non-Certified and Other Non-Union Employees:
VIII.E. Approve Document 6-2-24 Non-Certified/ Non-Union Salaries
Mr. Feeney recommends that you approve the salaries for the Non-Certified / Non-Union Salaries with a 3.5% increase (the same as the union support staff), unless otherwise indicated below:
VIII.F. Approve Resolution 8-24: Confirm Treasurer of Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U
It is Mr. Feeney's recommendation that you confirm Stacy Roth as the Treasurer of Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U.
VIII.G. Approve the 2-Year Contracts for Building Lead and District Administrators for the FY 25 and FY 26 School Year’s Salary
It is Mr. Feeney’s recommendation that you approve the 2-Year Contracts for Building and District Administrators for the FY 25 and FY 26 School Year’s Salary:
VIII.H. Approve Resolution 9-24 Designation of School Fund Depositories and Activity Fund Depositories
It is my recommendation that you approve Resolution 9-24: designation of school fund depositories and activity fund depositories June 10, 2024.
The current depositories are: Illinois Investors Trust Checking - used to make direct transfer credits to save wire charges Money Market Max Account Certificates of Deposits U.S. Treasury Bills U.S. Treasury Notes U.S. Treasury Bonds U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities Commercial Paper Any other investment, which the school district may legally purchase under the revised statutes of the State of Illinois, Certificates of Deposits, Money Market and Max Account for Professional Benefits Administration Account Grundy County National Bank Checking Account - used to pay bills Payroll Checking Account - used for payroll Money Market Certificates of Deposit Imprest Fund Account Checking and Savings Accounts for School Activity Funds Employee Benefit Fund Money Market Employee Dental Plan Administrative Dental Plan Employee Benefit Plan - Claims Checking Illinois Liquid Asset Fund/PMA Financial Network/Securities/Harris Bank Money Market Certificates of Deposits U.S. Treasury Bills U.S. Treasury Notes U.S. Treasury Bonds U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities Commercial Paper Any other investment which the school district may legally purchase under the revised statutes of the State of Illinois Certificates of Deposits, Money Market and Max Account for Professional Benefits Administration Account First Midwest Bank of Joliet (no current activity) Certificates of Deposit U.S. Treasury Bills U.S. Treasury Notes U.S. Treasury Bonds U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities Harris Bank, Joliet (no current activity) Certificates of Deposit U.S. Treasury Bills U.S. Treasury Notes U.S. Treasury Bonds U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities Edward Jones (no current activity) Certificates of Deposit Old National Bank (no current activity) Certificates of Deposit U.S. Bank (no current activity) Certificates of Deposits Raymond James (no current activity) Certificate of Deposits |
VIII.I. Accept Bid for Diesel Fuel Submitted on June 4, 2024
It is my recommendation that you accept the bid from Feece Oil in the amount of $56,726.00 for the Bio-Blend, and $27,862.00 for the Winter-Blend, totaling$84,588.00, submitted on June 4, 2024, for the 2024-2025 school year.
VIII.J. Approve the Meal Prices for the 2024-2025 School Year
I support the recommendation of Tina Brownlee and Stacy Roth to approve the Meal Prices for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Meal prices for the 2024-2025 school year: 2024-2025 Full Price Breakfast - Grades K-5 $2.25 Reduced Breakfast $.30 Full Price Breakfast - Grades 6-8 $2.25 Reduced Breakfast $.30 Full Price Breakfast - High School $2.50 Reduced Breakfast $ .40 Full Price Lunch - Grades K-8 $3.75 Reduced Price Lunch $.40 Full Price Lunch - High School $3.85 Reduced Price Lunch $.40 Adult Lunch $4.25 Adult Breakfast $3.00 |
VIII.K. Approve Salary for Director of Technology
It is Mr. Feeney's recommendation that you approve the salary for the Director of Technology for the 2024-2025 school year.
VIII.L. Approve Addendum to Retirement Contracts
Mr. Feeney recommends that you approve the addendum to the attached teacher and administrative retirement contracts to receive the same 4-year, 6% retirement incentive as outlined in article 31 of the FY24-FY28 professional educator contract.
Board Policy - Stephanie Southall and C.J. Dziuban
Facilities Update/Construction Committee - Terry Anderson and Tim Cragg Foundation for Excellence - Tim Cragg Handbook Committee - Chris Alberico and Lauren Kempes IASB Delegate/Legislative Liaison - Peggy Kunz Negotiations Committee - Terry Anderson and Peggy Kunz TAB/Leadership Committee - Terry Anderson Three Rivers Governing Board - Lauren Kempes WILCO Board of Control - Peggy Kunz |
None at this time.
Adjourn until the regular meeting on August 12, 2024 at 6:30 P.M. Closed Session will be at 6:00 p.m. The public hearing on the budget will begin at 6:15 p.m.