July 25, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Board Meeting #13
Agenda |
A. Roll Call and Call to Order
A.1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
B. Public Commentary - Board Agenda items Only
B.1. Acceptance of Reports and/or Committee Reports
• Contracted Report
• Policy Minutes |
C. Discussion and Action Items
C.1. Approval of Minutes
Mr. VanWasshenova
Move to approve the following minutes as submitted:
• July 11, 2017, Special Work Session • July 11, 2017, Closed Meeting • July 11, 2017, Board Meeting #12 |
C.2. Staff Resignations
Mrs. Flynn
Move to approve the resignations from Monroe Public Schools of Miranda DeBruyne effective July 11, 2017; Morgan Valentine effective July 19, 2017; Kahlene Stotts effective July 31, 2017; Bonnie Ritsema, effective August 15, 2017; Jessica Harmon effective August 17, 2017; and Jennifer Barker effective August 29, 2017.
C.3. Clerical Appointment
Mrs. Flynn
Move to approve the appointment of Brette Carveth as a Secretary with Monroe Public Schools effective August 14, 2017, and place on the appropriate salary level as contained in the Master Agreement, and upon completion of all pre-employment requirements.
C.4. Ratification of the Teamster Master Agreement
Mrs. Flynn
Move to ratify the Master Agreement for July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2019, between the Teamsters Local 214 Bus Drivers and the Monroe Board of Education effective July 12, 2017.
C.5. Schoolzilla Renewal
Mrs. Joseph
Move to approve renewal for a one year subscription of Schoolzilla at $42,097.24. This purchase will be funded out of the 2017-2018 General Fund Curriculum Budget.
C.6. Renewal of STEMscopes and Replenishment of Science Kit Consumables
Mrs. Joseph
Move to approve a 3 year renewal of STEMscope at a cost not to exceed $78,435.00 (a cost of $26,145.00 per year) and a 3 year purchase of consumable materials to replenish Science kits not to exceed $60,000.00 (a cost of $20,000.00 per year). These purchases will be funded out of the 2017-2018 General Fund Curriculum Budget.
C.7. 3D Printer Purchase
Mr. Payne
Move to approve the purchase of 3D printers, carts, and supplies from Tierney at a cost not to exceed
$26,376.00. Money for this purchase will come from the Technology Millage. |
C.8. School Lunch Prices
Mrs. Eighmey
Move to approve a lunch price increase of 10 cents per meal at both the elementary and secondary level for the 2017/18 school year if the waiver request is not approved by the State.
C.9. Contract Renewal - First Vehicle Services
Mr. Oley
Move to accept three-year contract renewal for First Vehicle Services for the fleet maintenance for Monroe Public Schools as follows:
• Year 1 $534,554.92 • Year 2 $534,554.92 • Year 3 $553,219.63 |
C.10. Water Line Repair - Monroe High School
Mr. Oley
Move to accept the bid of $4,400.00 from Monroe Plumbing & Heating of Monroe, Michigan, to complete the repairs to the boiler house water line at Monroe High School. Money for this purchase will come from the Operations Budget.
C.11. District Catch Basins
Mr. Oley
Move to accept the bid from Hoffman Construction of Monroe, Michigan, for $9,500.00 for the catch basin repairs at Manor and Waterloo and from S & J Asphalt Paving Co. of Canton, Michigan, for $5,100.00 for the catch basin repairs at Custer 2. Money for this purchase will come from the site sinking funds.
C.12. Asphalt Repair - Custer 2
Mr. Oley
Move to accept the bid of $14,100.00 from S & J Asphalt Paving Company of Canton, Michigan, for the asphalt repair at Custer 2. The funds for this project will be taken out of the site sinking funds.
C.13. Mulligan's Maintenance - Minimum Wage Increase
Mr. Oley
Move to accept the minimum wage increases for $.25 per hour for July 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017, and $.35 per hour effective January 1, 2018, for Mulligan’s Maintenance of Carleton, Michigan.
C.14. AP World History and AP U.S. History Textbook Purchase
Mrs. Joseph
Move to approve purchase of textbooks for AP U.S. History and AP World History for a cost of $6,996.19 from Bedford, Freeman & Worth High School Publishers. This purchase will be funded out of the 2017-2018 General Fund Curriculum Budget.
C.15. Superintendent's Comments
C.16. Old Business
C.17. New Business
C.18. Public Commentary - Any Topic
C.19. Adjournment
Move to adjourn the July 25, 2017, Board Meeting #13.