August 18, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Carol Roderick, Chair
2. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement “Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens.” Vision Statement “North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.” |
3. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs but the board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. The chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
4. Consent Agenda
4.a. Approve the School Board Meeting Minutes from July 21st, 2016
4.b. Personnel Report
4.c. Approve for 2nd Reading and Adoption, School Board Policies (as presented below)
5. Old Business Discussion / Action:
6. New Business Discussion / Action:
6.a. Presentations / Reports:
6.a.1. Superintendent's Report
Candy Armstrong
6.a.2. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Randy Anderson
6.a.2.a. Financial Statements:
6.a.3. Board Attorney's Report
Jason Corey
6.a.4. Human Resources Report: Nothing at this time.
7. Discussion / Action Items:
7.a. Action Item: Approve amended charter agreement with Mosier Community School.
Randy Anderson, CFO
7.b. Action Item: Approve Cooperative Sports Agreements with Dufur School District
Mike Somnis, Athletic Director TDHS
7.c. 2nd Reading & Adoption: School Board Policies (part of the consent agenda above)
7.c.1. Informational Only: Policy DJC-AR - Special Procurements and Exemptions from Competitive Bidding (additional changes were made from 1st Reading noted in BLUE)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be re-adopted with additional changes to North Wasco's original policies and procedures. In the April 2016 OSBA Policy Updates, additional changes were recommended. A change in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 279B.065 Small Procurements, increased the limit for small procurements from $5,000 to $10,000. This change is highly recommended to reflect the change in the ORS.
7.c.2. 2nd Reading: Policy DJCA - Personal Services Contracts
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised and re-adopted with revisions/ changes to North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.3. Informational: Policy DJCA-AR - Personal Services Contract (recommended to DELETE this version)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy AR version was recommended to be deleted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.4. Informational: Policy DJCA-AR - Personal Services Contract (New AR recommended to replace original)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy AR version was recommended to replace the original AR in North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.5. 2nd Reading: Policy DJFA - Credit Cards (No additional changes recommended)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be re-adopted with no recommended changes from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.6. Informational: Policy DJFA-AR - Authorization for Payroll Deduction (Recommended to be DELETED)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy AR was recommended to be deleted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.7. 2nd Reading: Policy DJG - Vendor Relations
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.8. 2nd Reading: Policy DLB- Salary Deductions (Legal updates revised)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.9. 2nd Reading: Policy DLBA - Advance Payments (No changes recommended)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be re-adopted with no changes from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.10. 2nd Reading: Policy DLC - Expense Reimbursements (Legal references updated)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.11. Informational: Policy DLC - AR - Staff Expense Reimbursement (changes recommended)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy AR was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.12. 2nd Reading: Policy DM - Cash in District Buildings
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.13. 2nd Reading: Policy DN - Disposal of District Property
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.14. 2nd Reading: Policy EFAA-AR: Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Program (required changes)
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) made an organizational decision that all civil rights complaints concerning the child nutrition program must be sent to the director of Child Nutrition Programs, and not the Civil Rights coordinator. Changes to this AR will reflect ODE's decision.
7.c.15. 2nd Reading: Policy JG - Student Discipline (Required changes)
Changes to this policy is required based on response to legal cases and conversations at a recent School Law Conference. OSBA has revised the language reflecting the required changes.
7.c.16. 2nd Reading: Policy KL/GMB - Complaint Procedure (Additional revisions from 1st Reading - See BLUE language)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures. In addition, OSBA revised this policy in January 2016 as a responds to additional requests from OSBA members for more guidance to boards. OSBA policy, labor and legal departments met and added recommended language. Revisions to this policy reflect the highly recommended language from OSBA.
7.c.17. Informational: Policy KL- AR - Complaint Procedure
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy AR was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures. In addition, OSBA has responded to members request to include more guidance in the AR. The changes noted in this AR is in combination with the policy rewrite and the January 2016 OSBA policy updates.
7.c.18. 2nd Reading: KA/KAA - District-Community Relations Goals and Objectives
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be re-adopted without changes from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.19. 2nd Reading: Policy KAB - Parental Rights
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures. The changes noted are to update the legal references only.
7.c.20. Informational: Policy KAB-AR - Parental Rights (changes recommended)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy AR was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.21. 2nd Reading: Policy KBA - Public Records (Changes recommended)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.22. Informational: Policy KBA AR (1) - Public Records
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy AR was recommended to be re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.23. Informational: Policy KBA AR (2) - Request for Records
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy AR was recommended to be re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.24. 2nd Reading: Policy KBCA - News Releases (no changes)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures.
7.c.25. 2nd Reading: Policy KGB - Public Conduct on District Property (changes recommended)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures. Additional revisions are included based on OSBA's Policy Updates as of June 2016 to reflect the 2016 Legislature's passing of HB 4066 (Unmanned Aircraft System - UAS- aka DRONE).
7.c.26. 2nd Reading: Policy ECACB - Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) a.k.a. DRONE (New Policy)
The 2016 Legislature passed House Bill 4066 and requires Districts that choose to operate a UAS as part of the district curriculum, to adopt policies for the use, storage and accessing, and the sharing and retention of data resulting from the operation of UAS. This legislation is effective January 1sdt, 2017. OSBA drafted this conditionally required policy that addresses district and third party use of a UAS. Additional information and an FAQ will be released by OSBA soon.
7.c.27. 2nd Reading: Policy KGC / GBK/JFCG - Prohibited Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised and re-adopted from North Wasco's original policies and procedures. In addition, this policy was added to Section K and Section J. (Currently in Section G and will be revised).
7.c.28. Informational Only: Opportunity to review School Student & Staff Handbooks.
8. Adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting