June 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I.A. Recognitions
I.A.1. MTOY - Laura Chang
I.A.2. VCS Bands Report - Ben Rosier
I.B. Board Meeting Dates for the 2019-20 School Year
I.C. Legislative Update
I.D. Staffing Update
I.E. VCS Home School Partnership
II.A. Food Service Update - Sarah Dyer
II.A.1. Dairy Bid Report
II.B. Financial Report - Steve Goss
II.B.1. Budget Progress Report for the Month Ending May 31, 2019
II.B.2. Recommendation to Amend the 2018-19 Budgets and Adopt the Appropriations Resolution for 2019-20 Budgets for the Following Funds: General, School Service Fund (Food Service), Building and Site Fund, 2014 Bond Fund, Debt Service Funds (1991 Debt Service Fund, 2015 Debt Service Fund, 2014 Debt Service Fund, 2016 Debt Service Fund)
II.C. ANNUAL PUBLIC HEARING to Consider the District's 2019-20 Budgets and Proposed Property Tax Millage Rate
II.D. Audience
III.A. Approval of the Following Board Meeting Minutes
III.A.1. May 13, 2019 - Regular Meeting Minutes
III.A.2. May 13, 2019 - Special Meeting Minutes
III.B. Approval of the Following General Fund Invoices totaling $376,131.44 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.B.1. May 1-31, 2019 (checks) = $270,253.86
III.B.2. May 1-31, 2019 (wire transfers) = $105,877.58
III.C. Approval of Purchase Card Disbursements totaling $63,799.31 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.D. Approval to Amend the 2018-19 Budgets and Adopt the Appropriations Resolution for 2019-20 Budgets for the Following Funds: General, School Service Fund (Food Service), Building and Site Fund, 2014 Bond Fund, Debt Service Funds (1991 Debt Service Fund, 2015 Debt Service Fund, 2014 Debt Service Fund, 2016 Debt Service Fund) - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.E. Approval of Truth in Budget on the Proposed Property Tax Millage Rate for 2019-20 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.F. 1st Reading - Approval to Award the 2019-20 Dairy Bid to Country Fresh with a low bid of $47,508.60 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.G. Approval of Tenure for the Following Teacher
III.G.1. Mary Zemlick - High School
III.H. Approval of Fifth Year of a Five Year Probation for the Following Teachers.
III.H.1. Aimee Barnhart - Middle School
III.H.2. Jessica Dekoning - Middle School
III.H.3. Lucas Wolthuis - Middle School
III.H.4. Rachel Bernhardt - Sunset Lake
III.H.5. Kristina Newhouse - Sunset Lake
III.H.6. Dawn Phelps - Sunset Lake
III.H.7. Kelly Walters - Sunset Lake
III.H.8. Kayci Whitmore - Sunset Lake
III.H.9. Kelly MacDonell - Tobey
III.H.10. Ashley Kettenbeil - Tobey
III.H.11. Kyle Baker - Sunset Lake
III.I. Approval of a Fourth Year of a Five-Year Probation for the Following Teachers
III.I.1. Noreen Heikes - High School
III.I.2. Kayla Vallier - High School
III.I.3. Lindsey Chatel - Middle School
III.I.4. Whitney Bast - Sunset Lake
III.I.5. Ravenna Kahler - Sunset Lake
III.I.6. Kim Bond - Sunset Lake
III.I.7. Mikela Higgason - Sunset Lake
III.I.8. Kris Fulton - Sunset Lake
III.I.9. Kellie Wallen - Sunset Lake
III.I.10. Lauren Ireland - Indian Lake
III.J. Approval of a Third Year of a Five-Year Probation for the Following Teachers
III.J.1. Justin McDonald - High School
III.J.2. Kyle Roberts - High School
III.J.3. Jennifer Heeres - Middle School
III.J.4. Cindy Kessler - Sunset Lake
III.J.5. Justin Lehman - Sunset Lake
III.J.6. Breanna Welling - Sunset Lake
III.J.7. Jill Boudrie - Indian Lake
III.J.8. Sawyer Duncan - Indian Lake
III.K. Approval of a Second Year of a Five Year Probation for the Following Teachers
III.K.1. Sarah Bacalia - High School
III.K.2. Angie First - High School
III.K.3. Laura Richardson - Middle School
III.K.4. Amy Lawrence - Middle School
III.K.5. Marissa Chiodo - Middle School
III.K.6. Chelsie Schimp - Sunset Lake
III.K.7. Callie Baker - Indian Lake
III.K.8. Sarah Fleming - Indian Lake
III.K.9. Jori Machiela - Indian Lake
III.K.10. Kristen Roberts - Indian Lake
III.K.11. Heather Richeson - Indian Lake
III.L. Approval of a Second Year of a Two Year Probation
III.L.1. Denny Roehm - High School
III.L.2. Beth Schmid - Indian Lake
III.L.3. Jennifer Schmidtendorff - Indian Lake
III.L.4. Meredith Spicer - Indian Lake
III.M. Approval to accept the resignation of Bridget Reichow, Sunset Lake Elementary Teacher, effective June 13, 2019
III.N. Approval to accept the resignation of Amy Renouf, Speech Language Pathologist, effective June 13, 2019
III.O. Approval of the Following Retirement Request effective June 13, 2019
III.O.1. Karen Petersen - 21 years of service
III.P. Approval to Renew Membership for VHS and VMS in the Michigan High School Athletic Association from August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020
III.Q. 1st Reading Approval of the Following Policy Revisions - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.Q.1. PO2260 - Non Discrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity
III.Q.2. PO2261 - Title I Services
III.Q.3. PO2261.01 - Parent and Family Member Participation in Title I Programs - REPLACEMENT
III.R. 2nd Reading Approval of the Following Policy Revisions - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.R.1. P0167.2 - Closed Session
III.R.2. P0167.3 - Public Participation at Board Meetings
III.R.3. P1422 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
III.R.4. P1662 - Anti-Harassment
III.R.5. P2112 - Parent and Family Engagement
III.S. 2nd Reading Approval of the Following Curriculum Proposals - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.S.1. Vicksburg High School English Curriculum Proposal
III.S.2. Vicksburg Middle School Science Curriculum Proposal
III.T. Approval of Vicksburg International Thespian Society Members field trip to the Stratford Festival on June 27-29, 2019. All costs to be paid by the students