November 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Welcome
B. Silent Meditation
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Roll Call
E. Approval of the Agenda
F. Cavalier Recognition
F.1. Employee of the Month-Jeff Riley Presenter
G. Consent Agenda
G.1. Approval of minutes, consideration of bills and accounts:
a. General Fund/Athletic bills, as listed in the amount of $397,112.16 b. Lunch Fund bills, as listed in the amount of $92,515.37 c. Capital Projects Huntington $0.00 d. 2021 Bond Projects 1 Fifth Third $0.00 e. 2021 Bond Projects 2 Fifth Third $0.00 f. 2016 Debt Retirement Huntington $266,500.00 h. Approval of the minutes from the Board of Education's regular meeting of October 18, 2021, and the Board Workshop of November 4, 2021 |
H. Student Report
I. Communications and Expressions from the Public:
The public is invited to ask questions or offer suggestions. The board does reserve the right to limit the amount of time devoted to a specific topic (usually three minutes per person and thirty minutes total). Please complete and submit the Public Communication Form to the recording secretary prior to speaking. |
J. Financial Report
J.1. A recommendation to update the designated depository for school funds to include Huntington Bank (formerly TCF Bank, Fifth Third, and Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus.
Bank signers per the Board organization meeting on January 18, 2021, are the Board President (Jennifer Strauch) and Secretary (Dennis Braid). Possible motion: To update the designated depository for school funds as presented. |
K. Expenditure Report
L. Curriculum Report
L.1. November Curriculum Update
L.2. Cum Laude Recognition System
Full Board action will be needed.
Possible motion: To.option 1 cum laude, val/sal based on GPA, AP classes 5.0 scale, Dual-Enrollment classes 4.0 scale |
M. Superintendent's Personnel Recommendations
Full Board Action is Needed.
M.1. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Ashley Lindberg as a lead preschool teacher at Children's Services.
M.2. A recommendation to acknowledge the resignation of Ruth Mowinski as a bus driver with the transportation department for the purpose of retirement
M.3. A recommendation to hire Steve Herrick as the Corunna Middle School volleyball coach
M.4. A recommendation to hire Lisa Richards as a paraprofessional at Elsa Meyer Elementary
M.5. A recommendation to hire Erik Mack as a lead preschool teacher at Children's Services
N. Unfinished Business
O. New Business
P. Closed Session 15.268 (c)
For the strategy and negotiation sessions connected with th negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement if either negotiating part requests a closed hearing |
Q. Informational Items
Q.1. Covid Update
Q.2. MASB Update
Q.3. Educational Foundation Update
Q.4. MDE Food Service Review
Q.5. MIOSHA Plan
Q.6. Superintendent Evaluation
Q.7. Childcare Stabilization Grant
Q.8. Spring Sports Festival
Q.9. Cavalier Family Health Center
R. Adjourn