January 11, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Organization & Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Organizational Meeting to order.
2. Seat newly-elected board members.
3. Approval of organizational agenda.
4. Election of Board Officers.
4.1. Election of Chairperson.
4.2. Election of Vice Chairperson.
4.3. Election of Clerk.
4.4. Election of Treasurer.
4.5. Election of Alternate Clerk.
5. Organizational Business.
5.1. Set regular meeting dates and time.
5.2. Set salaries of board directors.
5.3. Designate school depositories: Frandsen Bank & Trust, MSDLAF, and MNTrust/PMA, Miners National Bank and First National Bank of Gilbert.
5.4. Authorize the hiring of a school attorney on an as-needed basis: Consider recommendation of Colosimo, Patchin, & Kearney, Ltd.,Rupp, Anderson, Squires, & Waldspurger, P.A. and Ratwik, Rozak & Maloney, P.A.
5.5. Consider authorizing the business manager and superintendent to make electronic fund transfers.
5.6. Consider authorizing the business manager to use the current signature plate until a new plate is secured, if necessary.
5.7. Committee memberships.
6. Adjourn Organizational Meeting.
7. Call to order of regular meeting.
8. Approval of regular meeting agenda.
9. Recognition of visitors and visitor input.
10. Construction.
10.1. Consider approval of demolition plan.
11. Consent Agenda:
11.1. Approval of December 14, 2020 regular meeting minutes.
11.2. Payment of the bills.
11.3. Approval of ISD No. 2909 mileage rate at IRS standard mileage rate as of January 1, 2021.
11.4. Approval of Columbus Day is not a school holiday.
11.5. Approval of hire of McCayla Winkler for the 7th Grade Girls' Basketball Coach position for 2020-2021.
11.6. Approval of Eveleth-Gilbert winter coaches for 2020-2021.
11.7. Approval of lane change for Elizabeth Niemi from BA+10 to BA+20.
11.8. Acceptance of resignation for the purpose of retirement of Richard Marolt effective December 31, 2020.
11.9. Approval of unpaid medical leave of absence for Dusty Schechinger, Para Educator, effective January 14, 2021 through February 10, 2021.
11.10. Acceptance of donation from Barb LeBlanc in the amount of $300.00 for the purchase of a swimming scoreboard at Rock Ridge High School.
11.11. Acceptance of anonymous donation in the amount of $250.00 to the classroom of Annie Marcella to be used as Ms. Marcella deems appropriate.
11.12. Acceptance of anonymous donation in the amount of $250.00 to the classroom of Sarah Thyen to be used as Ms. Thyen deems appropriate.
11.13. Acceptance of anonymous donation in the amount of $500.00 to the Virginia sixth grade classrooms to be used as needed.
11.14. Acceptance of donation from Deanna Kerzie in the amount of $20,000.00 in memory of Steve Kerzie for the purchase of a stadium scoreboard at Rock Ridge High School.
11.15. Acceptance of donation from the Bryce Kennedy family in the amount of $2,500 to the #RockRidgeRising capaign in memory of Bryce Kennedy.
11.16. Approval of removing Jeff Carey as a signee on the Eveleth-Gilbert High School activities account.
12. Reports:
12.1. Virginia High School Principal's Report.
12.2. Update on the process of naming the new elementary schools.
12.3. James Madison building and NLC.
12.4. Update on the 2020-21 and 2021-2022 budgets.
12.5. Salvaging/selling of materials before building teardowns.
12.6. Superintendent.
13. Administration Items:
13.1. Consider authorizing the superintendent to approve instate travel requirements of employees during the school year.
13.2. Consider authorizing school board members to attend necessary instate meetings.
13.3. Consider authorizing the superintendent to employ additional instructional, library, maintenance, and clerical assistance as shall become necessary.
13.4. Consider Resolution Directing the Administration to Make Recommendations for Reductions in Programs and Positions and Reasons Therefor.
13.5. Consider establishing a newspaper as the legal publication for school business from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021.
13.6. Consider resolution naming Dr. Noel Schmidt as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for Rock Ridge Public Schools.
13.7. Consider Resolution to Extend Deadline for Leaves Granted by the Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act.
13.8. Consider 2021-2022 Range Association of Municipalities and Schools membership.
13.9. Consider Resolution Accepting Monetary, Property, Goods, or Services Donation - Property of 2000 Siegel Blvd, Eveleth valued at $450,000.
13.10. Consider Resolution Accepting Monetary, Property, Goods, or Services Donation - Lundgren Family.
14. Policies - Second Reading
14.1. Policy 404 Employment Background Checks
14.2. 503 Student Attendance
14.3. 506 Student Discipline
14.4. Policy 607 Organization of Grade Levels
14.5. 613 Graduation Requirements
14.6. 616 School District System Accountability
14.7. 618 Assessment of Student Achievement
14.8. 620 Credit For Learning
14.9. 623 Mandatory Summer School Instruction
14.10. 714 Fund Balances
15. Unfinished Business.
16. Meeting Announcements: TBD
17. Adjournment.