July 9, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session *REVISED*
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order and note attendance
2. Flag Salute
3. Action Items
3.a. Nominate and elect Board Chairperson
3.b. Nominate and elect Vice Chairperson
4. Consent Agenda
4.a. Approve minutes from June 11 meeting
4.b. Approve Employment of Teachers -
Pranvera Davidhi - Silverton Middle School - FSC/SPED - Special Ed Teacher - 1.0 FTE (probationary) Sam Jeager - Mark Twain Elem. - PE Teacher - 1.0 FTE (temporary) Lexi Pola - Silverton Middle School - Health Teacher - 0.4 FTE (temporary) Added July 9, 2018: Jennifer Alonzo Madrigal - Mark Twain Elem. - Title 1 Intervention Teacher - 0.5 FTE (probationary) Sheila Nielsen - Silverton HS - Tag Coordinator - 0.17 FTE (probationary) Sheila Nielsen - Silverton HS - HS ELA Teacher - 0.5 FTE (probationary) Alyssa Ogle - Silverton HS - HS Social Studies Teacher - 1.0 FTE (probationary) Katie Pool - Evergreen Elem. - 4th/5th Grade Teacher - 1.0 FTE (probationary) Christine South - Silverton HS - HS ELA Teacher - 1.0 FTE (probationary) Brandon Stoddard - Silverton HS - HS Science Teacher - 1.0 FTE (probationary) Gloria Wurdinger - Silverton Middle School - MS Math/Science Teacher - 0.67 FTE (probationary) |
4.c. District Policy Committee Recommended Revisions and Deletions - Section K/L, Community Relations (final reading)
5. Audience with Visitors
6. Discussion Items
6.a. Resignation of Zone 6 Director, Todd White, effective August 1, 2018 (Policy BBC) - http://policy.osba.org/sfalls/AB/BBC%20D1.PDF
6.b. Declaration of director vacancy. Process for filling vacancy, Zone 6. (Policy BBE) - http://policy.osba.org/sfalls/AB/BBE%20D1.PDF
6.c. Identify 2018-2021 Budget Committee Vacancies (Policy DBEA) - http://policy.osba.org/sfalls/D/DBEA%20D1.PDF
6.d. July 23 Work Session; August 27 Work Session
6.e. Other
7. Administrator and Staff Reports
7.a. SHS Clay Target Team, trip to National Tournament
Kevin Palmer
7.b. Seismic Project Updates - Robert Frost School, Silverton Middle School; Survey for Board Self Evaluation
Andy Bellando
7.c. Review of 2018 District TELL Survey Results - https://telloregon.org/results
Andy Bellando, Dandy Stevens and Jennifer Hannan
7.d. Annual Personnel Report
Dandy Stevens
8. Other
9. Board Reports
10. Correspondance
11. Action Items
11.a. Approve travel of Silverton High School Clay Target Team members to the National Tournament in Mason, Michigan, July 12-15, 2018
12. Adjourn to Executive Session under:
ORS 192.660(2)(h) - To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed |
13. Return to Open Session
14. Adjourn