May 6, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Election of Board Officers
4.1. President
4.2. Vice President
4.3. Treasurer
4.4. Clerk
4.5. Secretary
5. Declaration of Public Notice
6. Additions or Modifications to Agenda
7. Public Comment(s)
8. Superintendent's Report
8.1. Report from West Allis Central High School Student Representative(s)
8.2. School Showcase: Madison Elementary School
8.3. Legislative Update
8.4. District Recognitions
8.5. Updates and Information Items
9. Board President's Report
9.1. Review of Board Calendar
9.2. Appointment of District Parliamentarian, CESA #1 Delegate, WASB Delegate and WASB Alternate.
9.3. Seek Position on the CESA #1 Board of Control (3 yr. term)
10. Consent Agenda:
10.1. Approval of Minutes - 4/22/19 Regular Board Meeting
10.2. Employment Summary
10.3. Supplementary Contracts
10.4. Adoption of Resolution for Continued use of facsimile signatures of the President, Treasurer, and Clerk as adopted on 5/7/18 for the period from 5/6/19 through 6/30/19.
11. Action Item(s):
11.1. Individual Contract Extensions for Administrators and At-Will Employees - Lexmond
12. *End of Channel 13 Telecast/5 Minute Break
13. Workshop(s):
13.1. Financial Stability & Efficiency: Proposed 2019-2020 Budget & Preliminary Tax Levy #1 - Windler
14. Adjournment