November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated on the agenda. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Citizens' Comments
This portion of the agenda is for citizens to address any questions or comments to the board. The board will listen, take comments and questions under advisement, and not respond at this time. The presiding officer will refer questions to the superintendent for research and response. When called on by the Board President, the citizen may address the board for up to three (3) minutes during the citizen comment period. Citizen comment timeframe is limited to 30 minutes. |
4. Presentations-Ballard Second Grader
Harvest Groves, City of Niles Coloring Contest Winner for Public Power Week 2024 |
5. Information Items
Niles Community School recognized for MiTSS Implementation
6. Superintendent's Comments
7. Adoption of the Consent Agenda
Items on the Consent Agenda are to be voted on as a single item by the board. Board members may remove items from the Consent Agenda prior to the vote. Discussion of the items that have been removed will be added to the Action/Discussion Items listed on the agenda. A motion is needed to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. A roll call vote is required.
I move - "that all items on the consent agenda be approved as submitted". |
7.A. Approval of Minutes
-November 4, 2024, Special Board Meeting -November 4, 2024, Regular Board Meeting -November 7, 2024, Special Board Meeting ****************************************************************************** |
7.B. Board Policy Updates - Second Reading
Due to the April 2024 release of the revisions to the Uniform Grant Guidance Regulation, administration is recommending updates to the board policies; #1130 CONFLICT OF INTEREST, #3110 CONFLICT OF INTEREST, #4110 CONFLICT OF INTEREST, #6110 GRANT FUNDS, # 6111 INTERNAL CONTROLS, #6112 CASH MANAGEMENT OF GRANTS, #6114 COST PRINCIPALS-SPENDING FEDERAL FUNDS, #6325 PROCUREMENT-FEDERAL GRANTS/FUNDS, #6550 TRAVEL PAY & REIMBURSEMENT, #7310 DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY, #7450 PROPERTY INVENTORY. Copies of the board policies were provided in board packets. These policies will go into effect upon approval of the second reading. SAMPLE MOTIONI move - "that the board approve the revisions to the Uniform Grant Guidance Regulation, and administration is recommending updates to the board policies; #1130 CONFLICT OF INTEREST, #3110 CONFLICT OF INTEREST, #4110 CONFLICT OF INTEREST, #6110 GRANT FUNDS, # 6111 INTERNAL CONTROLS, #6112 CASH MANAGEMENT OF GRANTS, #6114 COST PRINCIPALS-SPENDING FEDERAL FUNDS, #6325 PROCUREMENT-FEDERAL GRANTS/FUNDS, #6550 TRAVEL PAY & REIMBURSEMENT, #7310 DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY, #7450 PROPERTY INVENTORY. Copies of the board policies were provided in board packets. These policies will go into effect upon approval of the second reading. ****************************************************************************** |
7.C. Payment of Bills
A list of bills is presented for payment. Mr. Skarbek will answer questions.
SAMPLE MOTION I move - "that the following be approved for payment -Payroll Vouchers #7 and #8 -General Fund checks 72329 through 72536" ****************************************************************************** |
7.D. Overnight Field Trip Request
Per Board request for prior notice of tentative athletic overnight stays, the tentative dates for overnight field trips for the winter sports team are as follows:
December 26, 27 February 15,16 February 28 March 1 SAMPLE MOTION I move- "that the board approve the overnight field trip request as submitted". ****************************************************************************** |
8. Action/Discussion Items
Bond Refunding Resolution-Tom Skarbeck will answer questions
Administration is recommending that the board adopt the resolution submitted by Thrun Law Firm, PC concerning the proposed refunding of the 2015 School Building and Site Bonds. Documents are attached for review. SAMPLE MOTION I move- "that the board approve the resolution concerning the refunding of the 2015 Building and Site Bonds as submitted by Thrun Law Firm, PC". ***************************************************************************** |
9. Membership in the Western Michigan Health Insurance Pool ("WMHIP")
Resolution authorizing Niles Community Schools membership in the Western Michigan Health Insurance Pool ("WMHIP") for a minimum of a three-year period. Documents are attached for review.
SAMPLE MOTION I move- "that the board approve the membership into the Western Michigan Health Insurance Pool ("WMHIP") for a minimum of a three-year period". ****************************************************************************** |
9.A. Naming Trustee and Alternate Trustee to serve on the board of Western Michigan Health Insurance Pool
Administration is recommending the appointment of Ana Bolanos as Trustee, and Dustin Kyncl as Alternate Trustee, to the West Michigan Health Insurance Pool ("WMHIP") to represent the governing body of Niles Community Schools. Documents are attached for review.
SAMPLE MOTION I move- "that the board approve the appointment of Ana Bolanos as Trustee, and Dustin Kyncl as Alternate Trustee, to the West Michigan Health Insurance Pool ("WMHIP") to represent the governing body of Niles Community Schools. ****************************************************************************** |
10. Board Policy Update - First Reading
Administration is recommending updates to the board policy #5340 STUDENT ACCIDENTS and #8321 CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SECURITY (NON-CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCY). Copies were provided in the board packets. This will be the first reading of the policies. Policies will go into effect upon approval of the second reading. Dr. Applegate will answer questions.
SAMPLE MOTION I move- "that the board approve the first reading of policy #5340 STUDENT ACCIDENTS and #8321 CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SECURITY (NON-CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCY)". ****************************************************************************** |
11. Insulin Litigation Resolution
The board authorizes and directs the Superintendent to sign the Attorney-Client Fee Contract on behalf of Niles Community Schools, and to take such actions as necessary to obtain monetary damages and injunctive relief for the school district in the Insulin Litigation lawsuit.
SAMPLE MOTION I move- "that the board authorize the Superintendent, Dr. Dan Applegate, to sign the Attorney Client Fee Contract on behalf of Niles Community Schools". ****************************************************************************** |
12. Closed Session
At this time, the board will recess into closed session to discuss collective bargaining per Section 8(c) of the Open Meetings Act.
SAMPLE MOTION I move - "that the board recess the regular meeting and enter into closed session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining." ****************************************************************************** |
13. Reconvene
At this time, the board will adjourn the closed session and reconvene the regular board meeting.
Sample Motion I move-"that the board adjourn the closed session and reconvenes the regular meeting." ****************************************************************************** |
14. Unscheduled Business
15. Adjournment