December 6, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance -
1.B. Roll Call & Public fundamental with Public comments
2. Superintendent Report - Mr. Angel Abdulahad
3. Board of Education Action Items
3.A. Approval of Minutes from: Regular Board Meeting November 1, 2021
3.B. Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Delegating the Sale of Bonds
3.C. Approval of Wireless Support & License Renewal
Enclosed for your review and approval is a quote from Delta Network Services in the amount of $14,332.50 for wireless support/license renewals needed to support the district’s wireless infrastructure. ESSER III Funding will be used to make this purchase.
3.D. Approval of Individual Contract
3.E. Second Reading of policy update 0167.2 - CLOSED SESSION
Second Reading: 0167.2 - CLOSED SESSION The Board may by means of a roll call vote meet in a closed session, one closed to the public, for the following purposes:
However, all interviews for employment or appointment of the Superintendent shall be held in an open meeting of the Board. In keeping with the confidential nature of closed sessions, no member of the Board shall disclose the content of discussions that take place during such sessions. The only exceptions will be discussions with the District’s legal counsel or as directed by an order of a court with proper jurisdiction. Additionally, due to the need for confidentiality and the increased vulnerability of internet communications systems to hacking and other attacks, members of the Board must be present to participate in closed sessions. An accommodation for disability-related assertions will be considered on a case by case basis. It is expected that Board members shall not record nor communicate by any means, electronic or otherwise, with party or parties outside such meetings regarding the substance of such meetings either during or after the course of such meetings. |
3.F. Adoption of Policy Update 0167.2 - CLOSED SESSION
4. Human Resources
4.A. Personnel Report
5. Business Office
5.A. Check Register Approval
6. Board items - Officers and Committee Reports
6.A. Committee Reports
6.A.1. GRC Report
6.A.2. Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Committee Report
6.A.3. Parks and Recreation Committee
6.B. Board Comments
7. Adjournment