February 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Recognition of visitors and visitor input.
4. Construction:
4.1. Kraus-Anderson CM Contract Amendment #13 Presentation.
4.2. Consider approval of Contract Amendment #13 to Construction Manager Agreement.
5. Consent Agenda:
5.1. Approval of February 12, 2024 regular meeting minutes.
5.2. Approval of additional duty of WEB Leader (NSE) for Dominique Little with a prorated stipend of $1,371.30 for the 2023-2024 school year.
5.3. Approval of hire of Byron Negen for the Assistant Girls Golf Coach position with a stipend of $3,550 (split stipend with Assistant and Junior High Golf Coach) for the 2023-2024 school year.
5.4. Approval of hire of Dane Beise for the Assistant Boys Golf Coach position with a stipend of $3,917 for the 2023-2024 school year.
5.5. Approval of hire of Kyle Colbert for the 8th Grade Baseball Coach position with a stipend of $3,183 for the 2023-2024 school year.
5.6. Approval of hire of Brandon Borich for the JV Assistant Baseball Coach position with a stipend of $4,651 for the 2023-2024 school year.
5.7. Approval of hire of spring coaches and volunteers (marked in red) for the 2023-2024 school year.
5.8. Acceptance of resignation for the purpose of retirement of Kyle Bruun from the Custodian/GM/Grounds/Driver position effective February 29, 2024.
5.9. Acceptance of resignation of Tracy Sumner from the Lunchroom/Playground Aide position effective March 6, 2024.
5.10. Approval of correction of stipends for Sean Streier (Assistant Boys Track Coach $4,651), Chris Ismil (Assistant Boys Track Coach $4,651), Terrence Wilcox (Assistant Girls Track Coach $4,651), and Adam Roen (Assistant Girls Track Coach $4,651). The previously approved stipend of $4,791 each was for the 2024-2025 school year.
5.11. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of new pants from the Virginia Elks Club and Cheryl Olivanti for Parkview Elementary students.
6. Reports:
6.1. NLC update.
6.2. Student School Board Representative Report.
6.3. Parkview Principal Report.
6.4. Superintendent.
6.4.1. Update on Eveleth Schools site.
6.5. Virginia Rifle and Pistol Club Lease Agreement.
6.6. Treasurer's Report.
7. Administration Items:
7.1. Reconsider approval of the request from the Rock Ridge Girls Swimming Boosters to acquire the Eveleth-Gilbert swimming record board and trophy case (including the pictures and items in the case) in the hallway of EGHS for the Swimming Boosters.
8. Meeting Announcements:
8.1. The next regular meeting will be held Monday, March 11, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. at the Rock Ridge Administration Building, 1405 Progress Pkwy, Virginia.
9. Adjournment.