June 11, 2024 at 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Approval of a Flexible Agenda (For Possible Action)
The Trustees reserve the right to take items in a different order to accomplish business in the most efficient manner and may combine two or more agenda items for consideration, remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
2. Public Comment on Agenda Action Items
The public will be invited to make comments at this time on agenda action items, where such comments shall be limited to one and a half minutes per person. Anyone with comments on action items that will take more than one and a half minutes is encouraged to put their testimony in writing and provide a copy to the Board prior to or at the meeting. These copies will not be read aloud, but will be added to the minutes of the meeting upon request.
3. Consent Items SG-G (For Possible Action)
Information concerning the following consent items has been forwarded to each Board Member for study prior to this meeting. Unless a Trustee or individual organization interested in one or more consent items has any questions concerning a particular item, the items are approved at one time by the Board of Trustees. The Board President may defer action on such a particular matter or matters at his or her discretion, and may choose to place the same at the end of the regular agenda for separate consideration.
3.A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 9, 2024
Attached are Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 9, 2024 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 9, 2024. |
3.B. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 21, 2024
Attached are Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 21, 2024 for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 21, 2024. |
3.C. Accounts Payable Special and Regular Run Vouchers
A complete list of payments contained in Accounts Payable Special Vouchers numbers 8935, 8936, 8937, 8938 ,8939, 8940, and Regular Run Voucher Number 8933 and 8934 are attached. Vouchers have been prepared in accordance to state law and copies of the Vouchers are available for review by the public at the Superintendent's office prior to the meeting.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Special Run Voucher Numbers 8935, 8936, 8937, 8938, 8939, 8940 and Regular Run Voucher Number 8933 and 8934.
3.D. Personnel Report No. 24-06
Listed on the Personnel Report No. 24-06 are personnel actions presented for consideration by the Board of Trustees. Salaries for individuals employed will be determined in accordance with salary regulations of the District.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve personnel actions in Personnel Report No. 24-06.
3.E. Budget Voucher Adjustments
A complete list of budget adjustments made by the Director of Business Services during the recent course of business is provided for review and approval by the Board of Trustees as required by NRS 354.598005.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Budget Voucher Adjustments as submitted. |
3.F. Distance Education Plan for 2024-2027
Shannon Brown, Executive Director of Education Services, has submitted the Distance Education Plan Application for approval. Every 3 years, school districts must submit an application plan to the Nevada Department of Education for the provision of distance education. This plan provides for distance education for DCSD students at ASPIRE Academy High School, Douglas Nevada Online, Jacobsen High School, and students in need of credit recovery. If approved by the Board, this plan would provide students educational services utilizing Imagine Learning’s Edgenuity platform.
Recommendation: Approve the Distance Education Plan Application
3.G. Maintenance and Project Report (Information Only)
Director of Facilities, Phil Demus, will provide an update of DCSD's current and future maintenance and construction projects.
3.H. Monthly Update of Enrollment Counts (Information Only)
Monthly update on enrollment numbers for each school site is provided to the Board.
4. Introduction and Special Recognition SG-C&R (Special Recognition)
Superintendent will present and recognize Retirees.
5. Consideration of Final 2023-2024 Budget Amendments and Augmentations SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
In accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes, Nevada Administrative Code and Department of Taxation Regulations, it is necessary to consider adoption of the following resolutions in order to make final amendments and augmentations to the District's 2023-2024 budgets:
No. 24-01 "Resolution to Amend the General Fund for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024" No. 24-02 "Resolution to Augment and Amend Certain Funds (to which ad valorem taxes are not allocated) for Fiscal Year 2023-2024" All budget amendments and augmentations, both revenues and expenditures, included in the Resolutions are adjustments made to reflect financial events that have occurred after December of 2023 - the last time that the District amended District budgets. Copies of the Resolutions and supporting data are included in each Board Member's agenda packet. These amendments are intended as final budget adjustments for fiscal year 2023-2024, and action is required to make them effective in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes. RECOMMENDATION: By separate actions, (1) Adopt Resolution No. 24-01, and (2) Adopt Resolution No. 24-02 as submitted by Business Services. |
6. DHS Fence Improvement Project Contract Approval SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will consider awarding a bid for services to Group West Construction for the Douglas County School District DHS Fence Improvement Project, in the amount of $286,504.00.
RECOMMENDATION: Award the bid for the Douglas County School District DHS Fence Improvement Project to Group West Construction in the amount of $286,504.00. |
7. Approval of Board Meeting Dates and Locations for the 2024-2025 School Year SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
As part of its annual organization, at the January 2024 Board Meeting, the Board approved the schedule of Board Meetings for the 2024 calendar year (February 2024-January 2025). The schedule offered extends the meeting location assignments through the end of the 2024-2025 school year (February 2025-June 2025).
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Board meeting dates and locations for the 2024-2025 school year. |
8. Nevada Association of School Boards (NASB) Report SG-G (Information)
Katherine Dickerson, the representative for DCSD on the NASB Board of Directors, will present details of NASB accomplishments, current issues, and goals.
9. NASB Nominations and Possible Committee SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
In January 2024, the Trustees pushed this item pending decision to continue NASB Membership. The Board will make recommendations for representation on the NASB board. It will take action to designate a representative and an alternate representative.
10. Feasibility Study - Parking at Lake Schools SG-G (Information only)
Scott Morgan, from Douglas County, Assistant County Manager, will present an update on the feasibility study at the Lake Schools that analyzed the need for paid parking due to the elimination of parking on Highway 50.
11. Presentation of Long-Term Parking Agreement - Lake Schools SG-C, SG-G (Presentation and For Possible Action)
Scott Morgan, from Douglas County, Assistant County Manger, will present an opportunity at the Lake Schools and a potential request for action or approval of a one-year agreement to authorize the implementation of paid parking due to high impact/demand and the elimination of parking on Highway 50.
12. Tahoe-Douglas Fire District - Proposed Inter-agency Agreement for Helicopter Pad SG-C, SG-G (Information Only)
Background: The agenda item pertains to a proposed inter-agency agreement between our organization and Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District (TDFPD) and Douglas County School District (DCSD). This agreement aims to establish protocols for the potential shared use of DCSD property in Tahoe as a helicopter pad for emergency response purposes. Objective/Purpose: The objective of this agenda item is to seek the board's approval at a future date for the inter-agency agreement facilitating the use of DCSD property in Tahoe as a helicopter pad by TDFPD for emergency response operations. This agreement is vital for enhancing emergency medical services and wildfire response capabilities in the Tahoe region. |
13. Lucas-DCSD Agreement SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
Background: The purpose of this agenda item is to present a proposal for a land-for-houses agreement between DCSD and Stan Lucas (Virginia Ranch). This agreement entails the parcel of land designated for a DCSD School Site in exchange for 8 finished residential properties developed by the counterparty. Objective/Purpose: The objective of this discussion is to seek the Board's approval for entering into the land-for-houses agreement with Stan Lucas (Virginia Ranch). This agreement aims to leverage our land assets to acquire residential properties that align with our strategic goals. |
14. Threat Assessment Team - BP No. 524 - SG-C, AS, G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will discuss and take possible action concerning the first reading of Board Policy No. 524 regarding a Threat Assessment Team.
15. Superintendent Interviews SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will conduct interviews for three superintendent candidates; Frankie Alvarado, Louise Simson and Patrick Peters, and may take action on appointing one as the new Superintendent.
16. Closed Session (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will recess to closed session in order to discuss matters with its management representatives pursuant to NRS 288.220(4).
17. Presentation of Contract for Superintendent SG-G (Discussion and For Possible Action)
A member of the board and legal counsel will present the contract for new Superintendent and possibly take action to approve the contract.
18. Prioritizing Agenda - Placement and Removal of Possible Items for Future Board Meetings (Discussion and For Possible Action)
The Board will seek requests from its members for items to be placed on and/or removed from future meeting agendas in accordance with its Bylaws. The Board will discuss all agenda items on the list and prioritize those it wishes to come forward at the next Board Meeting and/or vote to remove items completely from the list.
19. Public Comment
Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals who wish to address the Board are asked to indicate their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. Individuals wishing to address the Board at this time will be limited to one and a half minutes. The Board is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that are not already on the agenda.
20. Adjournment
(*) Times are estimated. Items on the Agenda may be taken out of order. The Board of Trustees may combine two or more agenda items for consideration, and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. Generally speaking, the item will be heard no earlier than the time indicated.
If copies of the complete agenda (and supporting materials) are desired in advance, they may be obtained at the District Office on the Friday or Monday preceding a regular Tuesday meeting of the Board. Please contact the District Office at 775-782-5134 or Suptoffice@dcsd.k12.nv.us. Notice to Individuals with Disabilities: Members of the public who require special assistance or accommodations are asked to notify the District Administration at 1638 Mono Avenue, Minden, Nevada, 89423, or by calling 782-5134, so that such notification is received at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting. In conformance with the Open Meeting Law, it is hereby noted that the agenda for the meeting of the Douglas County School Board of Trustees has been posted at the following locations: Douglas County School District, Minden, NV District website: www.dcsd.k12.nv.us State of Nevada website: https://notice.nv.gov |