June 16, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Budget Hearing & Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Budget Hearing to Order and pledge of allegiance.
Carol Roderick, Chair
2. Public Comments on the FY 2016-2017 Budget document
3. Adjourn Budget Hearing.
4. Call the Regular School Board Meeting to Order
Carol Roderick, Chair
5. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement “Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens.” Vision Statement “North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.” |
6. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs but the board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. The chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
7. Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items generally include noncontroversial and routine items that usually do not need further information or discussion on prior to voting. Consent agenda items may be removed and discussed separately upon a board member's request.
7.a. Approve School Board Meeting Minutes from May 19th, 2016.
7.b. Approve the Special School Board Meeting Minutes, June 6th, 2016
7.c. Approve for 2nd Reading & Adoption Policies noted under Discussion/Action Items (o) #1 through #8
7.d. Personnel Notes
8. Old Business Discussion / Action:
9. New Business:
9.a. Presentations / Reports:
9.a.1. Superintendent's Report
Candy Armstrong, Superintendent
9.a.1.a. Presentation to Tegner Weiseth - 2016 recipient of Eastern Oregon University's Inspirational Teacher Award
9.a.1.b. Presentation by Nick Nelson - CTE Training review
9.a.2. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Randy Anderson
9.a.2.a. Financial Statements:
9.a.2.b. Student Enrollment:
9.a.3. Board Attorney's Report
Jason Corey
10. Discussion / Action Items:
10.a. Action Item: Approve Resolution #16-17-01 / Resolution adopting the budget, making appropriations, imposing and categorizing the tax
10.b. Action Item: Declare item as surplus
10.c. Action Item: Approve School Fees for the 2016-2017 School Year.
10.d. Action Item: Approve Out of District Travel - J Morris, TDHS
10.e. Action Item: Approve Out of District Travel - C Delaney, TDHS
10.f. Action Item: Approve Out of State Travel Request - N Nelson, TDHS
10.g. Action Item: Approve Resolution #15-16-09 / ODE Rural and Low Income Schools Grant
10.h. Action Item: Approve Resolution #15-16-10 / ODE Focus School Improvement Grant
10.i. Action Item: Approve Resolution #15-16-11 / ODE Priority School Improvement Grant
10.j. Action Item: Approve Resolution #15-16-12 / Resolution Transferring Appropriations within the General Fund
10.k. Action Item: Approve Resolution #15-16-13 / Resolution Transferring Appropriations within the Federal Grants fund
10.l. Action Item: Approve Resolution #15-16-14 / Resolution Transferring Appropriations within the State Grants fund
10.m. Action Item: Approve Resolution #15-16-15 / Resolution Adopting a Supplemental Budget and Making Appropriations within the Nutrition Services Fund
10.n. Action Item: Ratify Article 21 - Insurance Agreement for Licensed staff and Ratify Article 13 - Insurance Agreement for Education Support Professionals.
Randy Anderson, CFO
10.o. Action Item: 2nd Reading & Adoption of policies
10.o.1. Informational: GCLA-AR - Graduate Credit/College Credit Tuition/Workshop Reimbursement Criteria (recommended to be DELETED)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this administrative rule was recommended to be deleted with guidelines included in the District Staff Handbook.
10.o.2. 2nd Reading: GCLA - Tuition Reimbursement (no additional changes recommended)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be revised.
10.o.3. 2nd Reading: JFCF - Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/Cyberbullying/Teen Dating Violence/Domestic Violence - Student (required changes by law)
Senate Bill 790 (2015) added the term "domestic violence" to new or existing, age-appropriate training programs for students in grades 7 through 12 and for school employees. Additionally, it requires districts to include notice of this policy in communication to students and parents, i.e., the district's student/parent handbook. It further adds that districts will cause the posting of the required posters, as provided by the Oregon Department of Education when available, in clearly visible locations in appropriate school campuses.
10.o.4. Informational: JFCF-AR - Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/Cyberbullying/Teen Dating Violence Complaint procedures - Student
Senate Bill 790 (2015) added the term "domestic violence" to new or existing, age-appropriate training programs for students in grades 7 through 12 and for school employees. Additionally, it requires districts to include notice of this policy in communication to students and parents, i.e., the district's student/parent handbook. It further adds that districts will cause the posting of the required posters, as provided by the Oregon Department of Education when available, in clearly visible locations in appropriate school campuses.
10.o.5. 2nd Reading: GBNAA//JFCFA - Cyberbullying - (Recommend to DELETE)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this policy was recommended to be deleted as it is already part of Policy JFCF - Hazing/ Harassment/ Intimidation/ Menacing/ Bullying/Cyberbullying/Teen Dating Violence/Domestic Violence.
10.o.6. 2nd Reading: IKF - Graduation Requirements (Required based on change in law) - Board will need to make a decision on BLUE highlighted items.
House Bill 2655 amended Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 329 to include that school districts and public charter schools must annually provide notice to adult students (18 year of age or older) and parents of students of the time frame in which the statewide assessments will take place, and of the right of an adult student or a student's parent to request an exemption from taking the statewide summative assessments. This notice was developed by the ODE and has been provided to districts and public charter schools. The opt-out form is currently available on ODE and District 21's website.
10.o.7. 2nd Reading/Adoption: IL - Assessment Program (Changes recommended in BLUE)
House Bill 2655 amended Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 329 to include that school districts and public charter schools must annually provide notice to adult students (18 year of age or older) and parents of students of the time frame in which the statewide assessments will take place, and of the right of an adult student or a student's parent to request an exemption from taking the statewide summative assessments. This notice was developed by the ODE and has been provided to districts and public charter schools. The opt-out form is currently available on ODE and District 21's website.
10.o.8. Informational: EBBB-AR - Accident Reporting Procedures (no changes)
As part of the District's Policy Rewrite with the Oregon School Boards Association, this administrative rule was recommended to be part of North Wasco's official policies and procedures with no additional changes.
10.o.9. 2nd Reading: DID - Property Inventories (changes recommended)
10.p. Informational Only: 1st Reading on Board Policies & Administrative Rules
1st Reading on Board Policies and Administrative Rules are informational only - the Board does not need to take action at this time. Recommended revisions may be made at this time.
10.p.1. 1st Reading: DJC - Bidding Requirements (Changes recommended)
10.q. Convene Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(i)
ORS 192.660(2)(I): To review and evaluate the performance of the superintendent or any other public officer, employee or staff member, unless that person requests an open hearing.
10.r. Adjourn Executive Session and Convene Regular Session
10.r.1. Possible Action Item - if appropriate
11. Adjourn School Board Meeting.