June 10, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Approval of Agenda
I.D. Approval of Minutes
I.D.1. May 20, 2013 regular meeting
I.D.2. June 3, 2013 special meeting 6:00 p.m.
I.D.3. June 3, 2013 special meeting - worksession 7:45 p.m.
II. Student Representative Report
III. District Parent Council
IV. Superintendent's Report
V. Public Comment
This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to three minutes. If a speaker requires more than three minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings. |
VI. Consent Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approve the consent agenda as presented regarding the following items: |
VI.A. Resignation of elementary teacher Elaine Michener-Israel effective June 7, 2013.
VI.B. Resignation of Middle School/High School Spanish Teacher Marco Diaz Munoz effective June 7, 2013
VI.C. New HIres effective August 27, 2013:
VI.C.1. Maranda Brunner - 1.0 FTE MacDonald Middle School Science Teacher at BA Step 4
VI.C.2. Shane Johnson - 1.0 FTE Marble Elementary Teacher at MA Step 8
VI.C.3. Julie Haskell - 1.0 Donley Elementary Teacher at BA Step 3
VI.C.4. Erika Cranmer - 1.0 FTE Donley Elementary Teacher at BA Step 1
VI.C.5. Jeff Lampi - 1.0 FTE MacDonald Middle School and East Lansing High School Spanish Teacher at MA Step 9
VI.C.6. Catherine Watson - 1.0 FTE Whitehills Elementary Teacher at BA Step 1
VI.C.7. Marcy Sheldon - 1.0 FTE High School French Teacher at MA Step 5
VI.D. Resolution for Michigan High School Athletic Association membership for 2013-14
VII. Public Hearing on 2013-14 Budget
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. 2013-14 Budget
VIII.A.1. General Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2013-14 Recommended Budget resolution for the General Fund as presented. |
VIII.A.2. Special Revenue Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2013-14 Recommended Budget resolution for the Special Revenue Fund as presented. |
VIII.A.3. Debt Retirement Funds
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2013-14 Recommended Budget resolution for the Debt Retirement Funds as presented. |
VIII.A.4. Sinking Fund
The Board of Education adopt the 2013-14 Recommended Budget resolution for the Sinking Fund as presented. |
VIII.A.5. 2012 Capital Projects Fund
The Board of Education adopt the 2013-14 Recommended Budget resolution for the 2012 Capital Projects Fund as presented. |
VIII.A.6. 2013 Capital Projects Fund
The Board of Education adopt the 2013-14 Recommended Budget resolution for the 2013 Capital Projects Fund as presented. |
VIII.B. Tax Certification
Motion: The Board of Education approve the 2013 millage rates to be levied on July 1, 2013 as calculated per the Michigan Department of Treasury form L-4029 as presented. |
VIII.C. 80/20 Healthcare
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 80/20 Healthcare Resolution for fiscal year 2013-14. |
VIII.D. Technology Bond Network Electronics, Structured Cabling, Access Control Projects and Laptops
VIII.D.1. Network Electronics
Motion: The Board of Education award the Technology Bond Network Electronics project to Data Strategy in the amount of $550,699.81. |
VIII.D.2. Structured Cabling
Motion: The Board of Education award the Technology Bond Structured Cabling project to Datacom Group in the amount of $49,575.00. |
VIII.D.3. Access Control Systems
The Board of Education award the Technology Bond Access Control Systems project to ROK Systems in the amount of $61,665.65. |
VIII.D.4. Laptop Purchase
Motion: The Board of Education approve the purchase of 460 laptops from Inacom in the amount of $180,320.00. |
VIII.E. Policy Changes
VIII.E.1. Teacher Discipline Policy
Motion: The Board of Education approve the Teacher Discipline policy as prepared by counsel. |
VIII.E.2. Teacher Placement Policy
Motion: The Board of Education approve the Teacher Placement policy as prepared by counsel. |
VIII.E.3. Reduction and Recall of Teachers Policy
Motion: The Board of Education approve the Reduction and Recall of Teachers policy as prepared by counsel. |
IX. Committee Reports
IX.A. Academic Committee
IX.B. Contract Methodology Committee
IX.C. Facilities Committee
IX.D. Finance Committee
IX.E. Intergovernmental Relations Committee
IX.F. Personnel Committee
IX.G. Policy Committee
X. Reports from Liaisons
XI. Announcements
XII. Adjournment