October 11, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Massengill)
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda (Mayor Massengill)
IV.A. Consider Halloween Proclamation 105-2016.
IV.B. Consider Minutes for September13, 2016.
V. Public Comment (Mayor Massengill)
V.A. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
V.B. Questions & Answers related to Property, Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance
V.B.1. GUESTS: Dennis Moore (Moore Insurance Agency), Travis Shamel (PEA) and Lisa Kinsey (NCLM)
VI. Department Reports
VI.A. Written Reports
VI.B. POLICE/FIRE DEPTS: Update regarding the P25 Radio conversion that occurred Oct 1, 2016
VI.C. PLANNING DEPT: Minimum Housing Progress and Lambert House status (Braston Newton)
VI.D. FINANCE DEPT: Electric System
billing vs sales comparison. (Kim Pickett)
VI.E. PERSONNEL- Introduction of James Groves (Electric) and Lindsey Naylor (Intern).
VII. Old Business (Mayor Massengill)
VII.A. Discussion / consideration to change the utility billing statement. (Kimberly Pickett)
VII.A.1. Billing samples
VII.B. Consider Parking Ordinance recommendation updates. (Braston Newton)
VII.C. Consider Nuisance Ordinance recommendation updates. (Braston Newton)
VIII. Public Hearings (Mayor Massengill)
VIII.A. None
IX. New Business (Mayor Massengill)
IX.A. Request for action related to the Town of Benson insurance program (Matt Zapp)
IX.A.1. Potential coverage options
IX.A.1.a. Maintain coverage with PEA and VFIS (via local agent Dennis Moore)
IX.A.1.b. Transfer the Town's Property, Liability and Workers Comp to the NC League of Municipalities (NCLM)
IX.A.1.b.1. Effective transfer date of October 22, 2016
IX.A.1.b.2. Maintain VFIS coverage for the Benson Fire Department
IX.A.2. If the Town of Benson transfers coverage to the NCLM, does the BOC desire to purchase a 60-month tail coverage policy?
IX.A.2.a. Minimum tail coverage policy for 60-months = $32,612
IX.A.2.b. Optional 60-month tail coverage with a total of $2 mill protection = $40,644
IX.B. Mule Days 2016 Report
IX.B.1. General event overview and statistical data (Matt Zapp)
IX.B.2. BPD Report on Mule Days (Chief Edwards)
IX.C. Consider purchase order approvals that exceed $5,000
IX.C.1. Berry Plastics Meter Vault Install at a cost of $42,397 (Tim Robbins)
IX.C.2. Eastwood Dry Detention Basin Remediation; the pond located behind Lee Furniture (Tim Robbins)
IX.C.2.a. MRA Engineering Recommendation and survey data
IX.C.2.b. Prices were secured from 4 vendors
IX.C.2.b.1. JEG Construction at $11,500/ JSK Contracting $13,500/ TLC Works $15,000/ Quality Asphalt Service $19,000
IX.C.3. Engagement of an engineering firm to design and assist with electric system improvements near South Walton Avenue and Interstate 95 at exit 79 (Braston Newton)
IX.C.3.a. Costs not to exceed $25,000 for design work
IX.C.3.b. Further data and quotes to be made available at the BOC meeting.
IX.D. Presentation and consideration of the 2016 Roadway Resurfacing bids (Matt Zapp).
IX.D.1. Primary Roadway Resurfacing Bid- Lowest and Best bid of $159,552.50
IX.D.2. Alternate bid for West Church Street (between N Lincoln and US 301) was $46,756.80
IX.E. Consider ElectriCities NC Eastern Municipal Power Agency and Restated Renewable Energy Development and Service Agreement.
X. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
X.A. BPD Business Watch at Noon Thursday, October 13, 2016
X.B. BPRD Movie night and Halloween Egg Hunt at Singing Grove October 14, 2016
X.C. Healthy Harvest Saturday, October 22, 2016
X.D. Board of Commissioners Meeting Thursday, October 27, 2016
X.E. Town Hall Community Meeting on November 3, 2016 at 7p.m. at BPRD Civic Center
X.F. CANCELED: November 8, 2016 BOC meeting (due to the election).
X.G. November 10, 2016 Annual retreat dinner meeting with: Board, Manager, Asst. Manager, Finance Director and Clerk at 7p.m. at Town Hall.
X.H. November 12, 2016 Annual retreat with Board and Department Heads, time and location TBA
X.I. Board of Commissioners meeting Tuesday, November 29, 2016
XI. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XI.A. Information related to Solar Farm decommissioning.
XII. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XIII. Mayor Report (Mayor Massengill)
XIV. Information Only
XV. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Massengill)