May 10, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Lane ESD Budget Committee Meeting and Regular Meeting of the Board
Agenda |
1. Call Regular Meeting of the Board To Order
Board Chair
1.A. Appoint Budget Committee Member
Board Chair
The Board of Directors of Lane ESD will move to appoint Robin Zygaitis, Bethel School District, to the Lane ESD Budget Committee. Ms. Zygaitis will be replacing Rich Cunningham on the Committee.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD appoints Robin Zygaitis, Bethel School District Board Member, to its Budget Committee. |
1.B. Adjourn Board of Directors
Board Chair
The Board Chair will adjourn the Board of Directors and move to call the Budget Committee to order.
2. Call Budget Committee To Order
Board Chair
2.A. Welcome and Introductions
Board Chair
Welcome and Introductions
2.B. Election of Officers
Board Chair
The Lane ESD Board Chair will call for nominations for Presiding Officer of the meeting.
2.B.1. Nominations for Presiding Officer
2.C. Presentation of Superintendent Budget Message
Superintendent Scurto
Preparing for current and upcoming growth as well as incorporating continuing pandemic resources, Lane Education Service District is presenting for your consideration this proposed budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year that contains an appropriated General Fund amount of $29,409,800 and a total for all funds of $69,499,937. This represents increases of $2,049,400 (7.5%) and $5,305,604 (8.3%), respectively. The projected unreserved ending General Fund balance is 10.13%.
Our agency is experiencing growth. Starting next year, the four elementary Springfield Public School Lifeskills classrooms will be operated by Lane ESD. We are also seeing the effect of full funding and implementation of the Student Success Act. A challenge that stems from this growth is how to scale up accordingly. In addition to front line personnel needed—teachers, Instructional Assistants (IAs), specialists—we need to add administrative support to effectively continue to serve our districts.
At the same time we are expanding in several areas, there is one unit of our School Improvement Department we will be losing. Connected Lane County (CLC) will be become a fully independent non-profit entity starting on July 1. CLC employees will no longer be employees of Lane ESD. While this may seem like a sudden decision, it is actually one that CLC has been contemplating for several years now. Two years ago CLC achieved non-profit status but continued to use Lane ESD as their backbone for operations. It was a hybrid public/non-profit arrangement. Through the years we have appreciated all the work CLC has done for students in our region. We know they will continue this good work and we look forward to maintaining a partnership with them. |
2.D. Review of Proposed Budget Document
Dave Standridge
Dave Standridge will review the 2021-22 proposed budget document
2.E. Committee Discussion
Budget Committee
2.F. Public Comment(s)
Presiding Officer
This is an opportunity for the audience to address the Budget Committee on topics related to the Budget Committee proceedings.
2.G. Committee Action
Presiding Officer
2.H. Adjourn Budget Committee
Presiding Officer
3. Call Regular Meeting To Order
Board Chair
4. Welcome
Board Chair
Guests attending the meeting will be introduced.
5. Public Participation
This is an opportunity for the audience to address the Board on topics either on, or not on, the agenda. There will also be opportunities for the audience to comment on specific agenda items as the Board addresses them.
6. Agenda Review
Board Chair
7. Pesentation: OAESD
Amber Eaton
Amber Eaton, Executive Director of Oregon Association of Education Service Districts (OAESD), will provide an update on OAESD activities and answer any board member questions.
8. Action Items
Board Chair
8.A. Consent Agenda
Board Chair
The Lane ESD Board of Directors has agreed to implement a consent agenda. All items in the consent agenda are adopted by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that such item be removed from the consent agenda and acted upon separately.
Generally, consent agenda items are matters which members of the Board agree are routine in nature and should be acted upon in one motion to conserve time and to enable the Board to focus on the other matters on the agenda. Back-up materials for consent agenda items are included in the agenda packet as needed. Minutes of this meeting will reflect action on each item. If any board member wishes to withdraw any consent group item, it will be moved to the appropriate section of the agenda. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD adopts the consent group as submitted and listed below. 1. Human Resource Report, dated May 1, 2022
8.B. Accept Financial Report
Board Chair
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD accepts the Financial Report for April 2022.
8.C. Cast Vote for OAESD Governance Council Chair-Elect
Board Chair
At the March 9th meeting, the OAESD Governance Council moved to reopen the OAESD Officers Council Nomination and Election process for the Chair-Elect as there were not enough votes submitted during the 1st process and timeline. Receipt of nominations for the OAESD Board Chair-Elect position has now closed. OAESD has received two nominations for this position. Please see the nominees bio and pictures attached. The Board is asked to submit submit its board's vote/ballot by May 31, 2022.
May - Local Boards will cast their votes for Chair-Elect. Results will be turned in to the OAESD no later than May 31.
June 2nd – The results of the election(s) will be announced at the OAESD Superintendent Council Meeting on June 2nd. Officers Council as of July 1, 2022
Board Section
Linda Brown, Clackamas ESD (Chair)
TBD (Chair-Elect)Kelly Bissinger, Intermountain ESD (Past-Chair) Tonja Everest, Linn Benton Lincoln ESD (President) Tony Scurto, Lane ESD (President-Elect) Paul Andrews, High Desert ESD (Past-President) Executive Director
Amber Eaton
Program Administrator
Jessica BrendenBE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD casts its vote for OAESD Governance Council Chair-Elect.
8.D. Asian American Pacific Islander Month May 2022
Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month takes place every May in the United States. AAPI Heritage Month, formerly Asian Pacific American Heritage Month until 2009, originated in 1992 when then New York Congressmen Frank Hortin introduced the bill that called for the month of May to receive that designation, which came from the idea of former Capitol Hill staffer Jeanie Jew in the mid 1970s – more than 15 years earlier. Jeanie Jew witnessed the U.S. Bicentennial celebrations of 1976 and was concerned about the lack of recognition given to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. At the time, celebrations of Black History Month and Hispanic Heritage were already in place. While Black History Month was decreed by President Gerald Ford in 1976 to become a national observance, Hispanic Heritage Week was designated as a national celebration by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968. The month of May was selected for two reasons: First, to commemorate the arrival of the first known Japanese immigrant to the U.S. on May 7, 1843; secondly, to honor the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869, which upwards of 20,000 Chinese workers helped to construct. The month pays tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched the United State’s history and are instrumental in its future success. Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in Lane Education Service District WHEREAS: Asian and Pacific Americans have helped advance our community’s prosperity through their contributions to all fields of education, business, the arts, economic development, science, and technology; and WHEREAS: Asian and Pacific American history is marked by a struggle for freedom, equality, and justice, prevailing over the adversity of exclusion, persecution, incarceration, and disparities; and WHEREAS: The vibrant history and diverse cultures of Oregon’s Asian and Pacific Americans are here to be honored as a central part of our state’s story and shared across all Oregon communities; and WHEREAS: The month of May is nationally recognized as a time to celebrate contributions of Asian and Pacific Americans to our society and collective history. THEREFORE: The Lane Education Service District Board hereby proclaims May 2022 to be ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH in Lane Education Service District. Adopted this 10th day of May, 2022. |
8.E. Implement Policy GCPA: Layoff/Recall - Licensed Staff
Board Chair
When the Lane ESD Board determines that a layoff of staff is necessary, it will discuss the matter at a regular or special Board meeting and will consider such factors and alternatives it deems necessary to arrive at a decision. Layoff may take place under the following conditions:
1. The ESD’s lack of funds to continue its educational program at its anticipated level; 2. Elimination or adjustment of classes due to an administrative decision; 3. Other reasons as determined by the Board. Nothing in this policy, however, is intended to interfere with the right of the ESD to discharge, remove or nonrenew the contract of a probationary teacher or to not extend the contract of or dismiss a contract teacher pursuant to the provisions of the Accountability for Schools for the 21st Century Law. Based on an administrative reorganization within the contracting agency, the following position is subject to layoff.
8.F. Implement Policy CPA: Layoff/Recall Administrative Staff
Board Chair, Superintendent
This policy is applicable to all licensed/unlicensed administrator/confidential staff below the rank of assistant superintendent.
The Board retains the right to determine when a layoff is necessary. Layoffs shall be by position. A reduction in hours does not constitute a layoff. The factors considered in the layoff process will be license, seniority, qualifications, merit, and/or competence. Competence includes recent experience, additional training and educational attainments. Merit includes the measurement of one administrator’s ability and effectiveness against the ability and effectiveness of another administrator. The Board will retain, consistent with state law, the most capable and productive of the licensed and qualified employees needed to carry out the approved programs and services of the ESD. Prior to initial development of a recall procedure for administrators the Board will consult with the employees or a designated representative of the employees covered by this policy.
8.G. Implement Policy GDPA: Layoff/Recall, Classified
Board Chair, Superintendent
If the Board determines the need for a reduction in work force, the procedures outlined below will be followed. A layoff means the reduction of an employee’s annual hours of assigned work by more than 20 percent or a reduction that would be below the level required to qualify for medical insurance benefits.
Any employee who is to be laid off will be so notified in writing 45 calendar days (or more) prior to the lay-off date. The association will simultaneously be sent a copy of the notification if a member or members are involved. Layoff criteria to be considered by the Board are: 1. Maintenance of a sound and balanced service program; 2. Qualifications of the staff as defined in the job descriptions; and 3. Seniority. An employee whose position is being eliminated will be eligible to bump the least senior employee in the same position description/category with the same or fewer hours of employment and same or lesser rate of pay, if qualified. If there are no positions within the job category for which the employee is qualified and has greater seniority, then the employee may bump the least senior employee outside their job category with the same or fewer hours of employment and same or lesser rate of pay so long as the laid off employee is qualified for that position. An employee displaced by bumping may also have the option to bump on the same basis.
9. Discussion/Reports
9.A. Legislative Update
Superintendent Tony Scurto
Superintendent Scurto will provide an update in legislative activities if there are any updates.
9.B. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Tony Scurto
9.C. Board Self-Evaluation
Board self-evaluation provides more than just accountability and communication. It provides an opportunity for building the best possible leadership for the district and community. Commitment to quality, excellence, continuous learning, and local control of the educational system is demonstrated when boards lead by example. Oregon School Boards Association's Board Self-Evaluation online survey is designed to provide both a clear objective system for board evaluation. It was developed by our colleagues in Washington, and is based on board standards that were identified through the Lighthouse Inquiries. This tool has also been validated in additional research asking about the relationship between boardsmanship as measured with this board self-assessment tool and student achievement. The initial research was conducted in Montana by Ivan Lorentzen, Ed. D. Click here for an executive summary. This initial research from Montana has now been replicated in Washington and Texas. We hope to soon add Oregon to that list. The survey measures 5 standards, 22 benchmarks, and 69 key performance indicators. It takes about twenty minutes to complete. It is designed to assess the board as a whole, not its individual members, and each question asks to what extent the board does the following statement or question. It is completely anonymous, however, it does ask a role question in case the board wishes to include its superintendent and board secretary. Their answers however are not individually identifiable. Why evaluate?The culture of an organization is set at the top, and it is no different for school and educational organizations. School boards must be strong, effective leaders to meet the challenges faced by public education today. School board members direct the affairs of the district by setting goals, developing policy, communicating and evaluating, all with a focus on the achievement and best interests of all students in the district. Self-assessment by the board provides valuable information, discussion and communication. Self-evaluation by the board:
The OSBA online survey is available and free for OSBA member boards. Please reach out to the Board Development department to request the link. A summary report of the 5 standards will be provided free of charge. A more in-depth facilitated conversation of the survey's 22 benchmarks and 69 key performance indicators is provided to your board by a member of the OSBA Board Development team for a small fee and travel costs.
9.D. First Read: 2022-23 Board Meeting Calendar
Board Chair
The Board will discuss its 2022-23 meeting calendar.
Proposed dates for the 2022-23 year are: July 12 or skip
August 2 September 6 (Labor Day September 5) October 4 (Yom Kippur October 5) November 1 December 6 January 3 February 7 March 7 (Purim) April 4 May 2 June 6 |
9.E. First Read: Policy and Administrative Rule Updates
Superintendent Tony Scurto
The Board shall exercise its rule-making power by adopting policies consistent with the Oregon Revised Statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules or opinions of a court of competent authority, for its own governance and for the organization and operation of Lane ESD. The Board accepts the definition of policy set forth by the National School Boards Association:
School Board policies are statements which set forth the purposes and prescribe in general terms the organization and program of a school system. They create a framework within which the superintendent and his/her staff can discharge their assigned duties with positive direction. They tell what is wanted.
Such policies may be adopted, amended or repealed at any Board meeting provided that the proposed adoption, amendment or repeal shall have been proposed at a previous Board meeting and, once proposed, shall have remained on the agenda of each succeeding meeting until approved or rejected and except that the Board may adopt, amend or repeal policies at any meeting of the Board in the event of an actual emergency, as determined at the sole discretion of the Board. Additionally, when in the best interests of the district immediate adoption of a proposed policy is necessary, the Board may adopt such policy at the first meeting in which it is presented. Policies shall be adopted, amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of four or more Board members. Policies and amendments adopted by the Board will be attached to, and made a part of, the minutes of the meeting at which they are adopted and also will be included in the ESD’s policy manual. The Board shall communicate its position on matters of public policy and shall interact with the community, other governmental bodies and agencies and the media through the spokesperson designated by the Board. The Board of Directors will read policy updates related to Sexual Harassment and Remote Work. The associated administrative rule related to Remote Work is also being shared with the board.
10. Information from Administrative Staff
Administrative Staff
The directors of Human Resources and Title Programs, Special Education, Business Services, Technology and School Improvement have submitted written reports to the Board on matters of interest concerning his/her area of responsibility.
11. Board Member Reports and Comments/Agenda Planning
Lane ESD Board, Liaisons, Advisors
11.A. Agenda Planning
Board Chair
Board members are invited to send agenda items to be considered for the next board meeting. Please call or email to the Board Chair or Superintendent.
11.B. Board Member Reports
Board, Advisors, Liaisons
Board members are asked to submit their reports in writing to be attached to Boardbook. Reports can be sent to the Executive Assistant in advance of the meeting.
As Board Members prepare their reports, please consider the following questions:
2. What is the connection to the LESD services and programs to the component districts or community? 3. What significance or meaning does the activity have to the broader community? 4. What are the next steps or follow-up activities planned? Sherry Duerst-Higgins Linda Hamilton Leslie Harris
Nora Kent
Vanessa Truett
Sydney Kissinger Rose Wilde
Mike Anderson, Liaison, Creswell School District Mark Boren, Liaison, Fern Ridge School District Emilio Hernandez, Liaison, Springfield Public Schools Erin Zygaitis, Community Advisor
12. Announcements/Correspondence
Board Chair
12.A. Acknowledgements and Recognition
Superintendent Tony Scurto
Western Regional Educator Network Newsletter
12.B. Kudos
Kudos to: Madeline Malsch, Tracey Ward, Julie Simmonds Kudos to: Lisa Baber, David Lanza, Jenell Koelblin Kudos to: Brad Johnston |
12.C. Announcements
Board Chair
12.C.1. Lane ESD Board Member Activities and Opportunities
OSBA Training and Events - Upcoming Opportunities
Lane Instruction Network Lane ESD Workshops and Events |
12.C.2. Component District Board Meeting Dates
13. Adjournment
• The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at the Lane ESD Main Campus, 1200 Highway 99 N, Eugene. |