May 7, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Budget Committee Meeting To Order
Board Chair
The Board, Budget
Committee, Liaisons and Advisors will discuss the 2019-20 Budget.
1.A. Call To Order
Board Chair
Welcome and Introductions
1.B. Election of Officers
Board Chair
a. Nomination for Presiding Officer
1.C. Presentation of Superintendent Budget Message
Superintendent Tony Scurto
1.D. Review of Proposed Budget Document
Dave Standridge
1.E. Committee Discussion
Budget Committee
1.F. Public Comments
Presiding Officer
1.G. Committee Action
Presiding Officer
1.H. Adjourn Budget Committee
Presiding Officer
2. Call Regular Meeting To Order
Board Chair
3. Welcome
Board Chair
Guests attending
the meeting will be introduced.
4. Public Participation
This is an opportunity for
the audience to address the Board on topics either on, or not on, the
agenda. There will also be opportunities
for the audience to comment on specific agenda items as the Board addresses
5. Agenda Review
Board Chair
The agenda will
be reviewed for changes or additions.
6. Presentation: Driver Education
Sherrie Bandy
Sherrie Bandy, Driver Education Initiative Coordinator, will present to the Board on the Driver Education Program.
7. Action Items
Board Chair
7.A. Consent Agenda
Board Chair
The Lane ESD
Board of Directors has agreed to implement a consent agenda. All items in the consent agenda are adopted
by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests
that such item be removed from the consent agenda and acted upon separately.
Generally, consent agenda items are matters which members of the Board agree are routine in nature and should be acted upon in one motion to conserve time and to enable the Board to focus on the other matters on the agenda. Back-up materials for consent agenda items are included in the agenda packet as needed. Minutes of this meeting will reflect action on each item. If any board member wishes to withdraw any consent group item, it will be moved to the appropriate section of the agenda. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD adopts the consent group as submitted and listed below. 1. Lane ESD Board Meeting Minutes of April 2, 2019 2. Human Resource Report, dated May 1, 2019 |
7.B. Accept Financial Report for April 2019
Board Chair
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD accepts the Financial Report for April 2019.
7.C. Declaration of Licensed Staff Appreciation Week
Board Chair
WHEREAS, licensed education staff mold future citizens through guidance and education; and WHEREAS, licensed education staff encounter students of widely differing backgrounds; and WHEREAS, our country’s future depends upon providing quality education to all students; and WHEREAS, licensed education staff spend countless hours preparing lessons, evaluating progress, counseling and coaching students and performing community service; and WHEREAS, our community recognizes and supports its licensed education staff in educating the children of this community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lane Education Service District Board of Directors proclaims May 6-10, 2019, to be LICENSED EDUCATION STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Lane Education Service District Board of Directors strongly encourage all members of our community to join with it in personally expressing appreciation to our licensed education staff for their dedication and devotion to their work. Adopted this 7th day of May, 2019. |
7.D. OAESD Chair Elect
Board Vice-Chair
In accordance with the OAESD Bylaws, 2019 is the year for nomination and election for the position of “Chair-Elect.” The duties of this position and the other members of the Officer Council are provided below
in Article X, Section 2. Past practice for the selection of Chair-Elect has been for each ESD Board to nominate a candidate for the position if they so desire. The nomination and election timeline for 2019 is as follows: February 1 – March 22 – Local Boards may nominate eligible members of their own or other ESD boards for the position of “Chair-Elect”. Nominations will be turned in to Gary Peterson, Executive Director, no later than March 22. April 1 – May 10 – Local Boards will cast their vote for “Chair-Elect”. Results will be turned in to Gary Peterson no later than May 10. May – The results of the election will be announced at the OAESD Annual Banquet on May 16. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD casts its vote for the OAESD Chair Elect. |
8. Discussion/Reports
8.A. Legislative Update
Superintendent Tony Scurto and Board Leadership
Superintendent Scurto will provide an update in legislative activities if there are any updates.
8.B. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Tony Scurto
8.C. May 8 Day of Action
Board Chair
8.D. Youth Equity Group
Board Chair
The Board will discuss experiences from the Youth Equity Summit, and feedback from the ACTE Pre-Conference.
8.E. First Read 2019-20 Board Calendar
Board Chair
The Board of Directors of Lane ESD will discuss its proposed meeting dates for 2018-19.
8.F. Board Development
Board Chair
The Board will discuss development of the Board and the orientation of new Board members.
8.F.1. Board Development Proposal/New Board Member Orientation
Board Chair
The Board will discuss new board member orientation.
OSBA is offering a free webinar for board secretaries, superintendents, and other district staff at noon on May 14, 2019. |
8.F.2. OAESD Spring Conference Planning
Board Chair
Chair Wilde, Vice-Chair Duerst-Higgins, Director Hamilton, Advisor Hernandez, Superintendent Scurto, and Assistant Superintendent Knobbe will be attending the conference. School Improvement Director Carlos Sequeira, Connected Lane County Director Heidi Larwick, Career Technical Education Specialist Shareen Vogel, and industry partners will be presenting.
In addition, Vice-Chair Duerst-Higgins will be recognized for 25 years of service to the Board. Rooms at the Sunriver Resort have been reserved May 15-17, 2019. Elevate Lane County Externships has been selected to receive the OAESD New Ideas in Education award in the School Improvement category. Lane ESD will be recognized for this award at the annual banquet on Thursday May 16. On Friday May 17, Connected Lane County staff will present on the program to the conference attendees. |
8.F.3. OSBA Summer Board Conference
Board Chair
The OSBA Summer Board conference is scheduled for July 19-21, 2019. The Board will discuss attending the conference.
8.G. First Read - Administrative Rules
Board Chair
8.G.1. GCBE/GDBE-AR (2): Management Staff Vacation
Board Chair
The Board will read new Administrative Rule GCBE/GDBE-AR(2): Management Staff Vacation.
8.H. Repeal of GBEE-AR: Lane ESD Sunshine Fund Guidelines
Board Chair
This administrative rule is no longer relevant, as it applies to a program that no Lane ESD no longer administers.
8.I. Repeal of Policy GDO: Promotion of Classified Staff
Board Chair
Policy GDO: Promotion of Classified Staff is obsolete. Updated guidance is located in GAB-AR(3): Internal Employee Hired to New Position Classification (administrative rule).
This will be presented for action by the Board at the June 2019 meeting. |
9. Information from Administrative Staff
Administrative Staff
directors of Human Resources and Title Programs, Special Education, Business Services, Technology, and Instruction, Equity & Partnerships will
be available to provide an oral report to the Board on matters of interest
concerning his/her area of responsibility.
10. Board Member Reports and Comments
Lane ESD Board, Liaisons, Advisors
10.A. Board Member Reports
Lane ESD Board
As Board Members prepare their comments or reports, please
consider the
following questions:
1. What programs did I visit over the last month? What committees did I participate in? 2. What is the connection to the LESD services and programs to the component districts or community? 3. What significance or meaning does the activity have to the broader community? And 4. What are the next steps or follow-up activities planned? Alan Contreras - absent Chris Culver Sherry Duerst-Higgins Linda Hamilton Sharon Martin Vanessa Truett Rose Wilde Scott Linenberger, Superintendents' Council Advisor Emilio Hernandez, Community Advisor Mike Anderson, Liaison, Creswell School District Mark Boren, Liaison, Fern Ridge School District: Welcome to May, here is your monthly update regarding a few items we are either working on, or may be of interest to you. (I'll keep it to 10 items.) 1. Election day is rapidly approaching. May 21st. If this bond passes, the wheels will go in motion right away....and much behind the scenes work will begin. 2. Recently (about 2 weeks ago) the District was contacted by ODE and told we needed to take off the "stop-arm" cameras that are on our buses. For those of you that don't know, stop arm cameras take a picture when the "stop arm" goes out on the side of the bus, it captures pictures of any vehicles that go by when the arm is out. We are working through this, I have directed the bus barn to not take them off yet. First student management is working with ODE on this issue, but yesterday ODE sent out an email to all Superintendents in the state addressing this issue and saying they are "not in compliance with ODE minimum bus standards".......I will keep you posted regarding how this works out. 3. The district had our first budget committee meeting. The budget document is almost complete, and will go to the members of the committee within a week. The next meeting is on May 21st where the budget message will be delivered, questions asked, and the process of approving it will begin. There are a few things added to the budget (which is good that we are not in "cutting" mode). Those include funding some additional IA time, some additional secretary time, an additional teacher at FRMS and an athletic trainer at name a few. 4. We had our first District "reunification team" meeting last week. At our July meeting, if you are interested in volunteering for this event, which will occur on the last Monday morning of August (I believe)......I will be taking sign-ups. 5. To follow up on some questions I got at our last meeting...I believe the bus situation has been handled. First student is working with all families if they had some financial burden. Another question was on the level of middle school homework, and the change once they go to EHS. I forwarded this question to Ms. Johnson and they had a staff discussion on the topic. There was some agreement that for 8th graders some changes could be made to ease the transition, the FRMS leadership team will be discussing it. 6. May 8th is the educator "Day of Action" that has many teachers across the state "walking out". Our teaches here in Fern Ridge voted to support the cause, however in order to not disrupt students and families, they will be participating after the student contact day, once kids are gone for the day. 7. Next week is Teacher Appreciation week. There will be some recognition going on for our teachers at their buildings. 8. This Monday we had our last negotiating session with WLTLC. We have a signed contract for the next 5 years. 9. The Middle School will be presenting a new "dress code" to the school board to discuss in May. In general, it is less specific, and restrictive. Proponents would say it is also less gender biased. Anyhow, I mention it as it could cause some community discussion if this is the route the board elects to go. 10. Finally, we are almost done with our Food Service contract (Chartwells was the only respondant to our RFP). We are currently bouncing back and forth some final contract language. I would expect it to be finalized by the end of the month. |
10.B. Agenda Planning
Board Chair
Board members are invited to send agenda items to
be considered for the next board meeting. Please call or email to the Board Chair or
11. Announcements/Correspondence
Board Chair
11.A. Acknowledgements and Recognition
Superintendent Tony Scurto
11.B. Kudos
Do you have an acknowledgment for a staff or peer? Board members and employees can submit a "kudo" any time during the month. To submit a kudo go here:
Kudos to: Sara Mansfield Reported by: Natalie Hebin Reason: Thanks so much for all your guidance and assistance with everything AAC- and AT-related. You are super knowledgeable about the topic and patient with all my questions. To: Julie Simmonds Reported by: Rose Wilde Reason: For her positive and professional attitude with board members and administrators at all times. In six years on the board, Julie always has a friendly word for everyone, while managing complex and time sensitive tasks. We notice! To: Tony Scurto Reported by: Rose Wilde Reason: Excellent job advocating for Lane ESD and ESDs in general during this legislative session. You are already well respected among your peers and legislators! Kudos to: Sherry Bandy Reported by: Carol Knobbe Reason: Thanks for your work on getting the word out on our Lane County Driver Education Initiative via radio interview and presentations to community groups! Kudos to: MEP Staff Reported by: Carol Knobbe Reason: Thanks everyone for your contributions to a successful monitoring of the MEP program. We got great feedback from ODE acknowledging the efforts of staff on behalf of students and families in Lane and Douglas County. Kudos to: Sharon England Reported by: Carol Knobbe Reason: Thanks for helping with the My Future My Choice training logistics! Kudos to: Brad Johnston, Don Stewart, John Velkinburg Reported by: Tony Scurto Reason: Excellent job combating the snow and ice and succeeding to clear our parking lot and walkways! Kudos to: Lisa Baber and David Lanza Reported by: Tony Scurto Reason: Even though we were closed, they battled through the elements to get here and do payroll....on time! Kudos to: John Velkinburg Reported by: Brad Johnston Reason: John is always reliable when it comes to emergency facilities projects. During the snow storm he was here and committed to stay as long as it took to get the snow and ice cleared for a safe return for our staff. John regularly shows his dedication to the ESD. Thanks John! Kudos to: Linda Hamilton Reported by: Rose Wilde Reason: Linda did a wonderful job organizing and Emceeing the Blacks in Government Black History Month dinner last month. We had so much fun and really enjoyed ourselves! Kudos to: Maddy Ahearn, Heidi Rebar, Sharon England Reported by: Brad Johnston Reason: I want to thank Maddy, Heidi, and Sharon for their efforts in organizing the east wing of the building and help with making our common work spaces and storage areas more functional. Kudos to: Justin Radabaugh Reported by: LaRae Akin Reason: You went above and beyond by renting a tractor and spending your snow day making sure our parking lot was clear safe for students and staff to return to school. Thank you for all you do for Lane School! Kudos to: Don Stewart, Stuart Rush, Maj Bonnet, Erin Moser, Justn Radabaugh, Rhonda Brown Reported by: LaRae Akin Reason: What a team! Thank you all for bringing your snow shovels and pitching in to clear the driveways, walkways and bus lanes before students arrived. It proved once again how much we all care about our campus and students! The Technology Association of Oregon (TAO) has announced its 2018 People's Choice Awards Finalists, including Connected Lane County Director Heidi Larwick. The awards were presented April 10 at the Oregon Convention Center. In its 34th year, the event was expected to draw more than 600 attendees. |
11.C. Announcements
Board Chair
11.C.1. Lane ESD and Component District Professional Development Activities for Educators
- Patterns Physics for the Next Generation (Day 1 & 2 of 9), May 9-10, 2019
- Patterns Biology for the Next Generation May 16-17, 2019 - High Expertise Teaching Module 3: Making Student Thinking Visible, May 22, 2019 - High Expertise Teaching Module 2A: Essential Elements of Planning and Design, May 30, 2019 - Patterns Physics for the Next Generation (Day 3-5 of 9), June 24-26, 2019 - Patterns Biology for the Next Generation (Day 3-5 of 9), July 30-August 1, 2019 - CONNECT School Based Postvention Training, October 1, 2019 |
11.C.2. Lane ESD Board Member Activities and Opportunities
- Vision Impaired Breakfast, International House of Pancakes, May 9, 2019
- Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10, 2019 - National School Nurse Day, May 8, 2019 - CTE Celebration, May 14, 2019 |
11.C.3. Upcoming Conferences and Events
- OAESD Spring Conference, May 15-17, 2019
- Lane ESD Retirement Reception, June 5, 2019 - STEAM at the Ems, July 7, 2019 - OSBA Summer Board Conference, July 19-21, 2019 - OSBA 73rd Annual Convention, November 14-17, 2019 As a way of celebrating our successes as a county over the past year, the Lane ESD CTE team will be hosting a special Open House Celebration event TUESDAY, MAY 14, 3-5PM at Lane ESD. Districts have been asked to provide the name of 1 CTE teacher and 1 CTE project/initiative from their building that is deserving of special recognition. Hearty appetizers and door prizes included, ceremony will begin at 3:30. |
11.C.4. Component District Board Meeting Dates for May & June 2019
Bethel - May 13, June 10 & 24
Blachly - May 15, June 19 Creswell - May 8, June 12 Crow-Applegate-Lorane - May 16, June 20 Eugene - May 1 & 15, June 5 & 19 Fern Ridge - May 20, June 17 Junction City - May 20, June 24 Lowell - May 6, June 24 Mapleton - May 8, June 12 Marcola - May 13, June 10 McKenzie - May 15, June 19 Oakridge - May 13, June 10 Pleasant Hill - May 6, June 3 Siuslaw - May 8, June 19 South Lane - June 3 Springfield - May 13, June 10 & 24 |
12. Adjournment
• The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, June 4, 2019, at the Lane ESD Administrative Offices, 1200 Hwy 99N.
Board Chair