June 2, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Budget Committee Meeting #3
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order and note attendance
2. Welcome from Chair
3. Correspondance
3.a. SFEA Letter
4. Review and Approve meeting minutes of May 21 Budget Committee Meeting
5. Update on State School Funding and other key information
Paul Peterson and Steve Nielsen
6. Budget Deliberation
7. Public Comment - "As always, please allow for brief delays as folks turn on and off their microphones to speak and we ask that panelists stay muted when you are not speaking to improve the quality of audio in our meeting. Attendees will need to request to have your microphone enabled to participate during those times during the meeting. In order to make a public comment, please email valoff_debbie@silverfalls.k12.or.us at least 5 minutes before the public comment period and your microphone will be enables when your name is called upon. During designated public comment periods, please be patient as we respond as quick as possible to requests by attendees to interact with the panel of Board and Budget Committee Members. Thanks in advance for your patience as we get started tonight with this upgraded Zoom Webinar platform. Thanks for "Zooming-in tonight"
8. Approval of Budget
9. Adjourn