December 16, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Adjourn into Executive Session (5:30 PM):
Jose Aparicio, Chair
The Board will adjourn into Executive Session pursuant to:
ORS 192.660 (2)(h) - "To consult with counsel concerning current or possible litigation." |
2. Call Meeting to Order
Jose Aparicio, Chair
2.a. Open Public Hearing: Teacher Pre-Dismissal Hearing
2.b. Close Public Hearing
2.c. Action Item: Recommendation to approve dismissal of licensed staff member
3. Review / Revision of the Agenda
Jose Aparicio, Chair
4. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens. Vision Statement North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being. |
5. Student / Staff Recognition
6. Student Representative Reports
7. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
Public Comments: The Board will accept public comments at the December 16th, 2021 meeting. The Board is committed to the public comment process and will consider all public comment seriously. Public Comments for virtual meetings will continue to follow School Board Policy BDDH - Public Participation in Board Meetings.
Public Comments options: Sign up to speak via Zoom: please contact Cindy Miller at to receive a Zoom webinar link and added to the speaker list. Comments will follow District Policy, with up to 3 minutes per person for comments. Deadline to sign up to receive a Zoom link is Wednesday, December 15th, 2021 by 4:00 PM. To submit written comments: please send comments via email to: Deadline to submit written comments is Wednesday, December 15th, 2021 by 4:00 PM. The Board sincerely appreciates your input, and thanks you for your participation. |
8. Consent Agenda
The consent agenda consists of routine items such as previous board minutes, routine personnel actions and routine financial transactions. Normally, there is little or no discussion on these items. |
8.a. School Board Meeting Minutes from November 18th, 2021 and Board Retreat from October 31st, 2021.
8.b. Personnel Report
9. Board Action Calendar - Review
10. School Board Sub Committee Reports
11. New Business:
11.a. Presentations / Reports:
11.a.1. Report / Presentation: District Transportation Services
Lisa Kaseberg, Director of Transportation
11.a.2. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Carolyn Bernal, Superintendent
11.a.2.a. Action Item: Approve funding for Strategic Planning process
11.a.2.b. Action Item: Terminate the Riverbend Community School Charter Agreement
11.a.3. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Kara Flath, CFO
11.a.3.a. Financial Statements:
11.a.3.b. Student Enrollment:
11.a.4. Board Attorney's Report
Jason Corey, Board Attorney
12. Discussion / Action Items:
12.a. Action Item: Request to Retire & Rehire - S Torgerson until June 2022
Brian Schimel, Director of Human Resources
13. 1st Reading on School Board Policies (informational only):
13.a. Policy GBNAA/JHFF: Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements
Recent revisions to ORS 339 affecting reporting of child abuse and sexual conduct were adopted by the 2021 Legislature. The passing of these bills revised the definition of 'sexual conduct' and 'licensed administrator' as it relates to reporting and helps define the persons who can be designated to receive and respond to these reports. Additionally, a new definition was added for 'commission licensee' to distinguish between district employees suspected of sexual conduct that shall be reported to and investigated by TSPC and those that shall be reported to and investigated by ODE. The effective date of these changes are immediate.
13.b. Policy GBNAB/JHFE: Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements
Recent revisions to ORS 339 affecting reporting of child abuse and sexual conduct were adopted by the 2021 Legislature. The passing of these bills revised the definition of 'sexual conduct' and 'licensed administrator' as it relates to reporting and helps define the persons who can be designated to receive and respond to these reports. Additionally, a new definition was added for 'commission licensee' to distinguish between district employees suspected of sexual conduct that shall be reported to and investigated by TSPC and those that shall be reported to and investigated by ODE. The effective date of these changes are immediate.
13.c. Policy IB: Freedom of Expression
House Bill 3041 (2021) revised the statutory definition of sexual orientation (removed gender identity) and created a new definition for gender identity.
13.d. Policy JB: Equal Educational Opportunity
House Bill (HB) 2935 added an aspect to the definition of discrimination in ORS 659.850 for race that includes physical characteristics historically associated with race such as natural hair and hair texture. Another bill, HB 3041, revised the definition of sexual orientation and added a new definition for gender identity to the protected classes.
14. 2nd Reading / Adoption on School Board Policies (action required):
14.a. Policy ACB: All Students Belong
This update is a result of changes made by the Oregon Legislature and the Oregon State Board of Education over the past several months. House Bill 2697 (2021) takes effect on January 1st, 2022.
14.b. Policy CM: Compliance and Reporting on Standards
Division 22 Compliance Reporting: The changes result from an updated rule adopted by the State Board of Education; revising the report due date from February 1 to November 1 of each school year. The revised rule also adds a requirement to present the report orally at a board meeting and allow public comment on the report.
14.c. Policy GBA: Equal Employment Opportunity
House Bill 3041 (2021) revised the statutory definition of sexual orientation (removed gender identity) and created a new definition for gender identity.
14.d. Policy DJC: Bidding Requirements
Senate Bill 420, passed in the 2021 legislative session, created a provision in the public improvements bidding requirements in ORS 279C. The provision defines a "community benefit project" and the requirements for a public improvement to be a community benefit project.
14.e. Policy GBEA: Workplace Harassment
House Bill 3041 (2021) revised the statutory definition of sexual orientation (removed gender identity) and created a new definition for gender identity.
15. Informational Only:
15.a. Policy GBNAA/JHFF -AR: Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms
Recent revisions to ORS 339 affecting reporting of child abuse and sexual conduct were adopted by the 2021 Legislature. The passing of these bills revised the definition of 'sexual conduct' and 'licensed administrator' as it relates to reporting and helps define the persons who can be designated to receive and respond to these reports. Additionally, a new definition was added for 'commission licensee' to distinguish between district employees suspected of sexual conduct that shall be reported to and investigated by TSPC and those that shall be reported to and investigated by ODE. The effective date of these changes are immediate.
15.b. Policy GBNA-AR: Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, or Cyberbullying Reporting Procedures - Staff
House Bill 3041 (2021) revised the statutory definition of sexual orientation (removed gender identity) and created a new definition for gender identity.
15.c. Policy GBNAB/JHFE AR (1): Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child
Recent revisions to ORS 339 affecting reporting of child abuse and sexual conduct were adopted by the 2021 Legislature. The passing of these bills revised the definition of 'sexual conduct' and 'licensed administrator' as it relates to reporting and helps define the persons who can be designated to receive and respond to these reports. Additionally, a new definition was added for 'commission licensee' to distinguish between district employees suspected of sexual conduct that shall be reported to and investigated by TSPC and those that shall be reported to and investigated by ODE. The effective date of these changes are immediate.
15.d. Policy GBNAB/JHFE-AR (2): Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises
Recent revisions to ORS 339 affecting reporting of child abuse and sexual conduct were adopted by the 2021 Legislature. The passing of these bills revised the definition of 'sexual conduct' and 'licensed administrator' as it relates to reporting and helps define the persons who can be designated to receive and respond to these reports. Additionally, a new definition was added for 'commission licensee' to distinguish between district employees suspected of sexual conduct that shall be reported to and investigated by TSPC and those that shall be reported to and investigated by ODE. The effective date of these changes are immediate.
16. Adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting