November 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance - Roll Call - Amend Agenda
III. Recognitions & Presentations
IV. Consent Agenda Items
IV.A. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
IV.B. Personnel Items
IV.B.1. Resignation
IV.B.1.a. Nancy Kaminski - Secretary - Algonac Jr./Sr. High School
IV.B.2. New Hire
IV.B.2.a. New Hire - Stephanie Morang - Teacher - Algonac Jr./Sr. High School
IV.C. Treasurer's Report & Bills for Approval
IV.C.1. Treasurer's Report
IV.C.2. Bills for Approval
IV.C.3. Internal Accounts
V. Information Items
V.A. Algonquin Elementary Roof Bid
V.A.1. Esko Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc.
V.A.2. Superior Services RSH, Inc.
V.A.3. Zimmer Roofing and Construction
V.B. Policy 8450.05 - Emergency Temporary Telecommuting Policy (ETTP)
V.C. Extended Covid-19 Learning Plan Update
V.D. Two-Way Communication Update
V.E. Administrative Reports
V.E.1. Ryan Melrose, Algonac Jr./Sr. High School
V.E.2. Brooklynn Lestage, Algonquin Elementary
V.E.3. Melissa Hanners, Millside Elementary
V.E.4. Susan Stringer, Algonac Childcare
V.F. Board Reports
V.G. Superintendent's Report
VI. Visitors & Their Requests (Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a "Visitors and Their Request" form and submit it to the Board Secretary prior to the start of the meeting.)
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Chromebook Purchase
VII.B. Approval of Contracts
VII.B.1. Teachers/Algonac Education Association Contract
VII.B.2. Custodial SEIU Local 517M Contract
VII.C. Annual Summer Tax Resolution
VII.D. Personnel Report
VII.E. Extended Covid-19 Learning Plan - Transition to Remote Learning
VIII. Adjournment