July 9, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Medlin)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Medlin)
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda (Mayor Medlin)
IV.A. Consider June 11, 2019 Minutes
IV.B. Consider June 20, 2019 Minutes
V. Public Comment (Mayor Medlin)
V.A. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
V.B. Introduction of new hires (Scott Tart)
V.B.1. Joshua Boone, Electric
V.B.2. Melissa Stewart, Library
V.B.3. Kelly Powell, Utility Billing
V.B.4. Zachary Finch, Police Department
V.B.5. Bailey Tart, Police Department
V.B.6. Dharuba Washington, Police Department
VI. Oath of Office (Mayor Medlin)
VI.A. Swearing-in new Town of Benson Police Officers: Zachary Finch, Bailey Tart and Dharuba Washington.
VII. Department Reports
VII.A. Written Reports
VII.A.1. Benson Police Department
VII.A.2. Benson Parks and Recreation Department
VII.A.3. Cultural Arts
VIII. Old Business (Mayor Medlin)
VIII.A. Consider minimum housing ordinance for residential demolition of 303 W Martin St (Erin Joseph)
VIII.B. Discussion on WWTP Penalty (Tim Robbins)
IX. New Business (Mayor Medlin)
IX.A. Consider advisory board appointments (Mayor Medlin)
IX.A.1. Museum Advisory Board
IX.A.1.a. Karen G. Brothers
IX.A.1.b. Loretta H. Byrd
IX.A.2. Remaining Vacancies
IX.A.2.a. Museum -- 2
IX.A.2.b. Adjustments -- 1 alternate
IX.A.2.c. Parks and Rec -- 1 resident
IX.A.2.d. Historic Preservation -- 2 resident and 2 ETJ
IX.A.2.e. Library -- 1 resident
IX.A.2.f. Planning -- 1 ETJ
IX.A.2.g. Police -- 2 (District I and District II)
IX.B. Consider suggestive revisions of UDO (Andy Thomas)
IX.C. Consider additional road closures for Hallofest (Matt Smith)
IX.D. Consider approval of May 2019 Financial Report (Kim Pickett)
IX.E. Consider approval of USDA Grant/Loan funding (Alan Johnson and Kim Pickett)
IX.E.1. USDA has approved the Town of Benson Fire Department for a $50,000 Grant and $69,500 Loan for the purchase of a Fire Utility Vehicle
IX.E.2. Loan is set up for 20 years repayment at $4,891.00 annually
IX.F. Consider approval temporary construction easement for DOT Roundabout Project (Tim Robbins)
IX.G. Board notification of OSHA Citation (Scott Tart)
IX.H. Consider Purchase Orders over $10,000 (Kim Pickett)
IX.H.1. Clearwater, Inc $41,020, controls panels within the WWTP
IX.I. Consider revision of Ordinance 51.23 Bulk Waste Collection; Limitations; Penalty & Enforcement (Tim Robbins)
IX.J. Consider approval of FY 2019-2020 Fee Schedule (Kim Pickett)
X. Town Manager Report (Fred Nelson)
X.A. Boards opinion of Manager Ad
X.B. Town related events and meeting reminders:
X.B.1. June 10 - July 26 -- Library Summer Reading Program
X.B.2. July 19 -- Movie Night in the Grove
X.B.3. August 13 -- Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting 7 PM
X.B.4. August 16 -- Movie Night in the Grove
X.C. Chamber of Commerce Sponsored Events
X.C.1. July 11 -- Sundown in Downtown (5 Band NC)
X.C.2. August 8 -- Sundown in Downtown (Coastline Band)
XI. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XII. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XIII. Mayor Report (Mayor Medlin)
XIV. Information Only
XV. Closed Session
XV.A. NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (3): To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged. General policy matters may not be discussed in a closed session and nothing herein shall be construed to permit a public body to close a meeting that otherwise would be open merely because an attorney employed or retained by the public body is a participant. The public body may consider and give instructions to an attorney concerning the handling or settlement of a claim, judicial action, mediation, arbitration, or administrative procedure. If the public body has approved or considered a settlement, other than a malpractice settlement by or on behalf of a hospital, in closed session, the terms of that settlement shall be reported to the public body and entered into its minutes as soon as possible within a reasonable time after the settlement is concluded.
XVI. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Medlin)