February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mission Statement: A copy of the open meetings law is posted on the wall of the Board Room and is available to the public. |
2. Approve the Agenda
The Board reserves the right to rearrange the order of items as needed.
3. Recognition of Visitors
3.2. Public Participation
Board Policy 2009 - Opportunity for Public Expression. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WHO WISH TO SPEAK: This is the portion of the meeting when members of the public may speak to the board about matters of public concern.
4. Action Items
4.1. Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Previous Minutes 2. Approval of the Treasurer's Report 3. Approval of the Warrants / Bills a. Petty Cash b. Student Activity c. Hot Lunch d. Bank Statement e. Summary of Accounts and Receipts f. Monthly Expenditure Report g. Check Journal 4. Excuse Absent Board Members
4.2. Discuss and consider entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with JAG Nebraska.
Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is an evidence-based, data-driven, national organization that is dedicated to empowering students with the skills and support to achieve success in education, employment, and life. The JAG Advantage integrates project-based learning, employer engagement, and trauma-informed care through competency-based, for-credit, elective classes. The JAG model allows students to participate in hands-on, realistic learning experiences, mastering 37 to 87 competencies, with the support to help our young adults navigate high school graduation and post-graduation success.
This program is offered free of charge to districts in the first two years and has a $10,000 per year commitment in subsequent years. This is not a contract, but a memorandum of understanding that states if we are able to find the right person, that we are able to move forward. This is an excellent opportunity to expand on Strategy 2 priorities. The ideal candidate will be someone who enjoys working with young adults, is a relationship builder, and can cultivate career skills in young people entering the workforce. The selected candidate is not required to hold a teaching certificate but must have a bachelor's degree.
4.3. Personnel
4.3.1. Consider the resignation of certificated staff.
4.3.2. Consider approval of contract(s) for certificated staff.
4.4. Discuss and consider approval of the Negotiated Agreement 2025-2026 with Gothenburg Education Association for the 2025-2026 school year.
A tentative agreement was reached through the negotiation process. The Gothenburg Education Association has ratified the proposed agreement.
The proposed agreement recommends an overall increase in total compensation of 3.92%. Total compensation includes applicable health insurance through the Educators Health Alliance, which saw rates increase by approximately 5.49% from 2024-2025 rates. Overall, our district will spend approximately $255,000 more on wages for instructional staff next year - equivalent to a 3.92% increase from the 2024-2025 school year. Our negotiation process has ensured a competitive starting wage for new teachers and one change this year is adding a half step to MA - MA 27 columns to ensure competitive wages for veteran teachers as well. The negotiation process is different than in years past given changes in state aid, levies, and tax authority. Our goal is to remain as close to 3% as possible while still remaining competitive with districts in our array.
4.5. Discuss and consider a contract for the Superintendent from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2027.
The Superintendent currently has a three-year contract that expires on June 30, 2027. At this time, the board will discuss and consider a motion to update the contract as presented.
4.6. Discuss and consider approval of administrative contracts for the 2025-2026 school year.
The Gothenburg administrative team is an outstanding professional group of leaders. District #20 will continue to benefit from their leadership. The Personnel Committee is proposing a compensation package for administrative staff that reflects an overall increase in total compensation of 3% for administrative staff. Administrative compensation is based upon comparability with schools of similar size and who are located within a similar geographic area. Total compensation used in the comparison includes applicable health insurance through the Educators Health Alliance which saw rates increase of 5.49% from this year's rates.
4.7. Consider approval of special education contracts for 2025-2026 with ESU #10.
We join the following cooperatives as student needs are identified. Program costs are prorated between districts who utilize the program.
Audiology. Several audiological services are available, these include comprehensive hearing evaluations for individuals from birth to 21 years of age; analysis, testing, and troubleshooting of hearing aid and cochlear implant devices used by students; consultation on FM system/auditory trainer device purchases for use at school as well as fitting and adjusting school amplification devices and assessment of classroom acoustics; and on-site school consultations regarding the impact of hearing loss, noise exposure, hearing loss prevention, and how to properly use and troubleshoot equipment. Deaf Education. Three deaf educators provided direct services, consultative services, and assessment services to school districts in ESU 10 and ESU 11 to assist them in providing services to students, birth-21 who are deaf or hard of hearing. Vision Services. A vision specialist provided direct services, consultative services, and assessment services to ESU 10 school districts’ students, ages birth-21 who are blind or partially sighted. Vocational Transition. A vocational transition specialist provided on-site assistance to 21 school districts for students with disabilities age 16 and older to help them realize independent living and employment appropriate to each student’s skills and abilities. SpEd Supplemental Supervision School Age. There was a change in 2018-19 for districts who were not part of the supervision cooperative. The service unit has an obligation to evaluate and supervise the special education staff that they employ and the programs in which they work so all districts that contract for staff are required to contribute to the supervision cooperative. Costs are adjusted for districts with their own special education supervisors to account for staff supervision only and do not include charges for other supervision services. These costs appear on the schedule A as SpEd Supplemental Supervision services.
5. Policy & Procedure
5.1. Review and discuss Draft 1 of the 2025-2026 school calendar.
All teachers were given an opportunity to provide feedback on this proposed calendar. In addition, there are a few items on here that have been thoughtfully considered in response to student data.
This proposed calendar eliminates "extras" in October, January, and February to create a full week spring break in March. This was in response to staff feedback. This calendar only includes THREE extra days (this year was five) for things like snow days, cold days, and state activities that require dismissal. The proposed calendar includes 173.5 student days and 14.5 staff days - which totals 187 days (3 more than contracted). As a first reading, there is no action needed. There is no "perfect solution" to a calendar but I would encourage those who have feedback to please reach out to me directly.
6. Informational Items
6.1. Multicultural Education Report
Mrs. Josie Floyd & Mr. Seth Ryker have prepared their annual Multicultural Education Report.
7. Reports
7.1. Board of Education Reports
Committee Reports (Chair in bold)
7.2. Administrative Reports
1. Topic Specific Administrative Reports
2. General Administrative Reports a. Elementary (Mrs. Floyd) b. High School (Mr. Ryker) c. Activities (Mr. Mroczek) d. Special Populations (Mrs. McKenna) e. Teaching and Learning (Mrs. Richeson) f. Superintendent (Dr. Jonas) |
8. Next Meeting
Monday, March 10th
Swede Activities: JH Quiz Bowl in PAC @ 4PM |
9. Adjournment