December 1, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Recognition and Awards
3.A. Bond Campaign Co-chairs & Long Range Planning Committee Keith Steele, Michelle Beyer, Anne Easterly and Jay Puppo, Coalition for Excellent Schools campaign Co-chairs will be present to give an overview of the campaign. This will also be a great opportunity to thank them and all the other campaign volunteers for their great community service.
3.B. Rosemont Ridge Middle School PTO The RRMS PTO has received national PTO recognition for their work. Their service was highlighted in an article in the PTO magazine. This will be an opportunity to acknowledge their good work.
4. District Communications
4.A. Wilsonville High School
4.B. West Linn High School
4.C. Bolton Primary School
5. Reports
5.A. Highlights
5.A.1. Teacher Mentoring The teacher mentoring program is in full swing in partnership with Marylhurst University. The mentor program is provided for all fist and second year teachers. In addition, the District offers the Great Expections program for other new teachers up through their third year. Jane and Katy will give an overview of the program.
5.B. Board and Superintendent Reports
6. Consent Agenda - Board Action
The consent agenda is intended to expedite routine decisions. Any Board member may remove an item from the consent agenda for further discussion. The Board chairman will replace the removed item to an appropriate place on the agenda, generally immediately after the Board action on the consent agenda.
6.A. Minutes Approval: Study Session 11/17/08, Regular 11/5/08
6.B. Personnel Report
7. Communications and Comments from Audience (relating to items on the agenda)
8. Board Business
8.A. General Administration
8.A.1. Long Range Planning Committee Vacancy - Board Action We have a vacancy on the LRPC replacing Binny Arcot. We have advertised in Tidings, Spokesman and Oregonian for interested patrons. We have one application from Michael Jones. Your packet contains his application and resume. He has been invited to the meeting to answer any questions you may have. LRPC terms are for three years.
8.B. Business and Finance
8.B.1. Financial Report Bill Knowles will give an updated financial report. We will have an opportunity to discuss the implications of State Budget shortfalls.
8.B.2. Resolution 2009-6 - Board Action Federal Law requires the District to adopt a 403(b) plan by Dec. 31, 2008. The Plan Document in your packet is the District Plan as prepared by Caruth Compliance Corporation and fulfills the legal requirements.
8.B.3. Resolution 2009-7 - Board Action Once the official canvas of the votes has been received from the County Clerk, the District Board of Directors has 30 days to determine the results of the election. Normally this is included in the resolution authorizing the sale of the bonds. Since we are not planning to adopt the bond sale authorizing resolution right away, a motion determining the results of the election should be in the minutes of the board meeting within that 30 day period. The resolution in your packet was prepared with the consultation of our bond attorney Jim Shannon.
8.C. Information Technology (December)
8.C.1. Annual Department Report This is the month for the Information Technology Department Report. This will include an overview of current programs and issues. Curt will also discuss the District Technology Plan.
8.D. Operations (February)
8.D.1. Bond Planning
8.E. Special Education (January)
8.F. Curriculum and Instruction (March)
8.G. Human Resources (May)
9. Board Policy - Board Action
9.A. Policy JN - Student Fees, Fines and Charges - Second Reading and Adoption
Changes to the first paragraph have been made based on Board direction from the last meeting. This policy effectively elilminates course fees. The budgetary impact will be approximately $170,000 in increased supply budget. In the first year of implementation, the supply requests for all courses impacted by this policy will be carefully reviewed.
10. Open Comment Period
11. Board Meeting Dates
11.A. Tuesday, January 6, 2009 - Regular
11.B. Monday, January 26, 2009 - Study Session
11.C. Monday, February 2, 2009 - Regular
11.D. Thursday, February 19, 2009 - Study Session
12. Adjourn