January 30, 2025 at 8:30 AM - Operations Committee Meeting
Agenda |
There is nothing to consider for unfinished business.
Jerry Johnson was nominated as Chair and Ryan Engel as Vice-Chair. A unanimous vote took place and recommendation.
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve the nominations of Jerry Johnson and Ryan Engel as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the Operations Committee Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
Nothing to report.
The O & M crew continues to take out trees on dams and other project sites. Seeded & mulched the Bellwood Ditch 4 repair.
4.A. Rehabilitation of Cottonwood 21-A, NRCS, HDR
HRD is coordinating with the NRCS on costs and how to correctly do the cost share. They received a spreadsheet template from NRCS on January 6 which they have completed and will send the Preliminary Draft Plan to NRCS. After this submittal, HDR will schedule a meeting within a 3-week timeframe. At that point, or shortly thereafter, they will have one last round of comments from the NRCS. They now hope to have the 90% meeting the end of February.
4.B. Wanahoo Basin & Other Property Damage - FEMA
Houston Engineering has sent out an invitation to bid on de-watering the stilling basin below the Wanahoo Dam. Bids will be due on Wednesday, February 5th and will be presented at our monthly board meeting with an anticipated motion of approval for one bid.
Three bids were received and are attached from General Excavating $306,663.00, M.E. Collins $134,327.60 and Valley Corp $424,099.55.
4.C. Tree Debris Grinding on Wanahoo Area
Barcel Enterprises was on the Wanahoo area the week of January 20 - 24th and grounded all tree piles. We now have large piles of wood chips (and other material) mulch. They worked on it for 2 1/2 days, The final invoice was $16,600.
4.D. No-Till Grass Drills
We received revenue reports from our grass drill cooperators for the second half of 2024. Rezec Seed sent a check for $1,795.75, with 15 people using the drill. Rosendahl Farms Seed & Feed sent a check for $727.00, with 11 users.
We have a 2008 Great Plain Model grass drill from the Schuyler Co-op. Benes Service has estimated its value between $15,000 - $20,000. The drill will need repairs that could range from $4,000 - $7,500. What shall we do with it? There may be an interested party that would purchase it. The District would have to advertise it and ask for bids. Or other options.
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve selling the 2008 Great Plains No-Till grass drill on our own for 30 days at an establish price range of $17,500 to $12,500. If unsuccessful, we will put it up for auction Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
4.E. Landowner Access Bridge Request over Rawhide Ditch 8
Dave Heller owns 80 acres of farmground on the east of Rawhide Ditch 8. The north 1/3 of the property is cut off by Rawhide Ditch 8 (Aerial Attached). He is requesting to build an access bridge for UTV/foot access. It would be something similar to his neighbor's irrigation pipe bridge (pictures attached). The District has an O & M easement on the property. If the board approves, staff will work with legal counsel for the proper documentation regarding ingress/egress, risk and release of liability.
Recommended Motion(s):
To allow Dave Heller to construct a UTV/Foot bridge over Rawhide Ditch 8 in accordance with NRD direction and have staff work with legal counsel for proper documentation Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
4.F. Power Saw Replacement
Our ten-year-old power saw (Turbo Saw) used on our Bobcat to cut trees is beyond repair. Staff are contacting dealers for replacement options. If we decide to replace it will be included in next year's budget.
4.G. Hay Harvest on the Wanahoo Area
We have not received any requests for payment or applications.
6.A. Lake Wanahoo Permit Sales
For the month of December, the District received $2,130.50 in annual park permit revenue.
6.B. Lake Wanahoo Camping Revenue
For the month of December, the District received $3,915.93 in camping revenue.
6.C. Clint Johannes Education Building
The Clint Johannes Education Building at Lake Wanahoo was rented 10 times in January. Revenue for the month was $1,925. There were 3 NRD rentals. The building was blocked off two weeks (one full weekend) to update the floor. Attached is a picture of the upgrade.
6.D. Set Your Sites
Dustin Dam will be present to discuss updates with Set Your Sites at Lake Wanahoo
6.E. Wanahoo and Czechland Camping Rate Increase
When Wanahoo first opened, our nightly camping rates were $19, and we have had one increase to $20 a couple of years ago. With the improvements brought to Wanahoo by our work through Set Your Sites (ease of reservations, Wi-Fi coverage within the entire campgrounds), we are planning to increase our electrical RV nightly rates to $25 beginning April 1, 2025. We will honor all current reservations made for this coming season, but all new site reservations will be at the new rate. We will also increase the electrical RV rate from $18 to $20 at Czechland Lake.
Recommended Motion(s):
To increase RV camping rates to $25 and cabins to $50 at Lake Wanahoo; it was further recommended to increase Czechland camping rates to $20 effective April 1st. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
6.F. Live Well Go Fish Building
I have been working with Live Well Go Fish for the past few months to develop a building plan for Lake Wanahoo. As discussed at prior meetings the plan will be to share space in the building with Live Well Go Fish to store our trailered boat and possibly other equipment. Live Well Go fish has gotten bids for a 36'x60' building to be located directly west of the Wahoo Fire Department's existing building.
The total estimate for just the building to be erected is $ 48,170. Site prep and electrical service would be an additional cost and we should have those any day.
Recommended Motion(s):
To proceed with an agreement with Live Well Go Fish to construct a storage building on Lake Wanahoo at 50% cost-share rate up to $35,000 out of pocket for NRD. These funds will be transferred from the Wanahoo Recreation account. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
7.A. Information
7.A.1. Radio & eAds
The KTIC radio ads and Wahoo newspaper e-ad for January featured the upcoming nitrogen certification classes and will continue through February.
The Wahoo newspaper print ad for January featured tree sales and this will run again in February. The ads are attached.
7.A.2. Social Media and Website Analytics
The LPNNRD Facebook and X pages, along with the website are some of the fastest ways to get information out to the public. Facebook and X posts range from 12 -18 posts per month. If you are on Facebook or X, please like, follow, share, or retweet the Lower Platte North NRD posts!
If you ever notice on issues on the LPNNRD please let us know so we can get it corrected. Total reach/impressions show how many people saw the post/tweet. Engagements include likes, comments, shares/retweets and link clicks. Top Posts included: • Upcoming Groundwater Management plan open houses • January Coffee Lakeside • Nitrogen Certification Water Management class list • Water Resources job opportunity • Abandoned well cost-share availability
7.B. Education
7.B.1. Past events
January 9th: Coffee Lakeside - Recycling (12)
January 15th: Survival Club - (16) - everyday carry kits. January 16th: Presentation at Wahoo Senior Center (10) January 20th: St. Wenceslaus Pre-K visit (29) January 29th: Bergan Early Childhood Center (30) |
7.B.2. Future events
February 5th: Wahoo 1st grade
February 6th: Coffee Lakeside February 7th: North Bend 5th grade February 11th: Presentation at NACD Conference February 18th: Presentation at Let's play yoga studio February 24th-25th: Bishop Neumann Middle School February 26-27th: NACEE conference and presentation |
8.A. Rural Water Operations
On 1/30 the RWD will be training with the new meter reader and software. Both Colon and Bruno had routine months with sampling and bills will be mailed 1/31.
8.B. Colon System
8.C. Bruno System
8.D. Other