April 22, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Approval of Agenda
I.D. Approval of Minutes
I.D.1. April 8, 2013 regular meeting
I.D.2. March 25, 2013 special meeting
II. Student Representative Report
III. District Parent Council
IV. Superintendent's Report
V. Consent Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approve the consent agenda as presented regarding the following items: |
V.A. 1.0 FTE unpaid leave of absence for high school counselor, Dawn Ceballos for the 2013 – 2014 school year
V.B. Resignation of High School English Teacher, Jacklyn Chadwick effective June 10, 2013
V.C. Reitrements of teaching staff members, Renee Beaufore, Chris Berry, Cathy Clugston, Kris Dahlen-Gemmill, Gary Greider, Marie Kuzych-Howard, Linda McDonald, Janine Medler, Lori Rasche, Barb Remington, Paula Scrimger, Teena Snyder and Sharon Viol effective June 30, 2013.
VI. Presentation
VI.A. Teachers Leading Teachers - Mr. Brandenburg, Principal and Ms. Jodi Wheeler and Mr. Will Paddock, Teachers at ELHS
VII. Public Comment
This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to three minutes. If a speaker requires more than three minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings. |
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Motion to Rescind
Motion: The Board of Education rescind the following elements of the November 26, 2012 Board of Education resolution: |
VIII.A.1. That the following elementary schools be reconfigured to be Kindergarten through 5th grade elementary schools: Donley Elementary School, Glencairn Elementary School, Marble Elementary School, Pinecrest Elementary School, Whitehills Elementary School
VIII.A.2. That the Red Cedar Elementary School be reconfigured for educational purposes and remodeled to house: some pre-kindergarten and developmental kindergarten classes from across the district and for other educational purposes, and the district's administration building staff
VIII.B. Bond Oversight Committee
Motion: The Board of Education approve the formation of a Bond Oversight Committee, comprised of the following members: Director of Finance, Director of Technology , one Principal, one Board of Education member and three ELEA members that serve on the District Technology Committee. |
IX. Committee Reports
IX.A. Academic Committee
IX.B. Contract Methodology Committee
IX.C. Facilities Committee
IX.D. Finance Committee
IX.E. Intergovernmental Relations Committee
IX.F. Personnel Committee
IX.G. Policy Committee
X. Reports from Liaisons
XI. Announcements
XII. Adjournment