January 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Welcome
B. Silent Meditation
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Roll Call
E. Approval of the Agenda
F. Cavalier Recognition
F.1. Employee of the Month-Presenter Joe Petersen
F.2. Board of Education Recognized
G. Organizational Meeting Items
1. Election of Officers
2. Regularly Scheduled Meetings 4. Financial 4. Official Newspaper 5. School Attorney 6. Board Salaries 7. Committee Members and Other Appointments |
H. Consent Agenda
H.1. Approval of minutes, consideration of bills and accounts:
a. General Fund/Athletic bills, as listed in the amount of $416,260.90 b. Lunch Fund bills, as listed in the amount of $177,160.19 c. Student Activity Fund bills, as listed in the amount of $33,584.60 d. Ongoing Capital Projects bills, in the amount of $0.00 e. 2021 Bond Projects 1 Fifth Third $0.00 f. 2021 Bond Projects 2 Fifth Third $0.00 g. 2016 Debt Retirement Huntington $0.00 h. 2021 Debt Retirement 1 Huntington $0.00 i. 2021 Debt Retirement 2 Huntington $0.00 j. Approval of the minutes from the Board of Education's regular meeting of December 13, 2021. |
I. Student Report
J. Communications and Expressions from the Public:
The public is invited to ask questions or offer suggestions. The board does reserve the right to limit the amount of time devoted to a specific topic (usually three minutes per person and thirty minutes total). Please complete and submit the Public Communication Form to the recording secretary prior to speaking. |
K. Financial Report
L. Expenditure Report
M. Curriculum Report
M.1. January Curriculum Report
This if for discussion only.
M.2. Michigan Model Curriculum
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To approve the committee’s recommendation of continuing our use of the Michigan Mondel’s abstinence-based curriculum. |
N. Superintendent's Personnel Recommendations
Full Board Action is Needed.
N.1. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Frank Gregory as the attendance specialist at Corunna High School
N.2. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Jennifer Turk as a paraprofessional at Elsa Meyer Elementary.
N.3. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Megan Brabo as a teacher at Corunna Middle School
N.4. A recommendation to hire Steve Herrick as the Corunna Middle School assistant principal and athletic director
N.5. A recommendation to hire Jeff Poag as a full-time bus driver with the transportation department
N.6. A recommendation to hire Jasmine Hanuscak as an associate preschool teacher
O. Unfinished Business
O.1. Policies for the Second Reading
7440.01 Video Surveillance adan Electronic Monitoring
Possible motion: To approve the second-reading polices as presented. |
P. New Business
P.1. Bleacher Maintenance Contract for Corunna High School and Corunna Middle School
A proposed maintenance contract for the high school and middle school bleachers. Full Board action will be needed. |
P.2. Middle School Doors
As you know, we need to repair the doors at the middle school between the band room and the cafeteria (gym entrance). Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To approve repairing the middle school doors as presented. |
P.3. Policies for a First Reading
P.4. SRESD 21st Century Applied Technology Program
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To allow the Shiawassee RESD to house the "21st Century Applied Technology" class at CHS beginning in the 2022-23 school year as presented. |
Q. Reports from the Staff
R. Informational Items
R.1. Covid
R.2. Budget Revision
R.3. Bond
R.4. Cavalier Challenge
S. 15.268 Closed Session (Roll Call Needed) |
T. Adjourn