April 14, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order Regular Meeting
II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
III. Certification of Posting Notice of Regular Meeting
IV. Recognition of Guests
V. Consider Approval of Minutes from Nominating Committee Meeting of March 10, 2021, Regular Meeting of March 10, 2021, and Special Meeting of April 7, 2021 (Action Item)
VI. Citizens Desiring to Appear Before the Board on Agenda and Non-agenda Items
(Please complete a request card prior to the start of the meeting. The Board Chairperson may limit the time of appearance before the Board to three minutes.) |
VII. Informative Reports:
VII.1. Student Success Story (Dr. W. Myles Shelton)
VII.2. Monthly Financial Reports - March (Mr. M. Jeff Engbrock)
VII.3. Presentation of Chief Executive Officer Certification and Report Under Texas Education Code, Section 51.253(c) for the 2020-21 Academic Year - First and Second Quarters (Dr. W. Myles Shelton)
VIII. Consideration of Consent Agenda
(The purpose of the consent agenda is to allow the Board to identify and approve action items which require no additional information or discussion and for which there is unanimous approval. Regents receive agenda materials in advance of the meeting to prepare for the business to be conducted.)
IX. Action Items:
IX.1. Consider Approval of Agreement Between The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and Galveston College to Provide Student Health and Counseling Services for the 2021-22 Academic Year
IX.2. Consider Approval of Instructional Agreements for Dual Credit / Early Admissions Enrollment Classes for Academic Year 2020-21 Including Addendums
IX.2.A. Galveston Independent School District
IX.2.B. O'Connell College Preparatory School
IX.2.C. Odyssey Academy
IX.2.D. Upward Hope Academy
IX.3. Consider Approval of Proposal to Supply and Install a Needlepoint Ionization System at the Main Campus and at the Charlie Thomas Family Applied Technology Center
IX.4. Consider Acceptance of Faculty Retirement
IX.5. Consider Reappointment of Full-time Faculty
X. Special Reports and Comments:
X.1. Student Representative (Ms. Maia Z. Adolphs)
X.2. Faculty Representative (Ms. L. Janene Davison)
X.3. President (Dr. W. Myles Shelton)
X.4. Regents
X.5. Chairperson (Ms. Karen F. Flowers)
XI. Adjournment