February 7, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance 6:30 (Cindy Tilley Case)
2. Approval of Agenda - BDDB/BDDC 6:32 (Cindy Tilley Case)
3. Public Response / Staff Comments / Presentations 6:35 (Cindy Tilley Case)
3.1. Recognition of Guests and Public Comment on Agenda Items Only
3.2. Employees' Representative - CL
3.3. Student Representative - CL (CAHPS Student, Jennifer Steele)
3.4. Site Showcase, Sams Valley Elementary - CL
3.5. Graduation Rates - CL (Todd Bennett)
3.6. Nurses Report - CL (Samantha Steele)
4. Consent Agenda 7:15 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
4.1. Approval of Minutes for January 10, 2017 - BDDG/BDDK
4.2. January Enrollment - CL
4.3. Retirement Requests - GCPC/GDPC
5. Items Removed from Consent Agenda 7:20 pm (Cindy Tilley Case)
6. New Business 7:20 pm
6.1. Southern Oregon ESD Local Service Plan 2017-2018 - IA (Samantha Steele)
6.2. Open Enrollment - JECB (Samantha Steele)
6.3. Board Policy Update First Reading - BFG (Samantha Steele)
6.4. Calendar Change - IC/ICA (Samantha Steele)
7. Unfinished Business 7:35 pm
7.1. Discretionary Budget Carryover - DBD (Spencer Davenport)
7.2. Out of Country Travel - IICA (Samantha Steele)
8. Announcements 7:40 pm
8.1. The next Regular Board Session - Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 6:30 pm at Jewett Elementary
8.2. NSBA Annual Conference March 25-27, 2017 in Denver, CO
8.3. District Swimming February 10-11, 2017 at Willamalane Park & Swim Center
8.4. District Wrestling February 11, 2017 at Eagle Point High School
8.5. The annual Crater FFA Auction - February 25, 2017, 5:00 pm at the Jackson County Fairgrounds
8.6. School Newsletters
9. Adjournment 7:55 pm