November 11, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Call To Order
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Roll Call
I.D. Agenda Review and Approval
II.A. Board Workshop Meeting Minutes October 30, 2024
The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express their views. A comment card must be completed and submitted prior to the start of the meeting if you would like to address the Board of Education during Public Comment. Participants may speak only once on a topic. Board policy requires participants to limit statements to three (3) minutes duration. Participants shall direct all comments to the Board and not to staff or other participants; no person may address or question Board members individually. Remarks shall be made in a respectful and professional manner. |
IV.A. 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Audit Report
IV.B. Middle School Update
IV.C. High School 2025-2026 Course Description Update
IV.D. District Achievement Data Presentation
IV.E. Bond Scope Presentation
V.A. New Hire
V.A.1. Kirsten Abbey - Part-Time Custodian at High School
V.A.2. Kelly Hutchinson - Special Education Accommodation SSP at the High School
V.A.3. Tonya Rhines - Floater Bus Driver at the Bus Garage
V.A.4. Kyra Feldpausch - Preschool SSP - Classroom Aid
V.A.5. Shebly Kotyk - Childcare Provider at Little Wings
V.A.6. Mark Keener - Custodian at High School
V.A.7. Savannah Buzinski - Childcare Provider in Adventure Club at Oakview South
V.B. Retirement
V.B.1. Beth Hollis - Gateway Building SSP
VI.A. Agri-Science Greenhouse Donation and Funding
VII.A. Business Office Approval
VII.A.1. Accounts Payable for October 2024
VII.B. New Hire Approval
VII.B.1. Kirsten Abbey - Part-Time Custodian at High School
VII.B.2. Shebly Kotyk - Childcare Provider at Little Wings
VII.B.3. Kyra Feldpausch - Preschool SSP - Classroom Aid
VII.B.4. Tonya Rhines - Floater Bus Driver at the Bus Garage
VII.B.5. Kelly Hutchinson - Special Education Accommodation SSP at the High School
VII.B.6. Mark Keener - Custodian at High School
VII.B.7. Savannah Buzinski - Childcare Provider in Adventure Club at Oakview South
VII.C. Retirement Approval
VII.C.1. Beth Hollis - Gateway Building SSP
VIII.A. 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Audit Report Acceptance
VIII.B. 8th grade Orchestra and Choir trip Approval
VIII.C. Bond Scope Approval
VIII.D. Agri-Science Greenhouse Donation and Funding Approval
VIII.E. Board Policy Approval
VIII.E.1. Adding a Sport Policy
VIII.E.2. 2203 Authority to Establish Curriculum
VIII.E.3. 2302 Board Code of Ethics
VIII.E.4. 2303 Violation of Board Code of Ethics
VIII.E.5. 2405 Board Officers-SD
VIII.E.6. 2501 Meetings-SD
VIII.E.7. 2504 Public Participation at Board Meetings
VIII.E.8. 3102 Smoking Tobacco Products Drugs and Alcohol
VIII.E.9. 3104 School Cameras and Monitoring
VIII.E.10. 3105 Visitors and Volunteers
VIII.E.11. 3106-F Booster Clubs, PTO's, and Other Support Groups
VIII.E.12. 3109 Curricular Animals
VIII.E.13. 3115 Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Non-Retaliation (including Title IX and Elliott-Larsen Civil Right Act)
VIII.E.14. 3115A Definitions for 3115 Series
VIII.E.15. 3115B Designation of Coordinators
VIII.E.16. 3115C Supportive Measures
VIII.E.17. 3115E Grievance Procedure and Remedies
VIII.E.18. 3115F Complaint Dismissal and Appeals
VIII.E.19. 3115-F-2 Sample Notice of Nondiscrimination
VIII.E.20. 3116 District Technology and Acceptable Use
VIII.E.21. 3119 Experimental or Pilot Programs
VIII.E.22. 3120 Head Start COVID-19 Mitigation
VIII.E.23. 3201A Financial Management for Federal Awards
VIII.E.24. 3208 Surety Bonds of District Officials
VIII.E.25. 3301 Purchasing and Procurement
VIII.E.26. 3303 Gifts and Donations
VIII.E.27. 3303-F Gifts and Donations Form
VIII.E.28. 3307 Construction Administration
VIII.E.29. 3408 Firearms and Weapons
VIII.E.30. 3410 Opioid Antagonist
VIII.E.31. 4105 Disability and Pregnancy Workplace Accommodations
VIII.E.32. 4105A Pregnancy Workplace Accommodations for Employees and Applicants
VIII.E.33. 4106 Family and Medical Leave Act
VIII.E.34. 4109 Break Time for Nursing Mothers
VIII.E.35. 4202 CPS and APS Reporting and Student Safety and Welfare
VIII.E.36. 4205 - AG - 1 Criminal Justice Information Security
VIII.E.37. 4206 Employment Contracts-SD
VIII.E.38. 4209 Abortion Referrals and Assistance
VIII.E.39. 4213 Anti-Nepotism
VIII.E.40. 4216 Personal Communication Devices
VIII.E.41. 4229 Acceptable Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence
VIII.E.42. 4405 Reduction in Force and Recall
VIII.E.43. 4408 Termination
VIII.E.44. 4409 Non-Renewal
VIII.E.45. 5101 Student Expression
VIII.E.46. 5104 Age of Majority
VIII.E.47. 5201 Investigations Arrests and Other Law Enforcement Contact
VIII.E.48. 5209 Student Use of Cell Phone and Electronic Communication Devices
VIII.E.49. 5210 GPS Tracking Device with Audio Surveillance Capabilities
VIII.E.50. 5301 Compulsory Attendance, Absenteeism, and Truancy
VIII.E.51. 5302 Enrollment in Kindergarten
VIII.E.52. 5304 Nonpublic School Students; Part-Time Attendance
VIII.E.53. 5307 Homeless Students
VIII.E.54. 5308 Protection of Pupil Rights
VIII.E.55. 5309 Student Records and Directory Information
VIII.E.56. 5401 Parent Involvement in Education
VIII.E.57. 5405 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy
VIII.E.58. 5407 Instructional Program and Curriculum Development
VIII.E.59. 5410 Commencement
VIII.E.60. 5412 Class Rank
VIII.E.61. 5414 Completion Certificates
VIII.E.62. 5417 Homework
VIII.E.63. 5418 Grades
VIII.E.64. 5420 Sex Education
VIII.E.65. 5421 Work - Based Learning Experience
VIII.E.66. 5502 Student Government
VIII.E.67. 5509 Public Appearances of School Groups
VIII.E.68. 5707 School Wellness Policy
VIII.E.69. 5709 Lice Nits and Bed Bugs
VIII.E.70. 5710 Student Suicide Prevention
VIII.E.71. 5711 Toilet Training
VIII.E.72. 5714 Threat Assessment and Response
VIII.E.73. 5715 Student Oral Health Assessment
VIII.E.74. 5806 Recording of District Meetings
IX.A. Superintendent and Executive Directors' Report
IX.B. Student Representative's Report
The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express their views. Participants may speak only once on a topic. Board policy requires participants to limit statements to three (3) minutes duration. Participants shall direct all comments to the Board and not to staff or other participants; no person may address or question Board members individually. Remarks shall be made in a respectful and professional manner. |
XI.A. Superintendent Evaluation