January 7, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Annual Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Additions to the Agenda
V. Public Comment on Agenda Items
VI. Presentations and Recognitions
VII. Report from Superintendent
VIII. Routine Matters
VIII.A. Report from Committees
IX. Organization of the Board of Education
IX.A. According to the Board By-laws (Policies #1110-1115), at this organizational meeting the Board of Education, officers shall be nominated, and elections shall be held, for each office in the following order:
1) President 3) Secretary 2) Vice President 4) Treasurer For the purpose of receiving nominations the Board President will chair, in the event the Board President is unable to chair the meeting, the Vice President shall sit in place of the President until the new President is elected. In the event no ranking Board officer is able to chair the meeting, the Board shall elect a chairperson pro tem to chair the meeting until the President is elected. The chairperson shall receive and close nominations for each office before calling for votes for election. (All nominations shall be received and nominations closed for each office before calling for votes by roll call for the election). Election of President: A. Call for Nominations B. Roll Call Election of Vice President: A. Call for Nominations B. Roll Call Election of Secretary: A. Call for Nominations B. Roll Call Election of Treasurer: A. Call for Nominations B. Roll Call |
X. Action Items
X.A. Consent Docket - the items listed below may be approved with one motion but any of the items may be questioned at any time.
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the items listed in the consent docket be approved as presented." |
X.A.1. Approval of 12.17.15 Regular Meeting Minutes
X.B. Approval of Personnel Items
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the personnel items, as detailed in the attachments, be received and approved.” |
X.C. Attorney Appointments/Law Firms
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the Lansing Board of Education authorize the use of law firms on the Board’s approved list of firms as detailed in the enclosure." |
X.D. Designate Depositories for Lansing School District Funds
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the designation of depositories for Lansing School District funds contained in the enclosure be reaffirmed.” |
X.E. Designate Auditing Firm
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the designation for a firm to conduct the annual external audit of accounts as detailed in the enclosure, be reaffirmed.” |
X.F. Designate persons authorized to sign checks, contracts, agreements and purchase orders
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the Lansing Board of Education designate persons authorized to sign checks, contracts, agreements and purchase orders as detailed in the enclosure.” |
X.G. Adopt the 2015 Board Meeting Schedule
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the proposed meeting dates for the Lansing Board of Education as detailed in the enclosure be approved for the 2016 calendar year." |
X.H. Appoint Lansing Board of Education Parliamentarian
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Lansing Board of Education appoint Mary Kay Scullion as the Lansing Board of Education Parliamentarian.” |
X.I. Appoint staff person responsible for posting public notices of meetings of the Board of Education
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the Lansing Board of Education appoint Janelle Jenkins-Coe as the staff person responsible for posting public notices of meetings of the Lansing Board of Education.” |
X.J. Appoint Title IX Representative
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that Sergio Keck be designated as the Lansing School District Title IX Representative.” |
X.K. Appoint Lansing School District FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Officer
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that Debbie Sever be designated as the Lansing School District FOIA Officer.” |
X.L. Designate Board Secretary as the Representative to the Ingham School Officers Association
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the Lansing Board of Education designate the Lansing School District Board of Education Secretary as the representative to the Ingham School Officers Association." |
X.M. Distribution of Conflict of Interest Policies
It shall be noted in the record that each Board member received a dated copy of Revised By-law sections 0144.3 and 0144.4 detailing Conflict of Interest policies, as required by the Board of Education by-laws, in enclosures. |
XI. Discussion Items
XII. Public Comment
XIII. Report from Secretary and Announcements
XIV. Other Business Deemed Necessary
XV. Adjournment