April 19, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting changed from the 28th meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Massengill)
II. Pledge of Allegience
III. Consent Agenda (Mayor Massengill)
III.A. Consider Proclamation for Clerks Week May 1-7, 2016
IV. Public Comment (Mayor Massengill)
IV.A. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
V. Department Reports
V.A. Presentation related to an application to the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) grant process. (Wade Pudwill, The Wooten Company)
V.A.1. Total proposed project cost of $1,154,750
V.A.2. Total grant dollars being applied for $500,000
V.A.3. Grant application is due May 2, 2016
VI. Public Hearing (Mayor Massengill)
VI.A. Public hearing related to an application to the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) grant process.
VI.A.1. Public handout related to PARTF Grant.
VI.A.2. Map of the grant project area.
VII. New Business (Mayor Massengill)
VII.A. Supporting documents from the Town of Benson in reference to The Parks and Recreation Trust Fund / PARTF grant process. (Matt Zapp)
VII.A.1. Basic Facts of Assurance related to the project.
VII.A.2. A resolution of support to proceed with the PARTF grant application.
VII.A.3. General documents related to the project: Justification narrative, project costs and matching fund sources.
VII.A.4. Consider the acceptance of a Capital Improvement Plan related to the Dr. PK Vyas Park project.
VII.B. Consider appointment of John R. Bonner to Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.
VII.C. Consider the reimbursement of $1,500.00 via the Facade Grant for Melinda Matthews at 114 East Main Street. (Karissa Bergene)
VII.D. Consider Financial Report March 2016 (Kimberly Pickett)
VII.E. Consider Budget Amendment #10-2016 for Voluntary Demo Funding.(Kimberly Pickett)
VII.F. Consider Budget Amendment #11-2016 for 9 month adjustment. (Kimberly Pickett)
VII.G. Consider Project Ordinance 03-2016 related to the Voluntary Demolition Project (Kimberly Pickett)
VII.H. Consider a recommendation to select Rives and Associates, LLP as the Town of Benson auditor. (Kimberly Pickett)
VII.H.1. Rives and Associates, LLP annual estimated cost of $24,640 per year
VII.H.2. Contractual time period of 36-months
VII.I. Consider a legal services agreement with R. Isaac Parker. (Isaac Parker)
VII.I.1. This is a necessary step to satisfy the USDA funding application.
VII.J. Presentation by the Finance Office related to online payment services for the Town of Benson utility customers. (Kimberly Pickett)
VII.J.1. Information to made available at the meeting.
VII.K. Continued discussions and review of the Draft FY16/17 budget. (Matt Zapp)
VII.K.1. Information to made available at the meeting.
VIII. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
VIII.A. Approval to pay the Quadex Lining invoice of $91,750.00
VIII.A.1. The approved original repair estimate was $90,000
VIII.A.2. During the construction process, an additional 17-feet of pipe needed lined. The final cost for the repair is $91,750.
VIII.B. Town related events and meeting reminders:
VIII.B.1. Benson Clean-Up Day April 23, 2016 at Gym 8:30-Noon
VIII.B.2. Town wide bulk yard waste collection program.
VIII.B.2.a. Provided by Waste Industries
VIII.B.2.b. Bulk materials (Sticks, limbs & yard debris) must be at the curb by Sunday night April 24, 2016.
VIII.B.3. National Day of Prayer May 5, 2016 at the Grove at Noon
VIII.B.4. Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 7pm
VIII.B.5. Benson Community Day at Vyas Park on May 14, 2016
VIII.B.6. BPRD Movie Night at dark in the Grove, May 20, 2016.
VIII.B.7. Board of Commissioners second Meeting May 26, 2016 at 7pm
VIII.B.8. Friday Night Hoops 8pm-11pm at Vyas Park on May 27, 2016
IX. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
X. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XI. Mayor Report (Mayor Massengill)
XII. Information Only
XIII. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Massengill)
XIV. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)