August 21, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Consideration and Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Consider Requests to Speak on the Agenda
V. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Please note that we will be approving many different items under the consent agenda. If there is a specific item you would like to discuss, you may remove the item from the consent agenda and we will take the time to discuss it. Alternatively, we can discuss the item at a future meeting.
VI. Action Items
VI.1. Consider Updating the Student Activities Bank Signer at HomeTown Bank
VI.2. Consider Approval of Superintendent Evaluation Summary
VI.3. Consider Policies with Legislative Requirements for Approval with One Reading
VI.4. Consider Adoption of Handbooks for 2023-2024
VI.5. Consider Approval of Changes to the 2023-2024 Mobile Device Handbook
VII. Information Items
VII.1. Recommended Adult Meal and Second Entrée Prices for 2023-2024
VII.2. First Reading of Revisions to the Policy Manual
VII.3. Building & Grounds Update
VII.4. Summer Programs Update
VIII. Reports
VIII.1. Building Principals
VIII.2. Superintendent of Schools
VIII.3. Board Members
VIII.3.a. Around the Table
IX. Upcoming Meetings of the School Board
Policy Committee HR Committee Joint Meeting with City Council Education Committee Business Committee Regular Board Meeting |
X. Adjournment