May 7, 2024 at 12:30 PM - Board Policy Committee meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. GBNAB/JHFE-Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements (Required)
The Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) reports the purpose of Senate Bill 231 (2023) was to align state law with the agency’s current process for receiving child abuse reporting, through a centralized child abuse reporting system established by DHS. These changes do not change how reports are made and must still be submitted to DHS as directed or to a law enforcement agency.
3. JGAB-Restraint or Seclusion (Highly Recommended)
The procedures for responding to an incident of restraint or seclusion are found in ORS 339.294 and were amended by Senate Bill 1024 (2023; see Section 3 which begins on page 5 of the SB). These amended procedures are represented in the recommended changes to model administrative regulation, JGAB-AR – Use of Restraint or Seclusion** and policy JGAB – Use of Restraint or Seclusion**. There are several changes to highlight, of which two are: 1) addition of immediate notice to the parent or guardian of any existing record, including audio or video, of the incident (which will be preserved in the original format without alternation), and 2) such record shall be reviewed at the debriefing meeting, to which parents shall be invited. Additional information regarding the preservation and disclosure of such records, which have record retention and disclosure implications, are outlined in the new SB, subsection 9 and 10. The changes are a result of the adopted language from the bill and related, revised OARs recently adopted by the State Board. A change to ORS 161.205 on issues of corporal punishment was also put into effect by Senate Bill 577; also effective now.
4. GBN/JBA-Sexual Harassment (Required)-House Bill 2280 (2023 Legislature) modified the definition of sexual harassment affecting schools. The revised definition changes the meaning of assault within the sexual harassment context and adds a section describing the meaning of “without consent,” which is also a new definition added to the law. Rule revisions have been adopted by the State Board and are also reflected in the recommended changes. When considering these recommended revisions, please review the designated names and positions listed for receiving such reports and amend as needed.