August 13, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
1. Call Work Session to Order
John Nelson, Chair
2. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement “Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens.” Vision Statement “North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.” |
3. Discussion Items:
Theresa Peters, Interim Superintendent
4. Presentation/Informational:
Don Carter, Facilities Director
5. Discussion / Action Item:
Theresa Peters, Interim Superintendent
In order to provide additional staff training on Comprehensive Distance Learning and to include parent training for the upcoming year, recommended adjustments have been made to the 2020-2021 school calendar.
6. Discussion / Action Item:
Kara Flath, CFO
7. Adjourn the Work Session